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Home of the Devils Daughter

First let me introduce myself i am Shedevil, daughter of the Devil and welcome to my humble home. While wandering my place there are a few rules one must abide by...

No pushing others into the fire pits
No mistreatment of any of my residents
Respect the property of my realm
No diving into the's less than 8 feet deep
Do not touch the displays or disrupt them in any form
Do not pass under the tour ropes. Please keep on the tour path
Please stay with your tour guide and group at all times
Do not feed the creatures of this realm and do not tap on the hurts their ears and they turn violent
Please keep hands, arms, and legs firmly attached to your body at all times
SIGN THE GUESTBOOK!!!! *smiles* Have fun!!

Failure to follow these rule will result in being thrown into the creatures pit!!!

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last updated on 25th of May 2000


Well it seems to be taking longer than i had originally intended, please be patient and changes will soon start to take place here, but until then enjoy your stay ~~Blessed Be~~