A SCARLET LOVE LETTER a beautiful passionate love letter
The Scarlet Love Letter
I live each day in Hope and if I could,
I’d pray every minute of everyday that I could be with you,
and I could spend each waking moment looking into your eyes,
and expressing my eternal love for you.
Each person that passes by,
My heart skips a beat,
Any moment now,
I Hope it is You, and it is your face I look up at,
And hope it is your eyes I look into.
I know where to find you, yet my feet will not take me in that path.
The fear of the unknown,
The pain of rejection has anchored me to solid ground.
Alas! Another day goes by, and I return to my haven,
a recluse, where I can sit in despair
And yet that faint hue of hope,
that lies somewhere deep in my heart,
NO! Wait! Not in my heart, but in my soul,
That feeling of anticipation that flickers, sometimes,
like the flame of a candle
caught by an unexpected draft.
Another day begins, today my hopes are stronger,
What seemed like a faint shadow of your image,
Imbedded in my mind yesterday,
Today it is branded in my heart,
which only yesterday was an 'abyss'
filled with the longing of your look.
Like a brook in search of a stream,
A lake in search of a river, a ship without a hull,
So is my LIFE, my LOVE, without you!
Riding the stormy waves, not losing sight of the calm horizon
I continue each day, waiting and hoping,
following the beam of light,
cast across the ocean by the Lighthouse, showing me the way…
The anguish and pain combined with 'Hope and Faith
Of each new day, gives me reason to continue on~~~
The path that leads me to you!
By Camille

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