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Linking Up...

This is what the webring link will look like once you've cut and pasted the html below onto your site:

This Awesome

xXx Rainbow Punk, Ska & Swing Ring xXx

site is owned by --yourname--.

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Here's the exact following steps you take to completeing your "membership" at our awesome place:

1) COPY the html fragment below and paste it on your site.
2) Fill in all the wacky things in there like:

--yourmail-- changes to your actual mailing addie. --yourname-- changes to your name (zeke for instance) --id-- changes to your site id (ex: 1 or 5 )

3) email ME at and I will go check out your site, make sure you have the full fragment there and so on, then i will add you to the sites lineup, and email you letting you rawkin person know, of course...and then you're done! Not too shabby!
Here's The Info for you to copy directly wherever you want it:
