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SuperDan wishes you a great day! I didn't update the page for a while. Sorry, but I am trying to get my M.A. I hope to be able to be creative soon again! Meanwhile, to view my more recent "Career-Page" please click here.

Guten Tach! To see more, click on links in "SuperDan's Universe" below!

If you can't decipher my artfully made Universe - you can get my detailed link list by clicking here.

...didn't mean to be happy...Dan knows.what Scompy (my evil compaq notebook)does to me.

...a simple bar

new!Check out the freshest link on this page! Pictures of my 1999 vacation. Florida Keys! Florida link

new! For those who are just really interested in what I do if I don't screw up webpages, look at my ARTSY experiments...Yeah..Black and White Photos that are really deep and meaningful :-) click here for ART.

Here are all the links - You should load this image

Mail to Daniela Sutor by clicking on Mail Icon
