A Moment in America

A new day rising, East to West
Could not imagine what had just begun
We watched with terror, gazes fixed
On cities tortured in the morning sun
And as the falling clouds of dust
Scream of the lives that have been lost
This has been we’re sad to say
A tragic moment in America

September Tuesdays long from now
Will still remind us of that dreadful day
When grief invaded all our hearts
And brought a nation to its knees to pray
While the mourning comes in waves
And those who dig prepare the graves
Remember those for whom this was
Their final moment in America

We posted watchmen on our walls
To guard our families, homes & cherished land
How could they see, How could they know
The depth of evil in the heart of man
Though young ones hear our leaders say
‘Someone must die, someone will pay’
Pray our children will be free
Saved from these moments in America

Beyond a sense of justice done
Our nations hope and strength will not be crushed
So we arise and make our stand
As we declare today ‘In God We Trust’
For in the end, shall freedom ring
The kind that only He can bring
And so in faith we dare to live
Beyond those moments in America

-Colin Harfield

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