no matter how high, no matter how low
i'll be thinking of you

gee...heh heh heh...thanks guys...

first of all, we'd like to thank the hanson family of course for many reasons. one being if they weren't here, this page wouldn't exist. :) special thanks to walker and diana hanson for producing seven angels who they've raised so well. shout outs to jessie, avery, mackie, and zöe; we love you guys too of course! :)

special thanks also to hansonline. without hansonline, many hanson related things would be virtually impossible to complete.

thanks to any webpages and webmasters/mistresses or random people who let us borrow images and things of the sort and contributed in making our page better in some way or another. :)

big thanks to the hanson hotel especially for many borrowed items and such.

and last but not yes, you of course! every visitor on this page counts. thank you so much...

if i'm forgetting anyone, please remind MOI. thanks. :)

and before you go, remember...


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