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The Risks and Costs of Cleaning up Hazardous Waste Dumps Need to be Reassessed

<center> Introduction


With the onset of the Industrial Revolution in the beginning of the 20th century came the beginning of the production of hazardous waste in America. It was not until the 1970’s that laws were finally enacted to control the hazardous wastes generated by industries and chemical companies throughout the nation. There were already laws in place that were enacted in the 1960’s as a result of the environmental movement (The Clean Air and The Clean Water Acts). However, there was still a need to dispose of hazardous wastes in a safe manner. This was to be controlled by the enactment of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) in October of 1976. This act was to protect human health and environment, and to reduce or eliminate the generation of hazardous waste. However, one subtitle of the act deals with hazardous waste directly, and that is Subtitle C .

Our intention with this web page is to open awareness to the facts about hazardous waste. In our opinion and through our research we have come to the conclusion that - Yes, the risks and costs of hazardous waste need to be reassessed. Within our page you will find the description of hazardous waste and how it is generated. There will be a discussion about pesticides, and links with more detailed information. Also we will discuss how the government in conjunction with the EPA is involved and we will have links to its cleanup site-Superfund. Finally, we will discuss the health hazards involved and ways to prevent the onslaught of hazardous waste.

The Four Main Types of Hazardous Waste-Designated by the RCRA

How is Hazardous Waste Generated?

Pesticides and their Effect on Hazardous Waste

The Costs and Risks of Hazardous Waste

The Superfund Site

Love Canal - A Hazardous Waste Tragedy

Health Hazards

Pollution Prevention


This page is created and maintained by K.C. Filippino, Carrie DeSimone, Ei-Thet(Ethel) Yang

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