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My Def Leppard Conert Experience

Euphoria Tour,Aug. 3rd, 1999, Paso Robles, Ca.

I went to the Aug. 3rd, 1999 Def Leppard Euphoria concert. It was in Paso Robles, California, at the California Mid State Fair. The show time was 8pm in the Grandstand Arena. My friend and I had floor seating and we also had tickets for the grandstand seats. We chose to sit on the floor first. We waited and waited to see Def Leppard appear on the stage. Every time someone thought they'd see something on the stage, everyone would stand up to see what was going on. There were many false alarms!

Finally, Def Leppard made their grand entrace to the stage. Everyone clapped and stood for them. They started to play, and my friend and I only being about 5'6...could not see over peoples heads! We stayed at the floor seats for about half the concert. The other half we went up to our grandstand seats.

The whole concert was great. It was our first Def Leppard concert. I was amazed at how good they sound in concert. Most bands don't even sound like their albums, but Def Leppard is a great live and recording band!

Durring the concert, Def Leppard collected stuff that was givin to them by fans. They had 1 British flag that Joe waved around for a bit. They also got a shirt that had a British flag on it. Then they got 3 bras thrown to them. They hung them up on the microphone stands. It was quite funny how Sav and Phil would pick up the bras with either 2 fingers or the heads of their guitars! Ha ha.

When they left the stage, no one left their seats. We all were shouting for more. Finally, they came back up on stage. Joe took the mic and said something about how he is happy to see that not everyone is into that dark depressing music that seems to be so popular now, people can still have fun and be happy! Then they played their encore.

It was such a good show. I wish that this wasn't their ONLY West Coast appearance. If Def Leppard did more concerts around California, I'd be at every one! Joe promised us another album and tour while he was on stage. I can't wait! You know, they don't make promises that they can't keep!


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Page Created: 8 - 9 - 99

Page Updated: 7 - 13 - 00

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