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Starship Classes from Deep Space Nine

Name                	Reg.code            	Class              	Captain	Status         		Episode
USS Armstrong       	-                   	-                  	-            	-               -
USS Bellerephon     	NCC-62048    		Nebula             	-            	Destroyed   	-
USS Cochrane        	NCC-59318       	Oberth             	-            	-               	-
USS Crockett        	NCC-38955         	Excelsior          	-            	-               -
USS Defiant          	NX-74205           	Defiant            	Sisko        	-               	-
USS Drake           	-                   	-                  	-            	-               -
USS Farragut        	NCC-60597      		Nebula             	-            	Destroyed   	-
USS Ganges          	NCC-72454     		Danube Runabout		-            	Destroyed   	Past Prologue
USS Lakota          	NCC-42788 refit 	R.Excelsior        	Benteen      	-               -
USS Malinche        	NCC-34099     		Excelsior          	Sanders      	-               -
USS Maryland        	-                   	-                  	-            	Lost            -
USS Mekong          	NCC-72914       	Danube Runabout		-            	-               	-
USS Melbourne       	NCC-62043     		Excelsior          	-            	Destroyed   	-
USS Odyssey         	NCC-71832        	Galaxy             	Keogh        	Destroyed   	-
USS Okinawa         	-                   	-                  	Leyton       	-               -
USS Orinoco         	NCC-72905       	Danube Runabout		-            	Destroyed   	-
USS Portland        	-                   	-                  	-            	-               -
USS Prometheus      	NCC-71201        	Nebula             	-            	-               -
USS Proxima         	-                   	-                  	-            	Lost            
USS Rio Grande      	NCC-72452       	Danube Runabout		-            	-               	Battle Lines, Emissary
USS Rubicon         	-                   	Danube Runabout		-            	-               	
USS Sarajevo        	-                   	-                  	-            	Lost            -
USS Saratoga        	NCC-31911       	R.Miranda          	-            	Destroyed   	Emissary
USS Tecumseh        	-                   	-                  	Raymond      	-               -
USS Ulysses         	-                   	-                  	Intebi       	-               -
USS Valdemar        	NCC-26198     		Ambassador      	-            	-               -
USS Yangtzee Kiang 	NCC-79453      		Danube Runabout    	-            	-               	-
USS Venture         	-                   	Galaxy             	-            	-               -
USS Volga           	-                   	Danube Runabout		-            	-               	-
USS Yangtzee Kiang  	NCC-79453      		Danube Runabout    	-            	-               Emissary, Past Prologue	
USS Yeager          	-                   	-                  	-            	-               -
USS Yukon           	-                   	Danube Runabout		-            	Destroyed  	-

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