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Barton Myers

This link is dedicated to the final graduate from the Jewett-Scio Marching Viking Drumline! We will miss you next year and we will never forget your time and dedication you gave for our benefit. Thanks Barton!
Barton Myers was the head snare of the Marching Viking Drumline. He was the eldest drummer, began marching in the 8th grade playing snare. He definitely deserved getting it then, and he definitely deserved the Head Snare position this year. He was a born leader, our leader, pushing everyone in the drumline to be their personal best. Barton with his intense way of handling things really knew how to keep the drumline of the Viking band organized! We will really miss his leadership next year when the rest of us are at the new school. I know Barton will be proud of his Drumline in the following years no matter what happens to the group. He will always stick by our side and he will always be a true Marching Viking Drummer. Barton you are the greatest leader and friend anyone drummer could have. "It won't be the same without you next year Bart." Have fun at the College of Wooster and remember "Nothing is ever gone until it is forgotten!"
