In an interview with Bollywood Hungama's Joginder Tuteja, Bollywood director Sriram Raghavan, whose new film Badlapur opened last week, discusses making thrillers and, shades of yesterday's post on Big Bad Wolves directors Aharon Keshales and Navot Papushado, blending genres and inspirations. "Ek Haseena Thi could be termed as a romantic, revenge thriller or a jail drama," Raghavan tells Tuteja. "Johnny Gaddaar was a caper heist movie. Agent Vinod was a spy thriller. Now Badlapur is a psychological thriller. I like exploring this genre to the fullest." With a laugh, Raghavan continues, "Everyone I meet asks me why do I make only thrillers. My point is that even within the genre, there is so much variety. Every film requires its own kind of focus and internalization I guess."
For the new movie, the director tells Tuteja, "We, my main actors and HoDs watched several films in the zone that we were working on, ranging from Robert Bresson to Brian De Palma. I saw many world cinema thrillers. Iran's The Separation is also a thriller. I made a list of reference films for Badlapur which I shared with the gang. I made Varun [Dhawan] watch a lot of movies that he may never have heard of. He had a great time and subconsciously helped his performance."
Shades of Hitchcock promotion for Psycho, which stated that no one would be admitted into the theater once the picture begins, the poster and trailers for Badlapur simply and plainly tell viewers, with a tease, "Don't miss the beginning."
Updated: Saturday, February 28, 2015 12:36 PM CST
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