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Travis Hooper

Travis Hooper the "Ox" in our band. This animal is a real bass player. He is the combination of a Freight Train and a Mack Truck! Ox is doing whatever has to be done in a second to keep our drumline in perfect kick ass condition. He is a huge thing for his age, but is still our wild bassline's middle man. In one of last seasons feature songs "Birdland" Hooper and Ez rolled over on their heads in a hand stand position upside down and played during the solo. Now you try to get any ordinary bass player to do that sort of a stunt without them breaking their neck. I'm glad I am a friend of Ox's because for one he is really cool to be around and second because he can kick some major ass! Ox knows how to get shit done! Hooper does get a little to wild sometimes and accidentally destroys something we need, but it is usually nothing we can't handle. We all love you HOOPER and we know next year you will be even better than you ever were before! Keep up the Tradition!!!
