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TV Characters

Name: Ashton Ketchum (His nickname is 'Ash')
Age: 10
He lives in: Pallet Town
The main character of the show is an energetic and determined 10-year-old on his Pokémon journey. Anxious to become the best, Ash wants more than anything to become the world's greatest Pokémon Master. With the help of his friends, Ash is constantly trying to catch up to Gary, his snotty rival from his hometown, Pallet Town. Ash's Pokémon come in all different varieties, unlike his themed companions.
Name: Pikachu
Age: ??
He lives in: Originally given to Ash by Professor Oak in Pallet Town

Pikachu is one of the main characters of the Pokémon TV series and is also Ash's best friend and Pokémon.  An adorable electric-type Pokémon, Pikachu loyally defends his friends Ash, Misty, and Brock and stands up for all Pokémon-kind. Like all other Pokémon, Pikachu can only communicate by repeating his name over and over with his cute, baby-like voice. Pikachu is constantly pursued by the evil, Team Rocket.
Name: Gary Oak
Age: 10
He lives in: Pallet Town
The main character of the show.  He's very determined to become the greatest Pokémon Master in the world.  A real jerk, Gary is another trainer from Pallet Town. Self-centered, vindictive, and obnoxious, Gary obviously feels threatened by Ash and always goes out of his way to make
Ash feel bad. The grandson of Professor Oak, Gary fancies himself as a veritable Pokémon savant and always has a large entourage following him to hype his very existence. Gary's setting himself up for a big fall at the hands of Ash, and don't expect anyone to cry when it happens.
Name: Professor Oak
Age: 60
He lives in: Pallet Town
He's Gary Oak's grandfather and his job is to provide some guidance for Ash and other Pokémon trainers.  Professor Oak - One of the world's most respected Pokémon experts, Professor Oak lives in Ash's hometown. Absentminded, eccentric, and friendly, the Professor is always
ready to provide advice to Ash and his friends. Completely oblivious to Ash's rivalry with Gary, he usually finds some way to brag about his
grandson, usually spurring Ash to work even harder.

 Name(s): Jesse, James, Meowth
Also known as: Team Rocket
They live in: Town across Sunnyside
Age: 12 years old (I got their ages from the official site at:
They want to capture Ash's Pikachu, and collect other rare Pokémon as well.  - Prepare for trouble, make it double.... Jesse, James, and
Meowth are the three bumbling field agents for Team Rocket, a mysterious and evil gang looking to steal rare Pokémon. Jesse and James are stuck up, fashion conscious, and prone to cross-dressing. Their introductory chant, while said once almost every episode, always receives a humorous spin to prevent it from getting old. Meowth is a Pokémon
that, oddly enough, can actually talk like a human being (he's actually one of the few Pokémon which can talk). Together, they try their hardest to capture Ash's Pikachu, but they ultimately fail.

Name: Brock
Age: 12
Brock lives in: Pewter City
The eldest and wisest of the traveling trio.  He's love crazed emotions usually get the group in trouble.  Formerly the leader of the Pewter City
gym, Brock specializes on rock Pokémon. Although he's great in Pokémon battles, Brock aspires to be the world's best Pokémon breeder.

Name: Misty
Age: 10
Misty lives in: Cerulean City
Pretty conceited and whiny, Misty is one of the former Cerulean City gym leader and specializes in water Pokémon. Originally, she joined Ash just because she wanted something back for the her bike that he had destroyed.  Misty's taken a liking to the journey itself. Constantly quarreling with Ash over anything.

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