PART OF ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT SUMMER MOVIE GUIDEEntertainment One released a pretty good U.S. trailer for
Brian De Palma's
Passion yesterday via Entertainment Tonight, presented as part of the latter's "Summer Movie Guide." The trailer can also be watched at
IMDB, and
TV Guide.
For a change, this trailer does not mention that the film is "from the director of Scarface and The Untouchables," but simply "from acclaimed director Brian De Palma." Well, of course-- he's the director of Passion, which I've seen twice now on DVD (imported from France), and which I can say is excellent. I'll be writing up a full spoilerific essay about it sometime in July, but in brief, Passion is a whip-smart De Palma thriller with a magnificent split-screen sequence at its center, and a killer performance by Rachel McAdams. It's the most fun, relentless wind-up toy of a movie De Palma has put on screen since Raising Cain (Femme Fatale, which I like better than either of these, is fun, too, but not quite as wound-up; it sort of takes its own charming time). Looking forward to seeing this on the big screen.