Dr. Donald S. Emmeluth




Current Address:                                51 Beaver Run Drive

                                                          Savannah, Georgia   31419 

                                                          (912) 961-0984          

E-mail:                                         demmeluth@hotmail.com


Business Address:                                Armstrong Atlantic State University

                                                     11935 Abercorn Street

                                                            Savannah, Georgia   31419 

                                                            Science Center, Office 1012

                                                            (912) 921-2072  (Office Voice Mail)


Homepage:                                    http://www.demmeluth.com


Current Position:                               Assistant Professor, Biology, AASU

                                                     Professor Emeritus, S.U.N.Y.


Education:                                        B.S. Wagner College, 1963

                                                          Major - Biology, Minor - Education


                                                          M.S. in Ed., S.U.N.Y. Plattsburgh, 1968


                                                          Ed.S., Florida Atlantic University, 1977

                                                          Curriculum and Instruction   


                                                          Ed.D., Florida Atlantic University, 1980

                                                          Curriculum & Instruction in Community College Education


Dissertation:                                   Validation Study of a Predictor Formula in a Community College


National Science Foundation Institutes

University of Illinois, Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology,'91

S.U.N.Y. Binghamton, Computer Language-APL, 1973

Indiana State University, Ecology and Systematics, 1967

Boston College, Radiation Biology, 1966


Additional Work

Fulton-Montgomery Community College

   Computer Programming - BASIC

   Professional Staff Seminars: Basic Achievement: Emphasis on

   Writing; Emphasis on Writing;FORTRAN IV, Data Processing

Florida Atlantic University; Plant Physiology Research

Cornell University

   Environmental Impact of Nuclear Energy

   Environmental Conservation

S.U.N.Y. Albany

   Research Statistics

   Curriculum and Instruction in Higher Education

Armstrong Atlantic State University, WebCT


Teaching Experience


Currently                 Assistant Professor Biology, AASU

                               Adjunct Professor, University of Georgia

1998 - 1968             Professor, Associate, Assistant, Instructor

                                                Fulton-Montgomery Community College

1998                       Tutor in Plant Systems; First Reader for Masters Degree in Environmental Science

1988                         Tutor in Immunology; Tutor in Environmental Toxicology

1987                         Tutor in Algology,

1985                        Tutor in Pathogenic Microbiology; Virology

                                                Empire State College; Albany, New York

1982 - 1981               Adjunct Professor; Higher Education; Goddard College of Norwich University

1980                           Tutor in Bacteriology (ESC)

1980                           Microbiology Instructor, Grade C Water Operator - Training Course (State

                                Mandated Continuing Education Course)

1979                           Microbiology instructor (summer quarter)

1977 - 1976               Guest Lecturer: Pathogenic Microbiology, Human Sexuality, Anatomy and

                                Physiology, Florida Atlantic University

1976                           Visiting Professor, Introductory Biology Palm Beach Junior College

1968 - 1963                Biology, Health, Chemistry, Algebra teacher

                                                Ticonderoga High School, Ticonderoga, N.Y.


Related Experience


Microbiology Consultant - Ackerbauer Laboratories

Water Quality Analysis Consultant - MCA Records

Mycology Consultant - Thomas Randall Associates, P.E.

Consultant and Reviewer - various publishers

Editorial Advisory Panel - The American Biology Teacher

Project Review Board, N.S.F. Project,

   "Human Beings and their Environment"

West Palm Beach Regional Public Health Laboratory, Lantana, FL

Landscape Maintenance and Design


Courses Taught


Bioethics (Ethics 2000)

Introduction to Biology (BIOL 1107)

Environmental Biology (BIOL 1140)

Microbiology Laboratory (BIOL 2010)

Microorganisms & Disease (BIOL 2275)

Biology Honors Seminar (ID 291)

Plant Biology (BI 172)

Animal Biology (BI 173)

Field Biology (BI 177) (summers only)

Studies of the Person (HD 100)





Developed and maintain Two Year College Section Website 2000-03

Reader for Advanced Placement Biology Exams 2001-03

Constitution and Bylaws Committee, NABT, 1997-1999

Invited Participant, NSF/Institute for Science Education Workshop, "Grade 13: Articulation, Equity,

   and Literacy Issues," 1995.

Advisory Committee, BSCS-NSF Project, "Developing Biological Literacy," 1995 - present.

Invited Participant, BSCS Wingspread Conference, "Environment- Resources-Population: Educating

   Citizens for the 21st Century", January 1994.

NSF Two Year College Workshop, "Partners in Progress: The Role of Professional Societies in Science,

   Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Education," Working Group Chair, 1992. 

Advisory Committee, BSCS-NSF Project, "Biology Education: Development of Curriculum Frameworks

   for High School, Two-Year, and Four-Year Nonmajors Courses." 1992

Chairman, Nominating Committee, National Association of Biology Teachers, 1991

Honorary Membership Committee; Alternatives to Dissection Task Force, National Association of

   Biology Teachers, 1989-1990

Board of Directors, National Association of Biology Teachers,1988

National Selection Committee, Presidential Awards for Excellence in Science and Mathematics, 89,87

Mathematical and Science Education Committee, Council of Scientific Society Presidents, 1987

President, National Association of Biology Teachers, 1987

Speaker, American Chemical Society, 1985 Invitation Education Conference; "Critical Issues in Two-

   Year College Chemistry"

Chairman, Community College/Two-Year College Section, NABT, 1984-1985

Chairman, Community College Committee, NABT, 1981-1984

Presenter and Presider, NABT National Conventions, 1980-2005

Chairman, Review and Selection Committee, CC/TYCB Committee of NABT, 1981-1983

Coordinator of Laboratories in Pathogenic Microbiology, Florida Atlantic University, 1977



Developed web based BIOL 1107 course for University of Georgia, Division of          

   Independent and Continuing Education

Content Advisory Committee to Develop New York State Biology Certification

   Examination, NYS Department of Education 1994-8

S.U.N.Y. Consortium Grant, 1991-1992, "Creation and Enhancement of Software and Hardware

   Documentation for Biology and Chemistry Laboratory Students."

Regents College Examination Committee in Microbiology, State Education Department, 1993-1998

Speaker, Eastern Section, Science Teachers Association of New York State, Inc. (STANYS),  1986

Chairman, Nominating Committee, Empire State Association of Two-Year College Biologists

  (ESATYCB), 1984-1985

President, ESATYCB, 1983-1984

President-Elect and Convention Chairman, ESATYCB, 1982-1983



Recipient with Suzanne Kempke of AASU Faculty Teaching and Learning Grant to

  Develop “A Virtual Walkabout for General Biology Students

Developed and maintain Biology Department Web page 2000-06

Campus Assessment Committee 1989-1999; Chairman 1989-1996

Presidential Search Committee, 1994.

President (1992-4), Vice-President, Fulmont Association of College Educators, 1989-91

Executive Board, Fulmont Association of College Educators, 1988-98

Academic Policy Committee, 1987-1993; Chairman 1988-1991

Advisor, Student Nurse Association, 1986-1989

Workshop Moderator, Fulton County Issues Forum, "Water Quality," February 1987

Career Planning Advisory Committee, 1986-1987

Speaker, Adjunct Faculty Orientation Program, "The Evening Student - Mythology vs. Facts,"     

   September 1986

Seminar Coordinator, Community Service Series, 1986

Educational Coordinator, St. Jude's Children's Hospital Radio-Telethon, 1984-1985

Chairman, Educational Concerns Committee, 1983-1984

Environmental Education Consultant, Greater Johnstown School System, 1981-1985

Developed and taught inservice course for Greater Johnstown School System, "Extending Outdoor

   Education into the Elementary and Secondary School Curriculum," 1983

Coordinator for Cooperative Work-Study Agreement with Hale Creek

   Research Station (division of N.Y.S. Department of Environmental Conservation), 1981-1998

Chairman, Science Division Committee on Developmental Programs

Part-time student academic advisor; involved with student recruitment and new student orientation

Former Coordinator SC 141-142 (multi-section Introductory Biology course)

Project Director, N.S.F. Grant No. SED 78-09893; "Assessing the Biological Science Needs of

   Community College Freshmen," 1978

Chairman, Faculty Evaluation Committee for Middle States Accreditation Steering Committee, 1974




Honor Societies

Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society

Beta Beta Beta (National Honorary Biology Fraternity)

Delta Phi Alpha (National Honorary German Fraternity)

Omicron Delta Kappa (National Honorary Men's Leadership




Who’s Who Among Teachers, 2005

Honorary Member Award, National Association of Biology Teachers, 2003

Cited in: A Community of Excellence: The Faculty of the State

   University of New York, 1995-1996

Who's Who in the East, 1995-1998

Recipient: NABT Two-Year College Biology Teaching Award, 1991

Cited as An Exemplary Educator, NYS Department of Education, 1991

Dictionary of International Biography, 1988-1998

Men of Achievement, 1988-1998

Who's Who in American Education, 1988-1998

Graduate Council Fellowship, 1977

Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Teaching, 1976

Outstanding Educators of America, 1973

Who's Who in American Universities and Colleges, 1963


Professional Organizations


American Association for the Advancement of Science

American Society for Microbiology

National Association of Biology Teachers




“Botulism,” Deadly Diseases and Epidemics Series, Chelsea House Publishers,

   Broomall, Pennsylvania, February 2005.

“Plague,” Deadly Diseases and Epidemics Series, Chelsea House Publishers,

   Broomall, Pennsylvania, February 2005.

“Typhoid Fever,” Deadly Diseases and Epidemics Series, Chelsea House Publishers,

   Broomall, Pennsylvania, February 2004.

“Influenza,” Deadly Diseases and Epidemics Series, Chelsea House Publishers,

   Broomall, Pennsylvania, February 2003.

Smith, T.M. and Donald S. Emmeluth, “Introducing BioInformatics into the 

   Biology Curriculum,” The American Biology Teacher, February 2002

Biology: The Dynamics of Life, Merrill Publishing Company, 1990

   High-school biology textbook, co-author

"Some Plant Hormone Investigations that Work," The American

   Biology Teacher, November 1985, co-author

"The Role of Community College Biologists Within N.A.B.T.," The

   American Biology Teacher, September 1982

"Discovery: Penicillin," The American Biology Teacher, March 1980

"An Assessment of Selected Variables Affecting Success in

   Community College Introductory Biology," (ED 172 298), 12/79

"The Sacandaga Study, One Year Later," Boating Sacandaga, 5/77

"Fishery Study of the Great Sacandaga, A Joint Venture...,"   Boating Sacandaga, 5/76

"C.A.I. and Microbiology," Journal of College Science Teaching, September 1974

"Achievement Motivation," Journal of College Science Teaching, October 1972

"Inexpensive Teaching Models," WARD'S Bulletin, December 1970


Unpublished Research Studies

A Review of Literature: The Effects of Magnetic Fields on Plants, 1978

A Morphometric Analysis of Plants Subjected to Various Environmental Factors, 1977

An Analysis of the Antimicrobial Action of Selected Disinfectants Using Fogging Techniques, 1976

Cooperative Fishery Research Study of the Great Sacandaga Lake, 1976; prepared for the N.Y.S.

   Department of Environmental Conservation


College Related Activities (not previously noted)


Keynote Speaker, Phi Theta Kappa Induction, 1995, 1981

Planning and Resource Allocation Committee, Middle States 1994-5

Institutional Concerns Committee, 1985

Speaker, Public Affairs Series, YWCA, 1984

Speaker, John Burroughs Society, 1982

Main Speaker, Nurses Pinning and Graduation, 1980

Committee on Developmental Programs, 1980-1981

Commencement Speaker Committee, 1979

Chairman, Screening Committee "Chancellor's Award for Excellence

   in Teaching," 1978-1979; Resource Consultant, 1981-1982

Sabbatical Committee, 1975-1976

Curriculum Committee, 1972-1974

Student Life Committee, 1974

Chairman, Promotion and Evaluation Committee, 1971-1974

Secretary, Promotion and Evaluation Committee, 1970-1971

Faculty Retreat Committee, 1969


Community Involvement (not previously noted)


Radio Program, "The FMCC Report," WIZR

Fulton County United Soccer League - Youth Soccer Coach

YMCA Youth Soccer Coach

FJ&G Square Dance Club

Science Consultant, Glebe Street Elementary School, Johnstown

Outdoor Recreation Consultant, Cub Pack 112

Ruling Elder, Choir and Handbell Chorus, First Presbyterian

   Church, Johnstown, New York

Secretary-Treasurer, Perry Lanes Majors Bowling League

Speakers Bureau

Campus Drug Counselor

Johnstown Narcotics Guidance Council: Chairman Counseling Com.




Dr. Ken Relyea

Former Chairman, Biology Department

Armstrong Atlantic State University

11935 Abercorn Street

Savannah, Georgia   31419

(912) 927-5314


Dr. Richard Teaff, President  (former Vice President - FMCC)

Dabney S. Lancaster Community College

P.O. Box 1000

Clifton Forge, Virginia   24422-1000

(703) 862-5061


Dr. Robert Kusek, Former Vice President ext. 8003

Dr. Varghese Pynadath (former Dean of LA & S) ext. 3515

Email: demmeluth@hotmail.com