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Matt "Cuffy" Myers

Just recently, I became the last veteran drummer of Jewett-Scio because the graduating of my brother Barton, the head snare. Yes, their are other elder drummers like me, but none of them have been their just quite as long as me, if you want to know why this is, read my link.

I am the only tenor player, but am able to play any percussion instrument. With my first year playing snare and second playing bass I was ready and waiting for this last season's incredible challenge. For being one of the smaller tenor players that has ever played in the band I had a huge role to contend with and so far up to this point I have accomplished my task.

I have been around the band since I was in the fifth grade. Beginning as a band helper, I got really attached to the huge outstanding group. In my free time I had from being the helper I tried to learn how to play the percussion instruments. At that time our band still used tritoms instead of the quads. Unfortunately, they were getting old and our band needed to get into the age. That is the first drum I ever played and I loved them. In the future even without the J-S Band to help, I plan to take our drumline to a further level of kick ass, but right now I am trying to keep the final hope and pride of the band going strong. Now since there will be no next year I am going to kick ass until the end!

I personally learned from some of the best Jewett-Scio has ever created, and if you aren't sure about some things come listen to our drumline play and maybe that will clear it up for you. The cadence's we play will blow you out of your seat. We make them up our selves so if you can match them in any way just go ahead and try. I'd love to see it happen. I try to dedicate my life to this page as much as I can,I listen to music, and play my quads,and hang out with my friends, but that is about it! I am always trying to make up a new cadence so that is nothing new. Why, because drums are my life. This past year we kicked ass more than ever before. In the past we have had an awesome band running up to 120 people. Size is not a matter though, our band found that out this past year by marching only a small number of 50 people and we still kicked ass! A good many things have changed this past season, but not our style of playing.

I understand now that their aren't enough people that care about our school and our Band! This is why next season J-S will seize to exist. We will have consolidated with the other two schools in our district and become the Harrison Central Huskies. But as long as I am around whether it is to play or just to help out I will never let the J-S Marching Viking Drumline Tradition DIE!!!! We will kick ass until the end. I love my school and I don't want to see it go, but no matter what happens the tradition and pride will live on forever!

I'd like to thank Guns N'Roses and Counting Crows for inspiring me with their wisdom and music! Crows GN'R you guys rule!!!!!!!

Look me up on ICQ also under CuFFy!
