BIOL 2275 Microorganisms and Disease

Course Overview

Course Objectives - Lecture

The following core themes and concepts are modeled after those suggested by the American Society of Microbiology. The cellular structures, metabolic pathways, regulatory signals, and genetic exchange mechanisms exhibited by microorganisms at present are the products of natural selection. In addition, evolutionary processes can be observed in the microbial world today, in cases such as antibiotic resistance, xenobiotic biodegradation, and the coevolution of hosts and parasites. The term microbes refers to all microorganisms whether they are subcellular viruses and other infectious agents or cellular including all prokaryotic and eukaryotic microbes.

1. Beneson, Adam S. (ed). 1995. Control of communicable diseases in man,
16th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
2. Centers for Disease Control and the National Institutes of Health
(CDC/NIH). 1993. Biosafety in microbiological and biomedical research
laboratories, p. 177. Government Printing Office (#017-040-00523-7),
Washington, D.C.
3. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health.
1997. Guidelines for research involving recombinant DNA molecules. Federal
Register, February 1997.
4. Fleming et al (ed.). 1994. Laboratory safety: principles and practices, 2nd
ed. ASM Press,Washington, D.C.
5. World Health Organization. 1993. Laboratory biosafety manual, 2nd ed.
World Health Organization, Albany, N.Y.
6. Lennox, John E. Sites related to laboratory safety:
