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Bree Tullis

Bree is one of the younger members in the drumline. This feline plays the snare like a fiend. Being the youngest and the only girl in the percussion section she handles her job with precision. She can take care of herself and she knows how to play. Playing in a drumline like the MVD that has many untouchable cadence is not an easy task. It takes a lot of dedication and responsibility and this girl has it. Bree like most of us started in fifth grade. Slowly, but gradually catching on to ever little beat,but now can kick some major ass. In a few years at the new school Bree will be able to hold it together herself. Now being with the other nine male drummers for almost a year Bree shows that she is not any ordinary female child, she can play like a true man like the rest of us. She is able to compete with any drummer from anywhere why, because she in the MVD. Bree Tullis you are one hell of a girl and one hell of a damn drummer! Never lose the drumline touch, because that is a real talent!
