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30S-1 Service information

All credit to Al - K8EUR, CCA AC98-00768 for this information. If your 30S-1 wont key, before you push the panic button, check a couple of things. The way the relays gets their keying voltage is by rectifying the AC voltage from the RED pilot lamp circuit. If the RED lamp lights when you turn on the high voltage, then you know the AC circuit is OK. The AC voltage is rectified by CR206, filtered by C211A, and connected to one side of the antenna changeover relays K101 and K-205 (yes, there are two relays). When you ground the other side with the Ant Relay jack, the relays should operate. One relay switches the high power RF and the other switches the driver. When they are deenergized, the driver looks straight through the amplifier. When energized, the cutoff bias is removed from the final tube so it will draw idling current, and amplifier is switched into the antenna circuit. 1. If RED lamp lights, AC is OK. 2. With RED lamp on, see if DC voltage is present at the Ant Relay jack. If not, relay coil or coils could be open, or diode/filter may be bad. If yes, then grounding the jack should key the both relays. 3. A little care should be exercised to check the DC voltage at the rectifier filter junction. This voltage should be present on terminal 3 of TB104. 4. If all voltages check OK, but it still won't key, be sure to check both relay coils. While this troubleshooting isn't a two minute job, it may save you from buying expensive parts you may not need, until you are sure where the problem is. Replacing T-102 There is now an exact replacement for the 30S-1 ALC transformer T-102. This is available from Peter W. Dahl Co., Inc. 5869 Waycross Ave. El Paso, TX 79924 Their URL is: Peter has advised that the is will carry the nomenclature Collins 30S-1 ALC XFMR, its part number will be 98567 and the price will be $115.00. A little history: The ALC transformer T-102 in the control grid circuit of the 4CX1000A final amplifier tube is used to monitor the modulation envelope and provide an isolated voltage to the 12AL5 ALC rectifier/voltage doubler. The resultant ALC voltage provides a negative feedback to the 32S-x or KWM-x exciter to correctly limit the drive power. This limiting action prevents overdriving the amplifier and helps maintain linearity and low IMD products. A common catastrophic failure mode for the 4CX1000A was that the internal electrodes failed mechanically, and B+ was momentarily shorted into the control grid circuit. This internal arcing generally blew the T-102 ALC transformer. Because of the zero control grid dissipation rating of the glass grid 4CX1000A, it is extremely important that the ALC circuit be functional. One of the benefits of the 4CX1500B substitution is the tube's more substantial internal construction (with some control grid dissipation rating), and that it rarely fails except from old age. Unfortunately, many 30S-1s are being run without ALC because of a blown T-102 transformer - or with a non-standard replacement. The aim is to keep the 30S-1 in nearly original condition for best performance and to keep its value high since it is unmodified. The original Collins design specification using this transformer never anticipated the catastrophic failure mode of the 4CX1000A. Dahl's analysis of the original transformer design concluded that it used paper insulation between windings and the frame - a very marginal low voltage approach - that could easily fail in an overvoltage situation. Dahl's replacement uses nylon flanges between windings for a greater breakdown voltage rating. I encourage everyone to check their 30S-1 for the correct transformer and proper ALC operation, and consider replacing the blown/incorrect transformer with the new Dahl replacement. The value of this Collins classic will certainly be enhanced more than the cost of the Dahl transformer. I would be remiss if I didn't again mention the importance of spectral purity and the inherent good linearity when ALC is utilized. Replacing the T-102 ALC transformer: Below is my recommended procedure for replacing this transformer. It will also give you the opportunity to check the dial cord condition in the tuning and loading circuits, replace burned-out pilot lamps and blow out some dust! PROCEDURE FOR REPLACING T-102 ALC TRANSFORMER IN THE 30S-1 AMPLIFIER The ALC transformer T-102 is located in the upper front left corner of the final amplifier enclosure, and access to the wiring is gained by opening the hinged lid. To replace the transformer, follow the steps in the 30S-1 manual to remove the front panel: 1. Unplug the amplifier power cord, since this procedure may allow you to contact primary AC power. 2. Using the proper Bristol wrench, remove the knobs from the tuning and loading controls and the bandswitch. 3. Remove the seven (7) flat head gray trim screws securing the front panel to the cabinet. These screws are arranged across the top front (qty. 3) and bottom front (qty. 4) edges of the cabinet. The power supply front cover must be removed to gain access to the bottom screws. Do not loosen the screws at the sides of the cabinet. 4. Remove the front panel from the cabinet, exposing the subpanel and dial drive assemblies. Allow the panel to gently dangle from its wiring harness, or rest it on a chair seat in front of the amplifier. This permits access to the mounting hardware for T-102, which now may be loosened by working from both the front subpanel and through the top lid. Marking the wires for proper placement to terminals 1-2-3-4, unsolder them from the old transformer, physically replace the transformer and solder the new leads to the appropriate terminals. (It may be easier to perform the soldering operation to the new transformer before physical replacement.) 5. Replace the front panel by reversing the above steps. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Finally, thanks to Peter W. Dahl for helping supply exact replacement parts, which will help keep this classic piece of Collins equipment operating in original condition well into the next century.
Service Bulletins 30S-1 RF Linear Amplifier PUB NO. NOTE DATE DESCRIPTION SB 1 6/21/61 To Increase Operating Life of PA Tube SB 2 11/1/69 Prevent Intermittent Dropout of Plate Overload Relay SB 3 11/1/69 Reduce Excessive ALC Control SIL 0-59 10/14/59 Loading of 30S-1 Amplifier SIL 0-60 2/15/60 What's Watt With SSB Return to index.