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Jordon "Ezra" Wenner

Jordon "Ezra" Wenner the gorilla in our monkey-drummin, apeshitin, ass kickin bassline is our own personal wicked, crazy, wild man. This boy has more facial hair than Bigfoot himself. Ezra having the body structure of a bass player just shows he can kick the tail right off any other wussy bassdrummer. (During the parade at our Niagara trip when Ezra went over on his head, his harness snapped in half, and he marched the rest of the parade with just the claws of the harness keeping it together). You can't tell me that ain't a real man. He sure knows how to beat the bonkers out of his kick ass Yamaha bass drum. He has been a part of our drumline for three years now and this Sophomore never quits. Ezra still has two more years with us and he along with the rest of us plans to make them kick ass. This one of a kind jungle man is "God of the Bass." "I'd watch out at times Ezra doesn't like to be messed with so I'd watch my actions if I were around him!" Ezra would like to thank his one and only love Darcy Hirschbach for her inspiration toward the band and especially toward him! She personally knows the pride and tradition of the drumline and knows the risks we take to get what we want to make our line perfect! Ezra keep it thumping!!!!!!