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*Cheryl's Virginia Tech page*

The whole tenth floor has moved on... Some were intelligent and moved off campus, some were not and still live here. Some even have graduated and moved into the huge scary real world. Living in a new place means meeting new people. If I ever feel that I am bored enough, I may add them so they will also be famous.

Stupid things we said

the tenth floor crew!

Sonora F: My roommate!! She is never here. I forget what she looks like. We ordered the body and soul collection from time-life. Now we feel cool. She used to be a cheerleader. We have a bunch of weird things in common and she actually understands what I'm talking about when I'm half asleep! Now she is in Delta Sigma Theta, Inc. That is a Sorority, but not a bad one. It is the same one as Bericka. Her boyfriend is a football player.

Paige Z: She's from California. That's supposed to make her cool or something. Don't be fooled by her innocent baby picture, this sweet little girl has her face pierced. There's a scary bar through her eyebrow and a post in her lip and more. They make me cry. Paigums made her own website waaaaaay back in high school. She lives in my suite. I like her...but I don't like girls. (ATTENTION WHORES!)

Erin S: I miss my erbear! The poor girl never has any work to do, so instead she bugs me. Oh yeah, she has the Nicest Ass (that's a private joke). Her boyfriend is the sweetest guy alive. We're all so jealous! Erin is in Kappa Kappa Gamma, yes, a sorority girl, but I love her a whole lot anyway!!!!

Gretchen B: She used to be the freshman down the hall who screamed all the time. Now she is just Gretchie who I never see anymore. But that's ok becuase I have replaced her with Jason and Brooke. She has the most quotes on the dumb quote list. She likes Dave Matthews. Gretchen is really tall, thin and blonde. She wants to be an engineer when she grows up. Some people think we are the same, but we are not. We like creamsicles, and we used to get them everyday, but then the people making them got more retarded than normal.

Stephanie L: She is the most beautiful girl on the floor! Steph loves Navy and Crew. She is AWESOME! Steph is so wonderful, she deserves the best boyfriend in the world who gives her flowers every day (and now she has him!).

Bericka W: I think she was supposed to be our RA. She's more a friend. She sings a song about a little green frog. I think it is the funniest thing ever.

Toni P: This was Paige's roommate. She doesn't drink caffine. She listens to country music.

Lindsey C: She has worms. And she dances funny. And she smells bad. Why is she my friend??? Her friend is Gene. We think he looks like Frankenstien.

people who WISH they lived on the tenth floor

Pyle: This guy is just about the most entertaining man alive. Without him I would have died of boredem in first semester Physics. We call him Pyle. I don't know why, but I found this picture of him. Pyle is a tool. We had a chart on the wall to keep track of when he does things that make him a tool. Final score: Is Pyle a Tool? Yes:33 No: 16. That sounds mean, but he knows it's all in fun and I love him a whole bunch! He works in Altlanta, but I will see him in June when he comes to visit me. I will show him how cool Delaware really is.

Laura K: She is very silly. I like Laura because she dances to 80s music, used to have very weird colored hair, her brother has cool parties and she lets me eat all of her chocolate. We eat the same thing every day. M IS FOR MUFFIN. We dance. We sing. I am happy she lives in my suite.

Joe M: He is an all grown up Senior. He is in mechanical engineering, so he always should be doing work. Instead he plays Quake. Joe is from New York, but he doesn't have that nifty accent. He lives with Greg P, Toddy and Schnelly Matt. He also has a kitten, Kitty. She is mean.

Greg P: A computer genius and the most wonderful guy alive. He saved my life and I will always be in dept to him. He used to be in a band. They played at barmitzvahs and stuff. We decorate his door for him all the time with naked girls. He kept last one up for a while. It was a birthday present. Then he threw it away. Now we will never suprise him like that again.

Lauren P: She is so WACKY!!!! I have so many classes with her and we just giggle in all of them. Of course, we are in the same group in our same major. We had a thing that we love and his name was Chuckie. He did not work as well as he should, but what can you do? If Lauren was a fish, she would live in a stream because she always seems to be swimming uphill. becuase we have no lives, we focus on others... like "Micheal" and "David"

Amy W: Another BSE Buddy. Imagine being in a class with me and Lauren AND Amy! I feel sorry for that person! (the cycle continues...or has it ended?) Anyway, I have a lot of fun with Amy, she sits next to me in BSE classes and keeps me awake.

Edric C: He lives in an apartment with Mike and Pyle. However, he is not there now and I miss him so much. I think the others may be happy because I have cut down on visiting them as much. I hope to see in for the Syracuse game on the 16th of October!

Toddy F: Todd is the biggest dork at Tech, but I think he's awesome. He drives the shaggin wagon (and very well). That's all you need to know about him. I want to take this time to thank Todd for being my chauffer. You kick ass. This is NOT "the shortest caption" on the page. I think it's average. If it was too long, it would take away from the rest of the page now wouldn't it? I will refrain from expanding this caption any more...

Wendy C: She was my freshman roommate. Besides being obsessed with the Wallflowers, she used to be a cheerleader. Wendy does the best imitation of Cartman! She loves to DRINK... Wendy had a mild crush on Leonardo I got to stare at him all the time...
She left the coolness of the tenth floor after freshman year to live in Main Eggleston. She stinks.

Katy M: She was in my ESP class (that's a math class, we're not becoming pyschic or anything). Katy, I think it may be illegal to date your TA!

Trevor D: We call him Zeus because he has the body of a god! He has little baby mice and one of them pooped on Paige. Trevor also has a light saber and it lights up and it's SO cool!!!

Matt B: He is SOOOOOOOOOOOO cool because he is from Delaware, too! We call him BillyMatt because when we first met him we couldn't remember his name. He has a small snake (No, silly, a real snake! get your mind out of the gutter!) It eats Trevor's mice. BillyMatt has a cool tattoo of beaker on his back. Did I mention that he is cool?

Mike F: Mike kicks ass because he came to see me during the summer. He takes me to all of the coolest places: TCBY, the baltimore aquarium and his house! Mike is just cool in general. What a Hottie!

Jeremy B: He lived with Pyle, Mike and Edric. Now he is somewhere in Europe. I used to think he was cool, but then he wouldn't let me have a cookie when I answered a question in Triva Pursuit.

Jeff H: I couldn't find a picture of a pimp, so I had to use the doughboy. (Sorry, Jeff) Paige said not to feel bad, the doughboy is the ultimate man. A long time ago, Jeff was our resident guy. He hasn't been here in a while. JEFF!!! Where are you?

Bill H: Bill is a 20 something year old grad student. He's cute, but too old for me . . . If you want to have fun, call him TinkerBill. He just got a new car, and this could be a picture of it, or not. I forget. Oh yeah, he needs a woman. He is at the bottom because he complained.

So, you think you're my friend and you want to be included in my little group of really awesome people?
I'll have to think about it... Send me an email or something, and maybe I'll add you.

This page last updated: October 7th, 1999 12:23 am