Imaynata by JR e-mail: Completed February 10, 1998. Originally published in the zine ‘852 Prospect’ available from The Presses ( Written in season 3, this story takes place in the aftermath of the episode ‘Girl Next Door.’ ***DO NOT POST, ARCHIVE, ETC WITHOUT THE CONSENT OF THE AUTHOR*** Disclaimer: Jim, Blair, Simon, and everyone else you recognize are owned by UPN and Pet Fly Productions and are used without their permission. This story is not intended to infringe upon any copyrights, nor is any profit being made from it. All feedback is not only welcomed, but nicely begged for. ~~~~*~~~~*~~~~*~~~~*~~~~ ‘Imaynata.’ It was at the dinner table that those words once again popped into my head. Blair had cooked another one of his exotic, looks-like-something -from-the-bottom-of- a-shoe-but-doesn’t-taste-half-baked meals. It was a shame I was too lost in my thoughts to enjoy either the food or the company. ‘Imaynata.’ Four simple syllables in an obscure tribal language, forming a simple question that would forever change my life. I can still see that moment as plain as day: Incacha bleeding to death on my sofa here in Cascade. He was the Chopec shaman who found me when my helicopter crashed all those years ago in Peru. The man who tended my wounds, who taught me to be what I was destined to be, a sentinel. Incacha took me into his tribe, into his hut, and one night, into his bed. I had forgotten most of what happened to me during those eighteen months after I was rescued and returned back to civilization. I don’t think I’ll ever know whether I blocked those memories out on purpose, or if my mind shut them away as some kind of coping mechanism. Whatever the cause, for over five years they stayed hidden in some far recess of my mind along with all of my sentinel abilities. ‘Imaynata.’ When my heightened senses returned, I thought I was losing my mind, until an annoying little grad student showed up and told me he knew exactly what was happening to me. The little con-artist. ‘Had a vague idea’ would have been a more accurate description. Somehow, he managed to worm his way into my job, my home, and my heart. Now, I can’t imagine my life without him in it. ‘Imaynata.’ I couldn’t stop thinking about it. No matter what I tried to do to distract myself, I just kept coming back to it. I got irritated when I couldn’t get the words out of my head, and when I get irritated it’s my nature to take it out on whoever happens to be unlucky enough to be around me at the time. And who else was around me more often than Sandburg was? I’d been blowing up at him pretty regularly over the past couple of weeks. We’d both been hit with so much in such a short period of time. Between Incacha’s death, that little stunt Sandburg pulled by withholding evidence during that basketball case, and finally chasing my Guide over what seemed like most of the State of Washington after getting kidnapped by a girl he’d asked was probably safe to say that I was just a little tense. The crazy part was that none of those things were the reason I’d been so short-tempered with the kid lately. ‘Imaynata.’ It was reason enough. It wasn’t as though Sandburg didn’t have a lot to agonize over in his own right. Just a few days earlier, his poor taste in women caught up with him. Sandburg was kidnapped and passed around by this grungy girl named Iris and her little drug-dealing friends like an unwanted stepchild. And believe it or not, that was only a minor problem in his life as of late. No, Sandburg still had bigger issues on his mind. He was still feeling guilty about the murder of his friend, Janet. He blamed himself for asking her to get involved in one of our investigations; and when she tried to give us the information she uncovered, she was killed for it. As if that wasn’t bad enough, Incacha passed the way of the Shaman over to Blair as he was dying. Sandburg didn’t mention it after that day, but I could easily see the unease he felt with receiving such a legacy. Not half as uncomfortable as I felt about it. ‘Imaynata.’ Sandburg was silent as he finished clearing the table. Moving the short distance into the kitchen, he started filling the sink with hot water. It was a routine that we followed almost nightly. One of us does the dishes while the other clears the table. Usually, Sandburg fills the time by talking about some aspect of his day; whether it’s about some new test he thought up to torture me with at some point, or about his classes, or even the case assigned to us; his mouth is always running at light speed. That night, however, he never uttered a word. And when Blair ‘I-could-talk-to-a-post- and-get-its-life-history-in-ten-minutes’ Sandburg gets withdrawn and quiet, it’s a safe assumption that something is drastically wrong in his universe. A quick glance at the kitchen showed that Sandburg had not only finished washing the dishes, he had dried them and completely cleaned up the hundred or so pots he had used to cook the unpronounceable meal he’d prepared. With no other chores to distract us, and hours before it was appropriate to escape to the safety of my bed, the same feeling of unease that I’d been experiencing for the past couple weeks crept back over me. I was alone with Sandburg. Damn. He moved back to the couch and picked up the stack of term papers he was grading. With nothing else to do, I crossed over to the windows to stare out over the bay. Anything to avoid looking at or speaking to Sandburg. Putting up the front that everything was A-okay took a lot more out of me than I wanted to admit. Now, without any distractions to keep me from the edge, I knew it wouldn’t take much for the kid to set off the tension that had been building inside me for the past three weeks. More importantly, I knew myself well enough to know that my unease would come out as uncontrollable anger. ‘Imaynata.’ I can still hear myself shouting the word over and over to Incacha. I desperately needed an answer before he bled to death, yet I was terrified that he would tell me what I already knew. The word echoed in my head, only this time in English. ‘How? How could I take him?’ ~~~~*~~~~*~~~~*~~~~*~~~~ Despite my need for quiet, I’ve always hated uncomfortable silences. There is a difference between the two; the former comes from peace and tranquillity, whereas the latter is simply when you have something to say, but don’t know how. So there we were, Sandburg and I, neither of us knowing what to say to the other. It used to be like this when he first moved into the loft. Before I learned to tune the kid out at will, Sandburg used to chatter incessantly anytime we were in the same room, a habit that got on my nerves quite frequently. Once he figured out how annoying constant sound was to someone with sentinel hearing, he did his best to give me absolute quiet. Always extremes with Sandburg. The problem was that silence was *not* a natural thing for the kid, and having to maintain it set *him* on edge. It took awhile to find a balance, but like everything else about the two of us, we did it eventually. Who’da thought? Certainly not me at the beginning. I mean, think about it. Here was this kid, who had basically invited himself into my home -- not that I put up much of fight about it. A neo-hippie from a world that was totally alien to me. How do you communicate with someone that is separated from you by a generation gap wider than the freakin’ Mississippi? I was his lab-rat, for all intents and purposes. The way he used to watch me so closely, not only irritated the hell out of me, it made me wonder exactly when he was going to start walking around in a white lab coat, carrying a clipboard. Then a funny thing happened. Well, it wasn’t really funny; it was more like terrifying. A psycho named David Lash kidnapped Sandburg. I can still remember the moment I realized that things had changed drastically between Sandburg and me. It happened right after I busted into the loft to find it in shambles. It was the moment when I realized that Sandburg was gone, taken by a homicidal maniac who had already killed at least five other people. That’s when I realized that at some point, Blair had become one of the most important people in my life. When I raced down to the station, the only thing that I kept thinking about was how much I would miss him -- his inane chatter of all things trivial and obscure; his half-assed attempts to live up to my house rules; his strange, exotic cooking. And most of all, I would simply miss the friend who was always there for me no matter what, no questions asked. After we got Sandburg back safe and sound, things started to change more rapidly. Despite all of Sandburg’s annoying habits that bugged the shit out of me, we started to gradually get closer. There was only one thing that really bothered me, though. No matter what angle I looked at it from, I couldn’t understand why the kid stayed. Even the dissertation thing didn’t seem to cut it for me. I mean what paper could possibly be worth all of the injuries, all the shit that he willingly went through just to be at my side? From what I’d seen from the kid, ‘commitment impaired’ is a major understatement. Hell, having to choose a pair of socks in the morning is almost enough to make him run screaming from a room. I watched him bounce around from project to project at school, not to mention woman to woman in his social life. Sometimes I wondered whether or not he would leave skid marks if one of his girlfriends wanted to make a date any longer than a week in advance. The point I’m trying to make -- yes, there is one-- is that from what I’d seen of Sandburg’s behavior, the thought of him leaving was always in the back of my mind. I used to have nightmares about it; dreams where I would come home from work to find all of his things gone from the loft. Each difficult case, I wondered if it would be the one where the kid decided he’d finally had enough, had his life endangered one too many times by my job. Not that I could blame him. With some of the things he’s been through, not to mention the shit he puts up with at the station, I’m surprised he didn’t make tracks after three weeks in my dirty little world. I’ll say one thing for Sandburg; he’s a tenacious son of a bitch when he wants to be. For some reason unknown to me, he stayed. And with each new day and each new case, my fear of abandonment slid further and further into the back of my mind. And then the shit hit the fan. The trust we had managed to establish was sorely tested a year ago when Sandburg got the offer to go on that expedition to Borneo. I swear to God, even the time Carolyn told me she had filed for divorce didn’t hit me as hard as the news that the kid was seriously considering the offer. I felt like someone had just removed my heart through my nose. For the first time since my senses came back on-line, I was absolutely terrified of something. I was afraid of losing him. Maybe I shouldn’t have been so worried. Jesus, every time I think back to that moment when I looked up and saw the kid tumbling out of the fuselage of that cargo plane screaming my name in absolute terror, I can only shake my head in wonder. I was never so glad to have him around as when my senses started going on the fritz once we were in the jungle. Even though Sandburg felt helpless, just having him there to listen calmed me immeasurably. I never told Sandburg that the threat of his departure was why my Sentinel abilities fritzed out in the first place. Okay, I see I need to give an explanation for that last comment. I don’t know how to explain it, but I *need* to have a guide to function as a sentinel. The real reason I lost my abilities when I returned back to civilization was that Incacha was no longer there to act in that capacity for me. That’s also why they reemerged on the Switchman case. Now, I’ve never been one to give much credence to spiritual mumbo-jumbo, but when a black panther keeps showing up out of the blue, it tends to make a man reconsider his beliefs. My spirit guide knew that Blair was out there, waiting to find me. Something else happened to me out there in the jungle. My spirit guide told me that I had to make a choice of whether or not to accept my sentinel abilities; and if I did, it would cost me my soul. I knew at the time the price I was going to be required to pay. It was Blair. I knew that if we made it back to civilization, there was no way I was going to let him go on that trip, no matter what means I had to use to keep him with me. With my decision made, most of the memories of my 18 months in Peru came back to me as well. I remembered some of the details that I had all but forgotten, including Incacha and the night we bonded ourselves to each other as Sentinel and Guide. I’d never needed to take that step with Sandburg, thank God. As devoutly heterosexual as he is, I didn’t think he’d be too thrilled with the concept. After all, he’d been acting as my guide for over a year without taking that final step. I never had the heart to tell him just how much more we could be if we did, though. At the time I was more worried about getting Simon and his son, Daryl, back to safety; so I let the matter drop. I decided to deal with it once we got back to Cascade. As it turns out, I didn’t have much to worry about. “It’s about friendship,” he said when we returned. Never in my life have three little words meant so much to me. Blair turned down the expedition of his own accord once we returned to Cascade. I can still remember the exact moment perfectly; the scratches on his face from the jungle, the seriousness in those amazing eyes of his, even the rich timbre of his voice. But most importantly, I remember the absolute feeling of relief I felt when I heard those words and knew that he wasn’t going to leave me. Something happened in that moment; something that, no matter how hard I tried in the year that followed, I could never really understand. With that simple statement, all of what Sandburg would refer to as ‘my cosmic tumblers’ clicked into place. I took those words to mean that the kid was making his version of a commitment to me, that he was in this for more than a paper. At the time, I thought it was enough. In some respects, it was. Over the next few months that followed, our friendship steadily grew stronger. Built on the foundation of our relationship as Sentinel and Guide, each case, each obstacle, even each woman brought us closer and closer together. It’s a tricky thing to explain, our friendship. We are so many things to each other; sentinel and guide, partners, teacher and student, older brother, younger brother, hell, sometimes even father and son. I like to think we learn from each other. I’ve done my best to teach him responsibility and give him the structure he seemed to need, even though he wasn’t aware of it. In return he’s taught me to relax and enjoy some of life’s freedoms, something I wasn’t even aware that I sorely needed. We were always there for each other. But is he willing to do this? Is he willing to give himself to me, the way Incacha did, to let me mark him as my own? Please understand, Blair and I have been partnered for almost three years now. Maybe it’s presumptuous of me, but I like to think that I know him better than anyone, even Naomi. That, however, doesn’t mean much. The truth of the matter is that despite all evidence to the contrary; we are a lot alike in some respects, especially when it comes to being extremely private people. Most people look at the two of us and see total opposites: the uptight, silent, brooding cop, and the outgoing, personable, devil-may-care anthropologist. The only thing that proves is that appearances can be deceiving. Yeah, I guess it’s safe to admit here that some of my attitude is a front. Well, maybe about 10% or so. With Sandburg, it’s a different story. About 90% of his personality is a front. Oh, make no mistake about it, that kids blows more smoke than a forest fire. He always has one story or another to tell about some long-dead society or another, but if you listen carefully it’s easy to see that all of those little factoids and anecdotes keep him from having to discuss anything that even approaches an emotionally deep topic. I heard a saying once: “talks a lot, but doesn’t say much.” Whoever uttered those words for the first time must have met Sandburg in a previous life. I guess what I’m trying to say is that I had absolutely no idea how Sandburg would react if I told him that I wanted him. I mean, sure, Blair is liberal as hell, a free-thinker who would never be opposed to the idea of two men being together. But it’s a whole different ball game when it’s you with another man, not somebody else. I had no idea how he would react if I told him. That wasn’t the only problem. The truth was, I had absolutely no idea *how* to tell him. It’s not like I’ve ever propositioned a guy before, well outside of some undercover assignments in Vice. Last time, it was Incacha who came to me, not the other way around. How was I supposed to go up to my best friend and say ‘hey, you know, if we sleep together at least once, we will bond our souls as sentinel and guide; not to mention you would finally receive all the knowledge that my Shaman is supposed to have’? I could almost see the skid marks on the pristine wooden floor of our loft. No, no, no! I wasn’t about to risk the most important friendship of my life, no matter what the rewards would be. Blair functioned as my guide for three years, and did a damned fine job of it too, I might add, without taking that final step. No, things were just fine without me throwing an enormous monkey wrench into the works. If that was the case, then why did I feel so guilty? Like I was cheating Sandburg of the opportunity to choose his destiny for himself? Maybe because I knew that was exactly what I was doing. ‘Imaynata.’ How could I take him. But I couldn’t. I couldn’t have him for just one night. I loved him too much, and the thought of living the rest of my life with only the memories from one single encounter was unbearable. More to the point, having him near all the time was difficult enough for me to manage now, as badly as I wanted him; but to have him once and let him go would push me a little closer to insanity every day. I couldn’t do it. I guess that leaves us back where we were almost a year ago. Together in proximity, separate in spirit. Just when did somebody sneak in and throw all these eggshells on the floor of our loft? It wasn’t as if I didn’t already know the answer. ‘Imaynata.’ Now what the hell was I going to do about it? ~~~~*~~~~*~~~~*~~~~*~~~~ I looked into the glass and caught Blair’s reflection in one of the panes. I wasn’t really surprised to see him staring back at me. By that point in time, nothing about him really surprised me anymore. At 28, he’s done and seen more in his life than I’ll probably ever do in mine. Maybe I should sue the army for not living up to it’s ‘be all you can be’ slogan. My eyes were locked onto Sandburg’s hazy reflection. I saw the unspoken question in his eye before he sighed and looked down to finish the paper he was grading. It shouldn’t have been a big deal, but knowing him like I did, I knew this was Sandburg’s ‘I-know-you’re-on-edge-but-acting- like-everything-is-fine-so-two-can-play-at-that-game’ behavior. I can see the puzzlement my last statement caused, so let me take a time-out for a little ‘Behavioral Sandburg 101’ lecture. Now, when something is bothering me, the kid is usually on me like a pit-bull, trying to get me to talk about the aforementioned something. As with most rules, there is an exception to this; and in this particular case, the exception was in effect. If Sandburg thinks that it’s something *he’s* done that’s the cause of my bad mood, the kid clams up tighter than a damned mollusk. I guess he figures that if he can keep quiet enough, maybe I won’t explode on him. I hate to tell him this, but seeing him creep around like an errant schoolboy does more to set me off than those times when he actively tries to drag it out of me. End of lecture. And so there we were. I had one nerve left and Sandburg’s version of the silent treatment was grating on it like a dancer doing an Irish jig. I closed my eyes and sighed. When I opened my eyes, Sandburg’s deep blues were staring back at me in the window. There was an expression on his beautiful face that I had never seen before, and for some unknown reason, it irritated me that I couldn’t interpret it. Usually I can read his face as easily as I could a Dick and Jane book. His eyes never left mine, as he finally broke the stalemate between us. “All right Jim. What is it?” “What’s what?” I replied. Okay, not my best dodge, but hey, sometimes being the brawn half of our partnership works to my advantage. “C’mon, Jim. Give it up.” Those blue eyes bore into me via the reflection. “I have no idea what you’re talking about, Sandburg.” I didn’t spend all those years as CIA liaison without learning anything. Deny, deny, deny. The music continued without pause. “Didn’t anyone ever tell you not to bullshit a bullshitter?” I let silence be my answer, but Sandburg wasn’t having any of it. I jumped a little from the sudden noise as he slammed the stack of papers against the coffee table. “Look, man. I’ve already apologized for all the crap with Iris and the heroin. What, do you want to hear it again?” The irritation in his voice pushed me that much closer to the edge. Taking a deep breath to control my temper, I raised my eyes to look out over the water. Sometimes I get the impression that Sandburg can read my mind. This, however, was not one of those times. Everything about me was screaming ‘let it go, Chief,’ and yet the kid ignored the warnings. I could feel those intelligent eyes boring holes into the back of my head. It was a battle of wills, and as stubborn as the kid is, he was no match for me this time. The unease that had come up between us for the past three weeks was way too close to the surface for my liking. It had been building up like methane over a swamp, and the only thing I saw was Sandburg standing in the middle of it deliberately trying to light a match. After what seemed like an eternity, Sandburg finally broke the new silence that had settled over us. My eyes returned to his reflection and I gasped slightly at the anger I saw oozing out of his every pore. His eyes reminded me of the bay during a bad storm; deep blue marred by the raging currents just under the surface. His face was usually eager and innocent, but at that moment it seemed almost cold and aloof. “This isn’t about today, is it Jim?” he accused. Shaking his head as if answering his own question, he began his inquisition. “What *is* going on with you, man?” “For the last fucking time, Sandburg. There is *nothing* going on,” I insisted through my clenched jaw. Ooohh, now there was an intelligent thing to say. I bet they were just waiting to give me my Mensa card after that. I should have just waved a red flag in front of the kid; it would have saved time. I guess I should point out that this was where I got my first surprise of the evening, because the next thing I knew, Blair exploded like nothing I’d ever seen before. “Oh Christ, spare me! What in the hell is going here, what’s happened to you? Ever since the Chopec showed up, you’ve been treating me like a I’m some kind of goddamned stranger and I am so *fucking* sick of it!” Sandburg raged. “I’m your friend, and damn it, if that’s not enough, I’m your guide! Now quit shutting me out and tell me what in the fuck is bothering you!” A small part of me was shocked. I don’t think I ever heard him curse so much in all the time that I’ve known him. But like I said, only a small part of me was surprised. The rest of me was livid. Something about his outburst triggered one of my own. “My problem is that you’re just *a* guide, not *my* guide” I spat. “And just what in the hell is that supposed to mean?” Sandburg yelled. “Jesus, Sandburg, I wouldn’t even know where to start,” I threw back at him. “Well, you’ve been brooding about it for weeks now. Don’t tell me even *you* couldn’t reach some kind of conclusion in all that time,” he said with the same kind of contempt he usually saved for rogue CIA operatives and local militiamen. That was low, even for Sandburg. It also told me exactly where we stood. Although the kid is a lot stronger than most people -- myself included -- give him credit for, he’s simply no match for me physically. The problem was that this little argument was being held in the verbal arena, where he had the decisive advantage. Sandburg was a pastmaster when it came to using words as a weapons, and that little jab at my intelligence was simply a reminder that we were playing on his field. Of course, I can see exactly what he was doing, now that I’m looking back on it. At the time, though, I was way too pissed off to bother analyzing the situation. Anger welled up inside me at the insult. With every bit of sarcasm I could muster, I met Sandburg at the level he had sunk to. “Oh come on, Professor. You can do better than a cheap shot like that. Oh, wait, maybe I’m getting ahead of myself here. After all, you do have to actually *finish* your thesis before I can call you that, right? Or are you just planning on playing cop-wannabe for the rest of your life.” As soon as the words were out of my mouth, Sandburg recoiled as if I’d just shot him. Ladies and gentlemen, there you have it. I, James Joseph Ellison, Sentinel of the Great City and Blessed Protector of Blair Sandburg, finally managed to push said Blessed Protectee past the established boundaries of his temper. In simple English, the kid lost it. Once the initial shock over my words passed, he moved straight into a level of outrage that I never guessed he was capable of reaching. It was the kind of sheer fury that was so intense, he was going to have to work hard just to get back to being majorly pissed off. “*THAT?* That’s what this whole thing is about? My goddamned dissertation?” The anger that clouded his deep blue eyes faded, quickly replaced by a look so cold, it could have frozen vodka. The way his eyes narrowed sent a chill down my spine, as did the sneering tone of his voice. I had pushed too far, and now he was going to push back. “I never realized that you had such a low opinion of me, Ellison. ‘Cop-wannabe’ huh. Man, I must have made you look so bad down at the station in front of all your big-bad cop friends.” I could hear his heartbeat racing at speeds that should have been reserved for marathon runners. As he spoke, Sandburg moved over to the coffee table and began shoving his laptop and the stack of exams he needed to grade into his backpack. Once it was zipped up, I saw him fish in his pocket for his keys. Then to my ultimate horror, he set about removing the one that unlocked the deadbolt to the loft from the ring. “Thanks, Jim. Thanks for reminding me why I never let anybody get close. I forgot the rule that says people only use you until they don’t need you anymore. Do you think you can grant me the simple courtesy of not throwing my things on the street tonight? I’ll come for the rest of my stuff.” I was in shock. The only thing I can remember about that moment was the little voice in the back of my head chanting: ‘Too far, too far, you pushed him too far.’ Fortunately, he paused at the door for another barb. “Oh, and Jim, try not to get your ass blown off when you zone in the middle of a shoot out.” With a twisted sneer, he took one last parting shot. “Have a nice fucking life, Ellison.” As soon as he opened the door, I found some portion of my sanity again. Just what in the hell was I doing? All I can say is, thank God instinct took over. I wasn’t even consciously aware of my actions as I called out to him. “Blair, please!” I can’t remember another time my voice sounded so needy and helpless. Moving of their own volition, my legs quickly covered the space that separated us. I grabbed him in a hug, clinging to him desperately, as a disoriented apology rambled from my mouth. “Please, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, I don’t know why I said that. Please Blair, I need you...” With those last words, I felt a minute bit of the tension in his body relax. Maybe it was some kind of guide instinct, maybe it was the tone of my voice, or the apology I offered; whatever the reason he shrugged my arms off tiredly and pushed the door closed. It surprised me when I saw him suddenly close his eyes as if seeking divine patience. He took a deep breath and held it for ten seconds, a technique he’d long tried to teach me to control my own temper. It never seemed to work for me, but it must have had some positive effect on him. Just a moment later, his eyes opened and he moved to the kitchen to boil some water for tea. I studied him carefully, the economy of his movements and the combination of hurt and lingering anger in his eyes told me that the matter was *far* from over. “Get out, Jim,” he said without even looking at me. All the life and animation that usually exuded from him was gone, leaving an empty shell that only resembled Blair Sandburg before me. It took a minute for his words to register. When it finally hit me, I felt a quick swell of resignation at being asked to leave my own home. He must have realized what I was thinking. “I didn’t mean out of the loft, I just meant out of the room. Go upstairs, or on the balcony, or something. I need to process this, and I can’t do it with you here.” With a jerky nod, I retreated upstairs to my bedroom. I extended all of my senses to monitor my guide -- not only to insure that he was okay, but also to make sure he didn’t try to slip out of the loft. Blair’s heart rate was still elevated, but it was slowly returning to normal. I didn’t realize that I had my hearing turned up quite so high until the teapot boiled, it’s whistle deafening me momentarily. I missed him pouring the water and opening the teabag, but I did hear him settle into the sofa. The familiar sounds of one of his meditation breathing patterns started a minute later. Suddenly, I felt as though I was invading his privacy, so I did my best to tune out the sounds of his respiration. There was nothing else I could do for the moment but wait until he calmed himself enough to hash this all out. Sitting ramrod straight on the edge of my bed, I watched the minutes tick by on the clock. For the first time since my sentinel abilities emerged, I found myself praying for a zone out, desperately wanting to lose myself in the oblivion that I can only find in that state. Just my luck, my thoughts were far too scattered to concentrate long enough on any one of my senses to zone. An old feeling crept over me, the same kind of anxiousness I used to experience as a kid when I knew I was going to be punished sometime in the near future. It was a special kind of helpless fear, one that I hope I never have to go through again. Time seemed to stop as I watched the digital clock by my bed. It took every ounce of willpower I had not to peek over and check on my guide, but somehow I knew he would take it as another betrayal of his trust. No. He had asked for time alone, and it was my obligation to honor his request as completely as I could. Forty-five minutes passed by before I heard him call up to me in a normal tone of voice. Eagerness and guilt warred with each other in my mind as I slowly made my way down the stairs. I can only imagine that I must have looked like a Christian going off to face the lions as I moved across the living room and found a seat at the opposite end of the couch from my guide. We stared at each other for awhile, neither of us quite sure where to begin. After an eternity of silence, Blair finally spoke. The usually soothing timbre of his voice was marred by the hint of steely determination that underscored it. “I’ve seen you at your best, and I thought I’d seen you at your worst, but I was wrong.” I started to apologize again, but the words died on my lips when he stopped me with an open hand. “Let me finish. I don’t know what in the hell happened earlier. I’ve never seen you go off like that. But I will tell you this. If you *ever* do that to me again, I’m history. I’ll be so gone, you won’t even have a license plate to track me by, understand?” All I could manage was a jerking nod of my head. “I’m sorry, Blair. You didn’t deserve any of that, and I’m sorry that I snapped.” “I know, Jim. And for what it’s worth, I’m sorry, too,” he replied with a touch of tenderness in his voice. I could have cried in relief when I heard it. It gave me hope that maybe -- just maybe -- we could work through this. “Now that’s been said, let’s try to sort this out.” The calmness in his voice caught me off guard. It always amazed me at just how mercurial Sandburg could be. Oh, don’t get me wrong; I knew that our friendship had just taken a heavy blow. In the span of a few seconds, I’d manage to destroy the level of trust we’d worked so hard for two years to achieve. I owed it to both of us to try and talk through this, despite how much I hated opening up about any of my feelings. I’d hurt him enough for one night; and if I didn’t talk now, the damage I’d done would probably be irreversible. “I’ve been going back over it in my mind. Maybe we should start with that crack about my dissertation.” Blair began. ‘*Start*?’ I thought to myself. Damn. Despite my pledge a few seconds earlier, I’d hoped that Blair had forgotten about my guide comment. Sighing deeply, I turned to face him with all the enthusiasm of a prisoner about to go before a firing squad. “A couple of weeks ago, you admitted that you had been stalling finishing up your dissertation, and it’s been bugging me ever since.” I could see Sandburg’s mental wheels turning until the spark of recognition flared in his eyes. “That night in your old truck, the night Janet was...” he trailed off as the memory of our disagreement hit him. We’d had words over the topic as I searched for Incacha. “Killed,” I supplied. “That’s why I didn’t want to bring it up before. I know that it’s still pretty fresh for you.” “I’m okay with it,” he stated gently, unable to hide the sadness in his expression. “Liar,” I replied softly. “I know it’s hard, Chief, but you saw the police report. She went downstairs almost as soon as she hung up the phone. Even if we’d left the loft as soon as you finished talking to her, we still wouldn’t have made it in time.” “I know, but it doesn’t make it any easier.” I reached out to put a hand on his shoulder, wanting to lend him some of my strength. He managed to give me a small smile, thanking me for the emotional support. We sat that way for a few moments before he went back to the original topic. “Why does it bother you so much that I haven’t finished my thesis?” I brought my hand up to massage away some of the tension in my neck as I tried to find the words to express my feelings on the subject. “I...I don’t know why exactly. Maybe it’s just me. You know me, I can’t stand to leave a project unfinished.” Okay, it was a lame answer. I knew it, but so did Sandburg. “Huh-uh, Jim. There’s more to it than that,” he admonished. Rather than try to come up with an answer, I decided to turn the tables on him. “Why have you been stalling on finishing it?” Surprised by the question, Blair stammered out his answer. “I...I thought w..we went over this. I’m kinda worried that once it’s finished, I won’t have an ‘official’” he made quote marks in the air with his fingers, “reason to keep my observer status.” “C’mon, Chief. You’re the King of Obfuscation. I’m sure we can come up with another perfectly good reason for you to stick around. Simon and I have been discussing it...” His eyes widened in shock as he interrupted me. “*Simon*??” he asked incredulously. I laughed a little for the first time in what seemed like ages. “You know, for someone who is supposed to be a trained observer, I would have thought you’d’ve had Simon figured out by now. I meant what I said when I told you he’s developed a tolerance for you. If you ever tell him I told you this, I’ll flat out deny it; but I think he’s come to respect you in some ways. Well, maybe not your methods, but definitely your strength of character.” Blair’s face lit up like a Christmas tree as the words registered with him. We sat there grinning at each other for a moment before he returned back to the matter at hand. “Y’know, Jim, it’s not like I haven’t given any thought on ways I can keep my Observer status. Maybe once I finish my dissertation, I can work on a series of articles based on the story we’ve been using so far. Y’know, the whole closed-society of the police force thing. I’m sure I could find some journal or another that would be...” It was at that point, I found the courage to ask about one of my own personal fears. “What happens when you finish it? I mean, what happens to your status at Rainier?” I could see Blair’s brows knit together in confusion. “I get my degree, I become a Ph.D., and if they have an opening, I teach,” he said slowly as he tried to figure out where I was going with this. “And what happens if there aren’t any openings? What do you do then?” I hammered out the questions, leading him to where I wanted him to go, just as if I was interrogating a witness. “Well, I’ll apply at other schools nearby, I guess. Or find something else to tide me over until something opens up somewhere. Or I can apply for a field study, that kind of thing.” “Ah,” I said as if I’d just found enlightenment. “And what happens to us? I mean, what happens when some great opportunity comes up that requires you to go halfway around the world on some expedition, or if you get a job offer from a college on the East Coast? If you’re busy going off to who-knows-where or working a 9 to 5 job, who’s going to watch my back?” I could see it in his eyes as he finally figured out what my point was. “Jim, *I’m* your guide. You gotta know that I’d never leave you if there was a chance that you’d zone out...” His voice steadily grew softer, as if he were afraid to continue. “What is it, Chief?” I followed his eyes as they fell to lap. He was playing with the two small silver rings on his middle finger and thumb. It was a habit that annoyed the shit out of me, but when I saw his distress, I let it go. I could see that he wasn’t going to tell me what was obviously disturbing him, so I decided to push a little in an ironic reversal of our normal roles. “C’mon, Chief. We need to clear the air between us. I don’t want another repeat of what happened earlier, okay? So, c’mon, talk to me.” With his head bowed, Blair looked like a small child, terrified of having to confess for some misdeed. When he still wouldn’t meet my eyes, I reached out a hand and gently began to stroke his cheek. The gesture seemed to paralyze him for a moment. I almost pulled my hand away, afraid that I had crossed the line of acceptable casual contact. Blair surprised me by closing his eyes and leaning into the touch ever so slightly. The contact must have given him some measure of comfort, because after a short pause, he began to speak in a tone so low, I needed to use my sentinel abilities to hear it. “I...I’ve...uh...I never asked you...that is...I just assumed that you wanted... m-me t-to stick around after...I mean...I’m s-sure you wouldn’t m-mind h-having the loft b-back to yourself...” “Oh God, Chief,” I whispered as I closed my eyes in anguish. How could he even think that I wouldn’t want him, wouldn’t *need* him with me? ‘Maybe because you never told him,’ I thought, disgusted at myself. ‘Maybe because you were so busy berating him for his mistakes. Maybe because you didn’t thank him or praise him for all the little things he does to make your life easier. Maybe because all you did was lay down a bunch of house rules that were a constant reminder that he was encroaching on your territory?’ While I was mentally kicking myself about eight different ways, I reached out and pulled him into a hug, holding him tightly in a display of what I was unable to articulate at the moment. I don’t think I’ve ever been so relieved as the moment his arms flew around my waist, using all of his considerable strength to squeeze me tight enough to make my ribs ache. One of my hands crept up to tangle in the silky curls while the other rhythmically stroked his back in an effort to relieve some of the tension that had him coiled tighter than a spring. “Listen to me carefully, Blair,” my quiet whisper was laced with pure steel. “Don’t *ever* think that I don’t want you here. You are my partner; and more importantly, you are my friend. This is your *home,* Blair, for as long as you want it to be.” A dry sob escaped from him, muffled by his cradled position in my arms. A small chuckle escape from me as the irony of it all hit; the sound causing Blair’s brow knit in confusion. “I was just thinking about what a pair we are: I’m terrified that you’re gonna bail as soon as you finish your thesis, and you’re thinking that I expect you to leave once it’s done.” Blair managed a small smile and laugh of his own, but still kept his arms around me tightly. I have no idea how long we stayed that way, clinging to each other as if we could keep the whole world at bay. It could have been minutes, it could have been hours; either way, I was grateful for the opportunity just hold him in my arms. Relaxing a fraction, I opened up my senses, allowing them to be filled with Blair. My hand was still tangled in the silky mass of his hair. Carefully I rolled a curl between my thumb and finger, enjoying the feel of each individual strand as it came into contact with my skin. The sweet herbal scent of his shampoo tickled my nose, merging and mixing with his own natural smell. However, it was the heat from his body where it came into contact with my own that was driving me insane. There was little I could do to prevent my growing level of arousal that was causing my blood to go south. I was already halfway hard when Blair suddenly pulled away to pin me with absolutely lifeless eyes. He seemed to contemplate what to say before he opened his mouth to release the words that ended up cutting me to the quick. “So, I’m your friend and your partner, but I’m not your guide.” As soon as he said it, my jaw hung open in shock. “That’s what you said earlier, isn’t it? ‘I’m *a* guide, but I’m not *your* guide?’” I was amazed at how calmly he recited my words back to me. To be honest, I’d forgotten about it as my desire for him grew. The fight we had just an hour or so ago already seemed like a lifetime in the past. All I knew was that I felt drained by the emotional bloodletting we’d already done, and I was nowhere near ready for this particular conversation. So I pulled a ‘Sandburg’, trying to verbally dodge the topic. “Chief,” I said in my most placating tone as I shook my head. “I’m sorry I said that, I was angry and just wanted to get a rise out of you.” One look at his face told me he wasn’t buying any of it. In fact, Blair looked hurt that I even tried. He jumped off the couch, avoiding the arm I threw out to prevent the move. “Don’t, Jim. Just don’t.” The tone of warning in his voice scared the shit out of me, wringing an apology from my lips before my mind even had a chance to form the words. “I’m sorry, Chief! Don’t go!” I pleaded, but to no avail. Blair crossed the room to stand in front of the windows, unknowingly duplicating the same stance I had hours ago. Time stood still as I waited to see if he would walk out the door, and out of my life. Eventually, I started to wonder whether he found it as annoying as I did, to be silently dismissed in favor of the view. When he turned suddenly to face me, I could see his eyes flare. I felt paralyzed as I waited to see what his next move was going to be. As it was, I’m still surprised I didn’t have a stroke over what he said when he finally spoke. “Imaynata.” His gaze could have pierced through solid rock. Those normally expressive blues were studying me as if I was one of the ancient artifacts he authenticates. It felt like those beautiful azure eyes were looking straight to my soul, as if they sought to find the truth hidden there. “What did you say?” I asked, surprised I could speak at all considering the size of the lump in my throat. Oh, I knew damned good and well what he’d just said; I only wondered if *he* knew what those words meant. “Imaynata,” he repeated. “I believe the English translation is something along the lines of ‘how’, depending upon which Peruvian tribe you happen to be speaking to at the time. Of course, by adding ‘ta’ to the end of ‘imayna’ it changes the nature of the word into a question.” From the way he spoke, he could have been lecturing one of his Anthro 101 classes, not sending me into cardiac arrest, which happened to be exactly what he was doing. My heart was beating so fast, it wouldn’t have surprised me in the least if it leapt out my chest and started doing a step-show on the floor in front of me. I was sure he could hear it from halfway across the room, it was pounding so loudly. “H-how did you...” I managed to stammer. “Remember when Incacha was dying? When he grabbed my arm? You translated everything he said into English so that I could understand. You told me that he passed the way of the Shaman over to me, and that he wanted me to take you to where the animal spirit lived. I told you to tell him that I didn’t know how. Remember that?” As if I could forget? The events that happened in those few minutes were forever burned into my memory. I noticed that Blair was waiting for some kind of signal from me, so I nodded to let him know that he could continue. His eyes never wavered from mine as he resumed his explanation. “’Imaynata.’ You kept repeating it over and over, but Incacha didn’t have the strength to answer you. I was so...overwhelmed at the time -- what with Incacha dying, you needing to get your sentinel powers back on-line, wondering how I was supposed become this Shaman -- anyway, I really didn’t think much about it until later. After everything kinda settled down a little, those words kept popping up in my head. I thought maybe you were just calling out to Incacha, since that was the only thing in Chopec you never bothered to translate for me.” I’m ashamed to admit it, but my hopes soared momentarily, that Blair would accept that I was simply telling Incacha to hold on or something like that. I should have known better. My luck was never that good. Blair continued his speech without even bothering to take a breath. “I contacted a Professor down at UCLA who specializes in Peruvian tribal cultures to find out more about the role and responsibilities of a Shaman in the tribe, so I ended up asking him about it.” A pained expression crossed that beautiful face. “When he told me what it meant, it didn’t make any sense, Jim. I remember you asking how I was supposed to guide you to where your spirit animal was, and how he got this look, like you knew exactly what you were supposed to do. You knew, didn’t you, Jim? That’s why you looked so surprised. That’s why you kept shouting ‘imaynata’. Didn’t you want me to be your guide and Shaman?” Blair’s eyes rose to meet mine, filled with hurt and accusation. ‘What is he talking...’ I thought to myself before I realized that Blair had totally misinterpreted the meaning of the words, putting the emphasis on the word ‘him’. I called his name to get his attention, to try to explain, but Blair kept on going without giving me the chance. “I mean I know I’m a pain in the ass from time to time, but I was sure that you wouldn’t have put up with me all this time if you didn’t want me as your guide. But then I started...” Blair trailed, his eyes moving down to study the floor. “Started to what, Chief?” I prompted. As much as I did *not* want to have this conversation, I was curious about what Sandburg was unwilling to admit. I patted the cushion next to mine, hoping that he would find it easier to open up if he were more comfortable. Blair took me up on the offer and moved over to the couch, but he chose to leave some more distance between us than what I had indicated. Fidgeting with his rings, he spoke quietly. “I started having these dreams.” “What kind of dreams, Chief?” I asked softly, careful to ensure there wasn’t a single hint of humor or disbelief in my voice. Oh, I knew just how serious this was, but I needed to make sure Blair knew it as well. “I’m in the jungle,” he began in a hushed tone. “I look around for you, but I can’t find you anywhere, so I start running, hoping to find you or maybe your spirit guide. It never happens. Each dream I go deeper into the jungle, and in each dream, something happens to me -- I fall into a hole, get caught in a snare, shot with an arrow -- every time I scream your name, but each time I do, I hear a voice in my head. It always say the same thing, ‘claim him.’ I call out, begging for someone to help me, but nobody comes, and...and I die. I die alone, Jim; scared and alone.” Blair’s voice rose in both pitch and volume as he talked, the memory of his fear raising him to a level of panic. I was trying my best to calm him down, but nothing I did helped. He had already worked himself into a frenzy. “Tell me what you think that means!” he demanded. He grabbed my arms, his fingers painfully digging into my biceps. “Sandburg! Stop it!” I shouted to get his attention. The sound of my voice must have reached him. Blair’s grip on my arms relaxed just a bit and some of the wildness left his expression, but I could still feel the small tremors that were racking his body. I looked carefully into his eyes, half-afraid of what I knew I would find there. I was right. “You already know what it means, Blair,” I sighed tiredly. An odd look crossed his face, something in between panic and disbelief. “You h-have to claim my...body,” he whispered as a shiver ran through his small frame. My throat had closed up completely, so I nodded to indicate he had got it in one. I could almost see the wheels turning in his mind as he thought through the implications for what was probably the first time. It’s one of the things that irritates me the most about Sandburg. Yeah, the kid comes up with some great ideas, it’s just that he never seems to think about the consequences of his actions until he’s already in up to his neck. Now maybe he would understand why I’d tried so hard to avoid this confrontation at all costs. “Animals...genetic throwb...marking territ...panth...” Sandburg was talking to himself, one of his habits when he’s working through a difficult problem. Even with my heightened hearing, I could only make out a few words here and there. Suddenly, Blair eyes flew up to meet my own, the deep blue color they only turned when he was afraid. “Do panthers mate for life?” “I don’t know, Darwin. Besides, in case it’s escaped your attention, neither one of us is a panther,” I joked weakly. Blair ignored me as he kept trying to put all the pieces together. “In my dreams, the voice says ‘claim him’. Does that mean I’m supposed to...” He left the sentence unfinished, almost as if he were afraid to find out the answer. Not wanting to miss a single microsecond of his reaction, I didn’t even blink as I responded in a hushed whisper. “Yes. Both of us. It’s...” I swallowed as I struggled to remember how Incacha had described it to me so long ago. “It has to be an exchange, taking...and giving. It’s the only way.” Blair still had that deer-caught-in-the-headlights look, visibly bracing himself before he asked his next question. “And, is it a...” he paused as he searched for the best word, “permanent thing?” “It doesn’t have to be,” I answered honestly before I even thought about how it would sound to the scared man standing in front of me. “ you *want* it to be?” Blair asked, his voice and posture both timid as hell. It was my turn to freeze. If I said too much, I might just lose Blair for good. Nothing like thinking that your best friend, who you thought was straight as an arrow, wants you to play the little missus for him on a nightly basis. I knew I needed to tread very carefully, so I did the first thing that came to mind: I steered the conversation off on a tangent. “Chief, this,” I paused as I gestured into the air to indicate the situation, “this is the final step as sentinel and guide. We don’t *have* to do this, we can keep working together just like we have been for the past couple of years.” “Final step? What happens if we do decide to do this?” I swallowed hard, already anticipating the onslaught of questions my next words were going to bring. Sometimes Sandburg was so predictable. “It...bonds us to each other, allows us to meet where the Spirit Guide lives. I’m not sure how to explain it other than we become part of each other, literally and figuratively.” He gave me that damned ‘I’m trying to follow what you’re saying’ look; the one where his head is tilted forward, his mouth is slightly opened, and his eyebrows are pinched in concentration. Usually I love it when he looks at me like that, his curiosity is so sweetly endearing. But I digress. “Bonded? Sooo, what exactly are you saying here? Telepathy? Empathy?” Sandburg’s hands flew into action, accentuating his every word. One of these days, I’m going to test a little theory of mine to see if his hands and mouth are somehow hard wired to each other. It shouldn’t be that difficult to test, all I need are my handcuffs. God, the visual alone from that thought caused my blood to rush straight to my groin. It took every bit of willpower I had to get my mind back on track. The last thing I wanted to do was have this conversation with a hard-on; like Blair wasn’t startled enough already. I shook my head. “Calm down, Chief. It’s not anything that dramatic, well, at least not the way you’re making it sound.” As I finished my statement, Blair’s eyes narrowed in suspicion. Uh-oh. ‘Batten down the hatches,’ my mind screamed as I watched Blair’s clever little mind fit the last piece into the jigsaw puzzle. This whole thing must have thrown him more than I originally suspected, since it took him so long to reach the obvious conclusions. “You did this before, with Incacha.” The tone of jealousy in his voice took me totally by surprise. “Yes. He was my guide, Chief,” I answered, hoping that would explain it all. Did I mention before that I wasn’t *that* lucky? “Is that the reason you never mentioned this little addendum to the guide job description? What, was I just the second-rate understudy until Incacha could track you down, or until you could go back to him?” Blair’s voice was dripping sarcasm by the time he finished. For my part, I was torn between being pissed off and being flattered by his jealousy. Although his words were meant to hurt me, they had my heart dancing while my hormones jumped around in my body like little tiny cheerleaders. If losing Blair was my greatest fear, then the idea of him actually being in love with me was my most cherished and secret desire. “You were never my second choice, Blair,” I said, hoping that the use of his given name would show him just how serious I was. “If anything, Incacha was the second-string quarterback for me.” I could see that my word alone wasn’t going to be good enough, Blair needed more from me this time. “When I was rescued from Peru, the team that pulled me out gave me some time to gather my things and say my good-byes. Incacha wasn’t just my guide, he was also a powerful shaman. He knew that I would be leaving the Chopec before the people in D.C. even discovered the wreckage from the crash. Incacha told me before I left that I would always be a sentinel as long as *I* chose to be. I think he knew some of what was going to happen when I got back, that I would lose my abilities until the time was right. Don’t you think it’s odd that my senses came back on-line just before you found me, Chief? As much as I’d like to blame pure luck or bad timing, that’s just too much of a coincidence for me.” Blair seemed to ponder my words, so I took the opportunity to press onwards. “If my word isn’t enough for you, then take Incacha’s. When he was dying, he passed along the way of the Shaman to you, Chief. Don’t you see? *You* are the one who is supposed to be my guide. Incacha *knew* that we hadn’t taken that final step, so he gave you his blessing, his encouragement to take your place as my guide.” Silence descended over the loft after that, it’s presence like a living thing, unnerving me. Even the normal sounds that come from the city seemed muted in the background. I have no idea how long we stood there, but as my legs were starting to cramp from the lack of activity, so I eased further back into the couch. Blair followed my lead before speaking again. “Tell me what happened with Incacha,” he asked quietly. I raised my eyebrows as I relayed the story. “There isn’t much to tell. He was the shaman for the Chopec, took me in after they found me wandering around the jungle two weeks after I buried the last of my team members from the crash. My abilities had already begun to show themselves, which freaked me out even more than losing my team. But Incacha knew what was happening and began teaching me how to use my senses to benefit the tribe. I lived with him and his wife in their hut...” At the mention of Incacha’s wife, Blair’s eyes got as round as saucers. “Yes, Chief, he was married. One night after we came back from scouting the jungle around the village, we went back to the hut. I was kinda surprised that Caanei wasn’t there, but I guess she knew what was going to happen. Incacha told me what we needed to do and that it was necessary to make me stronger, better able to protect the tribe. At first, I thought it was some sick joke or something, but then the tribe’s medicine woman came in and explained to me why it was necessary, so I gave in.” I ran my face in my hands, as if it could somehow shield me from what I was about to divulge. “I didn’t have the first clue what I was supposed to do. Christ, like I had any experience at all with men? Yeah, right. I started to freak out, but Incacha started talking to me in that guide voice. You know, that tone of voice you use has got to be a genetic ‘guide’ thing. Incacha had it, so do you. Somehow, it reaches through and relaxes me like nothing else can,” I said as aside while I shot Blair a mock-glare. I could almost see Sandburg trying to compose the title for the new chapter in his dissertation as he considered my opinion. “Anyway, once he got me calmed down, we...well...” There was no way in hell I was going to finish that particular statement. I could already feel the telltale tingling sensation as a blush crept up from my neck to my forehead. “Yeah, Jim, I get the picture,” Blair grinned wryly at me, getting some enjoyment out of seeing me embarrassed for a change. I heard his breathy chuckle as he openly stared at the sight of Jim Ellison actually blushing. I don’t do it very often, so he took full advantage of the opportunity when it presented itself. The smile was long gone by the time he asked, or maybe I should say stammered, his next question. “ is...did you...” Knowing exactly where he was going with it, I let him squirm as I waited for him to get the words out. Cruel? Maybe. But I sure as hell wasn’t gonna be the only one with a red face during this conversation. “ you, like, enjoy it?” Jesus, I’d seen women deliver babies in less time than it took him to get that sentence out of his mouth. “I wouldn’t say that I enjoyed it. I mean, it was so awkward, not just physically, but it was something I was taught was wrong all my life, y’know?” I shrugged, my own non-verbal way of telling Blair that I didn’t know how else to describe it. Apparently, he got the message. I watched as the spark of interest in his eyes was quickly replaced by something that bore a pretty close resemblance to despair. Wanting to know what put it there, I asked him bluntly. When he refused to look at me directly, I grabbed Blair’s chin to get his attention. With a heavy sigh, his head rose slightly, making me wince as he scored a direct hit with that ‘Sandburg Puppy-dog Look.’ The sadness in his voice when he spoke squeezed my heart like a giant fist. “I can’t, Jim. I can’t do...this...with you.” “What? Why?” Vocabulary? Just try coming up with a brilliant line of dialogue when your heart is being ripped from your chest. The strange thing was that the same emotions I was feeling were plastered all over Blair’s face. “C’mon, Jim, listen to what you just said.” As I thought back over my words, Blair kept right on going. “You said you didn’t enjoy it, that you did it because it was your duty, a part of your responsibility to the tribe. You talk about it like it’s another chore to do. ‘Oh, I have to go to the doctor; or I have to take the trash out tonight. Gee, I have to fuck Blair so he can be my Guide. I don’t think so!’” “Blair! You’ve got it all wrong...” I tried to explain, but he was on a roll, fueled by his misplaced outrage. “Do I, Jim? Do I really have it so wrong? You’re a heterosexual, white male in a career that is, as a general rule, traditionally homophobic. That you’re willing to do this, well, I guess it’s admirable, but I won’t let myself be used like that.” Was I stunned by his tirade? Not even close, I passed stunned and moved straight into devastated. I can’t think of a word powerful enough to describe how hurt I was over Blair’s low opinion of me. That was probably why I said what I did next. “You think I’m homophobic?” I ground out, accompanied by a bark of ironic laughter. “That’s rich, Sandburg. That’s really rich. If I’m so damned homophobic, then tell me, Professor, why the hell am I in love with my straight *male* roommate!” Pindrop, anyone? Blair’s mouth opened and closed a few times, so like the guppy I often tease him of resembling. I was shaking like a leaf myself, none to steady after the suicidal jump I had just taken off that cliff. Then, without so much as a second of warning, Blair flung himself against me, pressing his mouth tightly against my own. Unprepared for Blair’s sudden attack, my mind scrambled to sort out the barrage of information my senses were reporting to it all at once. My eyes, already dilated from the soft lighting in the room, were unable to focus, lost in the sea of sapphire blue before me. The menagerie of smells that combine to form what I can only describe as ‘Sandburg’ assaulted my olfactory sense; shampoo, deodorant, shaving balm, his own natural scent, were all underscored by a trace of fear and the rising musk that only came from sexual arousal. My nerves were dancing from the electricity that lanced through my skin every place our bodies touched. The heat from his body alone was enough to roast marshmallows; but when added to my own rapidly rising temperature, I’m surprised we didn’t just spontaneously combust right there in the living room. I could hear it all, too, from the small, nasal breaths of air he was drawing to the soft moans of approval that emanated from the back of his throat. Sure, I’d experienced most of those sensations at some time or other. Granted, not in the context or the intensity that I was getting at the time. All at once, it was pretty damn close to overwhelming. But nothing could prepare me for my first taste of Blair. Ambrosia. Isn’t that what they called it? The food of the ancient gods that was so succulent, so wonderfully pleasing, it turned the mortals who tasted it into gods themselves? Ambrosia had nothing on the sweetness of Blair Sandburg’s mouth. It would have been so easy to lose myself in my first real taste of Blair. I mean, think about it, how often does one get the opportunity to ‘taste’ another person? See my point? With the one still-functioning brain cell I had, I somehow managed to keep from zoning out, though. And then it hit me. *Blair* was kissing me, throwing himself -- quite literally, I might add -- at me. My most secret desire, my most powerful fantasy, was finally within my grasp. No pun intended. With animal ferociousness, I wrapped my arms around his middle and held on for all I was worth. My lips, frozen by shock up until that point, suddenly thawed to move in a hungry dance against his. Within seconds I could feel the increase in temperature as friction and lust came into play. His lips were softer than rose petals, gently teasing and forcefully tormenting by turns. I couldn’t control the moan of desire that escaped from my throat as his tongue brushed against my bottom lip. Almost reflexively, my own tongue came forward to meet, then caress his. What began as a tentative taste soon escalated into an all-out battle for dominance, pressing and retreating from my mouth to his own. I took my time exploring the warm cavern of Blair’s mouth, one of the many parts of newly-opened territory on his body. Within minutes, I learned all of its secrets; the ticklish spot on the roof of his mouth, how a sweep of my tongue in between his lower lip and teeth caused him to quiver with need. Patiently, I allowed Blair to reciprocate before we moved onwards in mapping each other’s responses. His throat was next. Licks, nips, kisses, and bites covered every square inch of flesh, only stopping when I reached the collar of his shirt. Moaning in frustration, I grabbed two handfuls of the material and attempted to rip it apart, but to my extreme displeasure, the buttons held. Sensing that I was way too far gone to handle the problem myself, Blair took matters into his own hands, literally. His elegant, nimble fingers traveled a slow, sensual path from my shoulders to my waist. Once they reached their destination, he pulled the hem of my shirt free and slid the offending garment over my head. Once the shirt was off, Blair moved back slightly to look at what he’d uncovered. He reached out to touch my skin, only to jerk his hands back at the last second, as though making contact would burn him. Of course, as hot as I was, it might have been a legitimate concern. “It’s all yours, Chief. Yours to touch, yours to kiss, to lick, whatever you want.” My invitation was mostly meant to reassure, however it also dragged a moan of pure desire from his throat. My own cock leapt in response at the sound, the movement caught by Blair’s sharp eyes. In light of the carte blanche I’d just granted him, Blair’s hands drifted downward to my belt. He seemed to hesitate for just a moment before ever so gently caressing my raging erection through the fabric of my pants. I cried out involuntarily at the jolt of electricity that seemed to run through me at the simple touch. My God! If it was this good now, how was I ever going to survive the rest of our encounter? Call me suicidal, but I was aching to find out. As always, Blair was one step ahead of me as he continued his strokes to my straining erection. With a quick glance up to meet my eyes, he lowered his head to lick slowly from my Adam’s apple to my right nipple. Already hard from my level of arousal, Blair carefully laved the nub before carefully worrying it between his teeth. He continued his torment until he sensed that I was close to coming in my pants. With a soft, parting kiss to both nipples, Blair straightened himself into a standing position and raised an eyebrow playfully at me. “Bound and determined to kill your sentinel tonight, Chief?” I managed to say in between gasps for much needed oxygen. “Bound? Hmm. Maybe some other time,” Blair retorted before the teasing sparkle in his eyes turned to a more sensuous look. “No, tonight I’m only interested in becoming *your* guide and making you *my* sentinel.” A shudder ran through me at the huskiness of his voice, the words themselves were the commitment, the promise I had so wanted to hear. I answered him the best way I could manage in my passionate state by planting a bruising, open-mouthed kiss on his pouting lips. He matched me kiss for kiss, holding out until I was the first to draw away for a much-needed breath. With his eyes dilated to the point of almost total blackness, Blair wantonly ran the backs of his fingers up and down my chest, slowing only as he grazed my aching nipples. Despite his successful act of seduction, the shy look he flashed up to me was heartwarming and endearing. “Maybe it’s time to take this to a bed.” Nodding in agreement, I reached out to take his nimble hands into my own larger ones. Backing up slowly, I led us to the stairway up to my bedroom, hiding a small laugh as Blair’s eyes widened in surprise. I heard his already rapid heartbeat start pounded double-time as the whole situation finally became real to him. Oh shit. I didn’t think I could keep it together if he backed out at that point. We were half-way up the steps before I found the courage to ask him what was wrong. “I...uh...” As if his rapid pulse rate wasn’t enough of a giveaway, seeing Sandburg tongue-tied was simply the icing on the cake. I stopped him dead in his tracks as I moved up another step to put some physical distance between us. “Blair,” I said gently, speaking as I would to a frightened animal, “this only happens if you want it to. We can leave it right here, right now, pretend this never happened.” ‘It would kill me, but I’d rather be dead than do something that would drive a wedge between us down the road,’ I added to myself. He shook his head. “No, Jim. I want this. I’ve...wanted this for awhile now. But I’ve never...” “Chief, I’ve only done this once before myself. We don’t have everything tonight. We can take this as slow as you’d like.” The relief in his face was evident. Nodding his acceptance, he flashed me a shaky smile before taking the next step on the stairway. “Let’s just see what happens, okay?” ~~~~*~~~~*~~~~*~~~~*~~~~ Undressing Blair proved to be more torturous than any other experience I’ve ever had in my life. As that glorious body was uncovered, I found myself praying that I would live to be an old man. It was going to take me that long to give each inch of flesh the fervorent tribute it deserved. It was a daunting task, but I’ve always loved a challenge. If my visual inspection of Blair was intense, then his examination of me was igniting. Under his close scrutiny, I felt like a god come to life. The awe in his face quickly registered in other parts of his body as his impressive erection rose rapidly. Oh, I’d overheard enough speculation by the women down at the station to have a passing curiosity about the size of Blair’s prize. I’d even seen him in the buff a time or two when tardiness forced us to share the bathroom in a morning rush. But, even my imagination couldn’t prepare me for my first sight of Blair fully aroused. Jesus, I hoped to hell that he would be gentle with me when the time came. Whoops, another pun. Instinctively sensing his nervousness, I waited for Blair to make the first move. It didn’t take long before he leaned in to brush his lips softly against mine. However, the gentle contact lacked the passion of our earlier kisses. I didn’t need sentinel abilities to feel the tension pouring off him in waves, so I offered a backrub to help him relax. Grateful for the temporary reprieve, Blair eagerly climbed onto the bed facedown with his head cradled in the safety of his forearms. Knowing that straddling his body would only add to his unease, I kneeled by his waist and shifted his loose, flowing hair off to one side. Reaching into the nightstand for some of Blair’s home-brewed liniment, I squirted some into my hands before I started to work on his shoulders. Muscles quivered then relaxed as I kneaded my way down his back. A symphony of moans and sighs informed me of his approval until they were joined by the rocking of his hips as he began undulating against the mattress. I hadn’t even reached his lower back before the restless motions became full-blown thrusts. “God! Jim! I need more!” Blair cried as he rose up on all fours. Anxious to meet his demand, I ran a hand across one smooth globe of his ass. “N-no! cock...touch my cock!” he panted. Without any hesitation, I reached out to fulfill his request. The touch of my hand made him hiss in pleasure as my first tentative strokes quickly became more confident. The awkwardness of his position made it difficult for me to maintain the rhythm he liked best, so he scurried up the bed to give me better access. He ended up kneeling by the pillows, holding on to the tension wire that serves as a banister between my bed and the open space above the living room for balance. As tempted as I was to move in behind him, I was still somewhat nervous that he would get spooked if he felt my hard cock up against his ass. Besides, it was plain to see that Blair wasn’t going to be able to keep from coming much longer; but if he had half the stamina he’d bragged of in the past, this orgasm would only take the edge off for him. My decision made, I kneeled off to his left side in order to have a clear view of him in profile. Watching Blair sexually excited is truly a sight to behold. His eyes were closed, his face twisted in determination, all under a fine sheen of glistening sweat from his efforts. His concentration seemed so inwardly focused, I might have thought he’d forgotten that I was even there except for the fact that my name escaped from his lips with every panting breath. My eyes roved past the diamond-hard nipples before I caught sight of a few gleaming drops of pre-come dripping from the slit of his cock. I swept the precious semen up with my thumb; adding the slick moisture to the liniment already on his erection to ease the friction to his sensitive flesh. It wasn’t long before I felt the subtle swelling that indicated that Blair was quickly approaching climax. “Jimjimjimjimjim...Oh God, Jim! I’m coming! I’m coming!” Blair’s wail reverberated in my ears as I watched his body tighten up, then convulse in that strange mixture of pleasure and pain. Of all the erotic sights I’ve seen in my life, nothing can ever match the sheer sensuousness of Blair in the throes of orgasm. From the rhythmic tensing of his buttocks, to the contortions of his face, to seeing the semen explode from his cock, the streams bursting from his body. Once the last feeble spurt covered my hand with his essence, Blair all but collapsed against me, fighting hard to pull air into his overworked lungs. I took his weight, carefully lowering him back to the mattress with small ‘shushing’ noises. Although my own erection was starting to ache with need, I ignored it in favor of caring for the beautiful man in my arms. I kept my hearing attuned to Blair, relaxing only as his respiration slowly returned to normal over the passing minutes. “Oh.My.God.Jim.” Blair managed as soon as he was able. “That was...I...I...” It gave me great pleasure to know that I, Jim Ellison, managed to render Blair Sandburg incoherent by means of sex. Despite my desire for him, I had been a little concerned that my ignorance when it came to the mechanics of sex between men would be a problem. I’d never been so happy to be wrong before. A glance at Blair showed a puzzled expression on his face. Tightening my arms around his sweaty body, I nuzzled my face into Blair’s damp curls. “What’s wrong?” “Why didn’t you...I mean, I was more than willing.” “Relax, Chief. You were so close to the edge I thought it’d be better to wait. Besides, you looked like you enjoyed it.” I answered calmly. “Enjoyed it? Jim, I *died* a few minutes ago. My brain is D.O.A., my body just hasn’t caught up yet.” His look of serene satisfaction as he made the comment brought a easy smile to my face. “Yeah, well you’re gonna be D.O.A. tomorrow if you don’t clean up the little mess you made on my pillow.” My smile turned into laughter at Blair’s disgruntled expression. Once his breathing evened out, his glance dropped nervously down to my still-straining cock. Although the little rest period took some of the edge off of my arousal, I was still as hard as a bone. I could see an inner debate waging behind Sandburg’s lowered eyelashes as he decided what he wanted to do next. Reaching out to run a single finger along my erection, Blair glanced up at me coyly. “You seem to have a problem here, Jim. Are you ready to take me?” “Chief...Blair,” I corrected, “you don’t *have* to do this...” Smiling sweetly, Blair shook his head. “*Have* to? No. *Want* to? Yes.” I was about to protest -- he should have known better than to try and lie to me, especially when I could hear his heart racing as he made his offer. “Jim, I’m not lying to you, I’m just nervous, the same way I’d be nervous if we were going to do this a month or a year from now. It’s been such a long time since I was a virgin at anything, what do you expect?” I laughed a little as I tried to picture Blair losing his virginity with a girl for the first time. I made a mental note to one day ask him how it happened, since this was not the time. Kissing him tenderly before we went any further, I ran a hand through the hair on his chest. I was surprised at the silkiness of it’s texture, expecting to find it wiry and coarse. As my hand once again made its way towards a nipple, I rolled the still-hard flesh in between my finger and thumb. My sensitive skin noted the increased heat coming from the tightened skin, as well as the holes left from piercing. Pulling away from his mouth, I tried to satisfy my curiosity. “Why don’t you wear your nipple ring anymore?” Sapphire blue eyes popped open at the unexpected question. “Huh? Oh, the nipple ring. It’s hard to explain. God, I don’t believe I just said that,” he said as he rolled his eyes at his own unintentional pun. “The ring makes me *really* sensitive, y’know? Constant stimulation. It can be...distracting sometimes, so I don’t wear it as often anymore.” “Oh,” I answered simply. “Have the holes started to close up at all?” “No, I make sure to put it in every now and then. It’s kind of a pain, literally, but I don’t want to have to get the piercing redone. It hurt bad enough the first time.” Suddenly, Blair pegged me with a suspicious look. “Why do you ask?” I grinned ruefully at him. “I was just wondering.” A single glance told me he wasn’t buying it. “I always thought your nipple ring was very sexy, okay?” I finally admitted. Cocking an eyebrow, I saw that familiar devilish glint return to his eyes. Reaching up with both hands, Blair worked one of the hoop earrings out of his lobe. Once the ring was freed, he flashed me a sultry look before his hand dropped to his chest, using the backs of his fingers to tease the already-firm peak. If I thought the sight of Blair teasing himself was hot, it had nothing on the moment when he reached his free hand up to his mouth and sensuously licked two of his fingers. I moaned aloud as I watched the elegant digits disappear into his mouth, only to be worked over by his agile tongue. It wasn’t long before the saliva-slick fingers returned to wet the already taut skin of his nipple. Crooking a finger, Blair wordlessly motioned for me to come to him, a task that I was more than willing to undergo. Leaning forward, I took a deep breath before blowing carefully against the damp flesh. I was about to start licking again when Blair’s hand insinuated itself between me and my destination. “Not yet, Jim. Too much can make it painful.” I sat back and watched Blair’s fingers as they worked the ring through the hardened nipple. Before I could comment on it, Blair finished inserting the hoop. I took a moment just to admire the exotic sight, the silver metal gleaming in the soft light amid the mat of hair on his chest. What had I ever done to deserve such a beautiful guide? I voiced my thoughts aloud, charmed by the slight blush that rose up his body. Blair’s cock was already half-erect thanks to the efforts of putting the ring back in place. It was time. Starting slowly, I resumed stroking his manhood, relishing the feeling of it hardening under my touch. As soon as it reached fullness, my hand traveled downwards to caress his balls, kneading the sac gently until he was moaning his approval. Never stopping in my ministrations, I grabbed the liniment off the nightstand and opened it one-handed, squeezing a generous portion onto my fingers. Blair seemed to be accepting of my actions up to that point, so I nudged his legs further apart, exposing his most vulnerable place. Seeing him spread-eagled like that, so openly trusting of me, did something to me. I felt like I needed to repay him somehow for his unquestioning faith in me. I still don’t know where the idea came from, I mean it’s not like I’ve ever wanted to suck a guy’s dick before; but the urge to take Blair into my mouth was overpowering. Leaning forward, I pressed a gentle lick up the shaft of his cock as my finger carefully caressed the delicate flesh of his perineum. The result was electric. With a hoarse cry, Blair arched up from the mattress, seeking more of the contact. I was only too happy to oblige. Emboldened by his response, I took the tip of his cock into my mouth and ran my tongue repeatedly over the slit. At the same time, I rubbed my finger as gently as I could manage over the entrance to his body. Timing my motions carefully, I engulfed several inches of his length at the exact same moment as I pushed my finger past the tight muscles of his anus. To my surprise -- and delight I might add -- Blair gasped in pleasure at the dual sensations. Always a quick study, his hips quickly settled into a rhythm, up into my mouth, down onto my finger. It wasn’t long before he was begging for more. “Jiiiiim, oh God, please...Oh! Yes!...Feels so good...” The litany of words continued as I added a second, then later a third, finger into the slick confines of his ass. The bitter, salty taste of pre-come grew stronger on my tongue as he continued to thrust into my mouth. “Jesus!” Blair swore as his whole body convulsed upwards from the bed. Worried that I had done something wrong, I stopped everything that I was doing until Blair protested. “No! Oh God, I don’t know what you did, but do it again,” he panted. Cautiously, I moved the fingers still lodged deeply in his passage. As Blair’s body shook again, I focused on my sense of touch long enough to feel the small protrusion under my fingers. Confirming it as the source of Blair’s intense pleasure, I rubbed the bump again to find the same results. “That must be your prostate. I’ve heard that it can be quite a rush,” I offered, but Blair was too far gone to comprehend. “” he gasped. With a departing kiss to his throbbing erection, I withdrew my hand and coaxed him onto his hands and knees. I barely remember lubing my cock and placing it against him, but I will never forget the first moment I moved forward through the resisting muscles into the heated flesh of his ass. If not for Blair’s cry of pain, I probably just would have kept right on going until I was balls deep, but the hurt in my guide’s voice froze me in place. His muscles were clinched tightly around me, all my efforts at preparing the way apparently temporarily forgotten. As carefully as I could manage, I leaned over to rub his back soothingly. It wasn’t long until I felt him start to relax, the muscles slowly loosening to allow me further entry into his body. Once I was fully inside, I paused to let him adjust to the feeling of being penetrated. I could feel him shaking from the strain, yet his moans were rapidly switching from pain-filled to lustful. Blair first gentle rock backwards took me by surprise. We quickly settled into a rhythm that grew stronger as we continued. Blair’s hand snaked under his body to tease his cock, But I managed to discourage him. “Don’t!...You still...have to...take me,” I managed to grunt in between thrusts. God, he was so hot and tight. No woman had ever given me such pleasure, nor had my one encounter with Incacha. We fit together so perfectly; it seemed as though Blair’s body had been made just for my pleasure alone. His inner muscles caressed my cock as our movements grew faster, and it wasn’t long before I found myself on the edge of orgasm. “Give me... Jim...come for me...oooh...yes...let me...feel you...coming...” His demanding words threw me headlong into climax, my body convulsing as my semen shot out of me in long throbbing spurts. The sound of distant, passionate cries was overpowered by the loud roar of a jungle cat. For a split second, I could have sworn that I was back in the jungle, or more precisely, I was in the dream-scape where my spirit guide lived. A sudden movement under me brought me back to reality. The loft, my bed, Blair; I was crushing Blair, my weight pinning him to the mattress. He was talking in that soothing tone he uses when I zone, yet I could hear the breathless urgency in his voice as he struggled to get air into his constricted lungs. With a small kiss to Blair’s shoulder, I pushed back onto my knees and withdrew as carefully as I could manage from his body. Before he could squirm away, I zeroed in with my enhanced sight to check for any tears or damage our lovemaking might have caused. There was a little blood, but nothing to be overly concerned with for the time being. “Are you okay, Blair?” I asked, just to be sure while I used a discarded T-shirt to tidy us both. “Okay? Okay is like a *major* understatement,” he mumbled into a pillow. Displaying all of his lithe grace, Blair turned over, giving me an excellent view of his weeping erection. One look at me and a breathy chuckle escaped from him. “Oh man, look at you. I think I can actually see your aura! Talk about...” Whatever else he was going to say was cut off as another animal growl echoed through the loft. The sound didn’t surprise me much, I guess I was growing a little used to seeing and hearing the animal version of my spirit guide. However, I was shocked as hell when Blair jumped at the growl as well. “What the fuck?” he asked with wide, fear-filled eyes. “Jim, did you hear that?” “Yeah, Chief. I heard it.” Blair was offset by my nonchalance at the prospect of having a large jungle animal in our home until understanding finally dawned on him. “Wait, that’s your spirit animal, isn’t it?” “Yes, I heard him a minute ago, too, when I was coming,” I explained calmly. “But I’ve never been able to hear it before, why now? Why not when we were...” Unable to find the proper words, Blair used hand gestures to fill in what he couldn’t say. As if he needed to. “I don’t know, Chief.” Another roar ripped through the air. “I think he’s trying to tell us something. Like maybe we’re not finished yet?” I suggested with a raised eyebrow and a glance down to Blair’s still hard erection. Smiling wickedly, I reached out to give his nipple ring a soft twist, pulling a gasp out of him. ‘Ah, youth.’ I thought to myself as I watched him get completely firm again. Blair wasn’t about to let me do all the work this time, though. Repositioning me on my back, he moved one pillow under my head before working a second under my hips. Realizing exactly what he had in mind, I looked at him in surprise. Flushing under my scrutiny, Blair murmured out an excuse. “I want to see your face, if that’s okay with you.” “Blair,” I whispered at his tenderness. Kissing a gentle trail down my body, he by-passed my nipples, which were still extremely sensitive after my recent orgasm. Not sure what else he was supposed to do, Blair started massaging my chest just as I had done to his back earlier. Despite my own nervousness, I felt myself relaxing under his calming touch. Ignoring what was left of my earlier hard-on, Blair caressed my balls for a moment before reaching over for the tube of liniment. Once he squeezed some into the palm of his hand, he shut his fist, warming it before coating his fingers with the thick substance. “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize it was so cold,” I apologized when it hit me that I hadn’t offered the same courtesy to him. “No big deal, besides, I’m willing to bet that you’re going to be a lot more sensitive than I was,” he replied as one of his fingers began rubbing between my cheeks. Taking his time, he waited until my muscles unclenched to give him more access to my lower regions. I was kind of embarrassed by how good it felt; so good in fact, I actually hissed in pleasure when his finger began to gently circle my hole. “Blair! Stop teasing!” I ground out between clenched teeth. He must have heard the warning in my voice, because the next thing I knew, he slid the knuckle of his index finger into me. Given how hyper Blair normally is, I have to admit he showed the patience of a saint when it came to preparing me. Time lost all meaning as he loosened the tight ring of muscle in my ass, making sure I was ready for every inch I took, for each finger he used. When he finally found my prostate, I just about jumped through the ceiling. My God! I’ve never felt such blinding pleasure from a simple touch before. My erection came back with a vengeance, and before long, I was actually begging him to take me. All my pleas fell on deaf ears. “We’re not in a hurry, Jim. I want to make sure that I don’t hurt you. I never want to hurt you,” he reassured me. He continued to stretch me with his hand, constantly adding more liniment to ease the way. My sanity quickly took the high road by the time he withdrew his fingers and prepared his dick. Oh, what a sight that was. He’d been hard for so long, his erection was purple, straining proudly away from the dark nest of hair. The scent of his pre-come was heavy in the air as he ran a linament-free finger over the tip of his cock. Gathering the thick liquid on the pad of his finger, Blair brought the semen-coated digit up to his mouth and smeared the salty pre-come all over his pouting lips. Moving carefully into position over me, Blair leaned forward to let me lick the bitter fluid from his mouth. The taste of his essence exploded in my mouth at the same moment as his cock penetrated me for the first time. Moaning from the intrusion, I felt as though I was being torn in half. “Ooooh Jesus, Chief!” I swore as he pressed forward slightly. I was headed for a major zone out from the pain when Blair shifted his weight to one arm, using his free hand to drag my head back for a bruising kiss. I didn’t understand it at the time, but when I later realized what he did, I couldn’t help but marvel at his ingenuity. Unable to speak due to his supreme concentration on not just pounding into me outright, he was using my sense of taste to keep me grounded from zoning out my overwhelmed sense of touch. By the time he released my mouth, the pain had already faded into a dull ache. Not exactly pleasurable, but nowhere near as debilitating as it was at first. Surprised to find him frozen in place, I opened my eyes to find him staring back at me in wonder. “Oh God, Jim. I’m inside you, I’m a part of you,” he said, awed by the realization. I was beyond words at that moment, so instead I smiled and pressed my hips upwards to signal that I was ready to start. With a smile of his own, Blair pulled back an inch or two before gently pressing forward. His confidence grew; every stroke becoming bolder and deeper. He followed the pace that I set with my counter thrusts. The friction generated by our movements stimulated my cock, but not enough to bring me off. Once again, Blair instinctively sensed my need and reached down to stroke my erection. The multiple stimulations were driving my sense of touch right off the scale. Only the sounds of lovemaking kept me from drifting off into nothingness; the sighs, grunts, and moans each movement wrung from our lips; the slapping together of flesh slicked by sweat; even the quiet squeaking of the mattress as it swayed under our efforts kept me grounded. A particularly deep stroke of Blair’s cock brushed against my prostate, starting a chain reaction that swept through my body like a runaway train. “Blair...I’m gonna...oh...oh...gonna” I warned as my muscles started to tighten in anticipation. “Go...on...come...giveittome...giveittome...” Blair ordered as his final strokes become uncontrolled pounding. It was all I need to send me over the edge. I could feel the abused muscles in my ass clenching rhythmically around his hard cock as I came into his hand and over both of our stomachs. My orgasm triggered Blair’s as I felt his erection swell before the warm jets of his semen shot deep inside me. My last conscious memory was Blair screaming ‘I love you’ before passing out on top of me. ~~~~*~~~~*~~~~*~~~~*~~~~ I was back in the dream jungle, easily discernable by the dim blue glow everything seems to have there. The panther was pacing in front of me, waiting to get my attention. Once he had it, he moved forward to nuzzle his face into my palm. I petted him roughly once before scratching behind his ears, earning a reverberating purr as a reward for my efforts. Without any warning, the panther took off at a dead run into the jungle. I followed him at a ground-breaking pace, surprised by the excessive energy I felt at the moment. Blair once mentioned something about how the physical state of my corporeal form wouldn’t matter here, only my mental state would have any effect on my spirit. In layman’s terms, if my body was beaten to a bloody pulp in the ‘real world’, it wouldn’t make a difference unless I was stressed out by it. I can’t explain it any better, Q & A is the professor’s job, not mine. Anyway, we ran for a while, the panther and I, before we came upon the ruins I had visited on my last few trips with my spirit animal. The large black cat leapt gracefully up onto a ledge of what was once a temple. He paced back and forth a few times before the metamorphosis from Spirit Animal to Spirit Guide began. When I was in Peru to rescue Simon and Daryl, my spirit guide resembled an ancient warrior. He told me that I needed to make a choice, to be an ordinary man or a sentinel. The last time I was at the temple was after Incacha’s death. Without a true guide in the ‘real world,’ I had only my own knowledge to fall back on for advice. That was why I saw a version of myself when the panther transformed. Deep down I knew what my obligations were; not only as a member of the Chopec tribe, but also as an officer of the law. I’ve been told that acknowledging a fear is half the battle in overcoming it. I was terrified of the responsibilities that came part and parcel with being a sentinel. I guess in the end, I just needed to remind myself of that fact. I watched my new spirit guide emerge from the crouched form of the panther, not in the least bit surprised when the finished product turned out to resemble Blair. I say ‘resemble’ because there were so many differences from the man I had been just making love with in the loft not too long ago. This version was larger and more serene than my energetic roommate was. He was dressed in traditional Chopec clothing, the face paint barely distinguishable in the wash of the blue glow that seemed to appear on every surface in this place. “You have finally taken your true guide, Sentinel,” he spoke, much deeper than I was used to hearing from Blair. “Yes, and he has taken me,” I replied, stating the obvious. Black eyes, endless in their depth met my own. “He is now beginning his journey as Shaman. You will serve him well, Sentinel. You will guard him, as is your duty,” my spirit guide admonished. “I always have, but will I be able to keep him safe?” It felt strange asking about Blair in third person when in a way, he stood right in front of me. “The path for a sentinel and guide always holds danger. But know this, Sentinel. He is your last true guide. He will need your strength to aid him as he learns the way of the shaman. You must be prepared to help him find his way, just as he aids you in your journey.” With sudden insight, I realized what it was exactly that I was seeing. This was Blair, his strength of character unencumbered by his physical body. This was all of his vast knowledge and wisdom, without the curiosity and inquisitiveness that dragged his concentration off in a million tangents at the same time. This was the heart and soul of the man I loved. I couldn’t hold back my smile as I agreed to the terms my spirit guide had just laid out before me. Blair’s face began to melt and within seconds, the black panther was once again pacing in front of me. With a growl that split the jungle air, it leaped forward, merging into my chest. ~~~~*~~~~*~~~~*~~~~*~~~~ Startled to find myself back in the loft, my first awareness was the weight pressing down upon my chest. Blair’s long, silky curls tickled my chin as I felt his body jerk in shock. The sudden movement caused his limp penis to slide from my body. The knowledge of separation dragged deep moans from both of our throats. Still a little disoriented from my mental wanderings, I took a lock of his hair into my fingers and toyed with it while I compared the body on top of me with what I had seen in the spirit plain. After a short time, I was finally able to reconcile the two. Blair was Blair, no matter what form he took. My friend, my guide, my partner, my roommate, my shaman, my lover. All of my emotions were echoed in the deep blue eyes in front of me. Just out of curiosity, I was tempted to ask what Blair had seen in his own journey. Was his spirit animal was the same panther that guided me, or did he have another species to represent him. Along that same line of thought, I wondered what form his spirit guide took. Maybe Incacha, or some other shaman was there to teach him the way. “You have a very beautiful soul, Jim. I love you.” Guess that answered that question. Finis