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In the year 2003,

 Demond Comics will yet again venture off into new and unmarked territory. The transformation from small press local comic book to world-wide acclaim has begun and will be completed very soon. Audiences has grown and the demand for Demond has too. 

  1. In the year 2003,  you will really get a glance of Demond's future with plenty of projects lined up for everyone's enjoyment. The second great installment of Demond Comics will be released and put on display at Back Porch Comics, comic book convention in Columbus, Ohio April 5, 2003.
  2.  Also, Demond Comics will premier the cartoon release of Demond on the internet. The cartoon is in the works now, but be patient because my staff is working extremely hard on finishing this project. It is going to be GREAT! The date for this release will be announced on the Demond Comic's website. So keep your eyes and ears open. 
  3. People have asked for it and now you got it. A video game is on the way. It began last year in December  and will be released on computer first and then to gaming systems later. 
  4. Also later this year be on the look-out for the first ever released issue of Demond in traditional comic book form. These comic books are going to be released on a monthly basis in full color. So check it out.
  5.  A possible thirty minute television show may be in the works in the Cincinnati area on public access channels. The program layout will consist of a quick drawing tutorial or flash lessons, a cartoon, and a guest local artist with their tips and techniques. It will also feature fresh new music from up and coming artists playing in the background.
  6.  The biggest project of all in the year 2003 is a live action movie that will be in the works. You haven't seen a bigger adventure with thrills, fun, excitement and the works until you have seen this movie. Movie talks are being discussed. Now, if all goes well, we will have a classic you will have to get. 

I told you this will be a big year for Demond. The fan base is growing extremely fast and the people are demanding more, so we are working around the clock to give the fans what they want and that's more Demond Comics. If you want to find out what all the hype is about, then order the first interactive CD-ROM from Demond Comics. Also, you can come aboard by purchasing the freshest gear, like: t-shirts, hats, and more. Don't be the last to find out about the wave of  future. Get yours now! 

Order online on the products page or  send out for your free information at 

Demond Comics 

P.O. Box 141060 

Cincinnati Ohio    45250

Demond is here to set his claim as the best comic book in 2003.

Feel free to take a break from being bored and let Demond show you around. I guarantee you'll have fun.

Hey check it out! Demond Comics owner Antonio Hutton has been featured on 3 TV shows. Antonio's been around town promoting his book and has been seen on Channel 12 twice and on a thirty minute public access show. He's also been around speaking on how to get started in the business of doing comics and interactive books at various locations. He's held seminars nationwide. His last stops were Houston TX, Columbus OH, Naples FL and San Mateo CA. When his fledgling business took off back in 1997 he started with no car, now he has eight company cars. Thanks to the fans who love Demond Comics, he's been able to grow and is constantly promoting Demond for everyone to enjoy. Isn't that great!!! Keep up the good work and good luck.    

And also check out the new Demond Comics products on sale at an all new low price for the new year. Get yours while supplies last.

Hey enter Demond Comics chat room and talk about "Demond" or your favorite comics book series. You can even post or trade your own pictures and they'll be shown on the this web site and on Demond comics yahoo group.



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