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Andrew Turner

Andrew Turner is a one of the last returning drummers left. The last of a dying breed, you could say. This is this Sophomore's second year playing snare. This year his snare is equiped with a mounted cymbal.

Band has provided a ton of good times for me that I never would have never had otherwise. I would like to thank Metallica, Guns n' Roses, and Acidic OverDrive for the inspiration to live. Without them, life would be dull. I would also like to thank Vanilla Ice for being such a great guy. If you ever come to a party at my house, I suggest you don't bring your stereo or it would probably get blown up like Charlie's and Jordon's.

If you don't know what I look like, I am the dude in the middle of the pic with my arms around the guys.

Keep it Real!
