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Dusty Stark

Dusty is one of our three apeshitin-monkey drumin, ass kickin bass players. He is the smallest of the three, but still keeps it rockin. This chimpanzee can sure smack the bitch out of his bass. Dusty knows what has to be done in our band and without a problem does it to his own personal perfection. In our apeshit cadence he is the starting bass and when it comes time he sure knows how to pound the hell out of it! Over his three years of being a Marching Viking Drummer this was definitely his most prosporous season yet. Thanks to Dusty's great attitude and dedication toward the drumline we are all pepped and ready to go ever perfomance. This really was the year to be a viking drummer. This is just to bad Dusty and the rest of the drumline won't get to march for the J-S Band next year or ever again! Even though we will be Huskies next year, nothing will hold us back from being ourselves and playing to our full potential.
