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With the right SKILLS there's no telling how HIGH YOU can GO

Welcome to Yancy's Page!

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This is a site dedicated to help others seeking microsoft certifications. This site includes some of the documents link to other site that might help you on your way to MCSE Certification.

Remember : Almost all information on this site is copied from other sites (in case those sites go down, please let me know). If you find anything which should not be here, let me know.   If you want credit, let me know. 

If there is something you would like to see here, or if there is something that needs updated or changed, please e-mail it to me. I invites contributions or good links from the surfer which will be properly acknowledged.

MCSE Guide List


Good luck,
Yancy De Leon
License : CCNA, MCT, MCP, MCP+I, MCSE, MCSE+I, CNA4, CNA5, A+ Certified

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Success Is Always The Result OF Intelligent Efforts, Never An Accident

News on Becoming an MCSE

Retirement of Exams
Microsoft announces worldwide retirement of four Microsoft Certified Professional exams.

New Microsoft Windows 95 Exam in Development
Exam 70-064: Implementing and Supporting Microsoft® Windows® 95 is now in development, updating the skill set measured. Related course information is available on the exam's status page.

Microsoft Proxy Server exam available in beta!
Exam 70-088, Implementing and Supporting Microsoft® Proxy Server 2.0, is available in its beta version December 4-10. Registration begins December 3.

Register for Exams Online!
You can now register online, any time of day, for Microsoft certification exams.

Download New Practice Tests Now!
Practice tests for exams on Microsoft® Windows® Architecture I, Developing Applications with Microsoft® Visual Basic® 5.0, System Administration for Microsoft® SQL Server™ 6.5, and others are now available!

Systems Management Server Exam Live!
Exam 70-018, Implementing and Supporting Microsoft® Systems Management Server 1.2, is available beginning November 21!

Check ‘em Out: Simulation Exam Items
The Microsoft certification program is offering a sample of a new exam item type under evaluation. Download them now!

For MCPs Only: New Secured Area Opens
Use your MCP ID number to enter this new secured area and gain access to logos and other MCP benefits.

Microsoft Certified Professional Program Introduces New Logos, Brand Identity

Microsoft Announces New Benefits for MCPs

Last updated:   24 February 99
Comments, suggestions, death threats and study notes should be directed to