I. Matching: Match the word on the left with the appropriate definition.

 1. __________ macrophage      A. the body’s first line of defense

                                                B. white blood cells that ingest and destroy

 2. __________ complement         pathogens by surrounding and engulfing them

                                                C. a large white blood cell that can engulf

 3. __________ histamine             foreign matter

                                                D. a substance capable of stimulating a

 4. __________ antibody               specific immune response

                                                E. a group of proteins in blood that attach

 5. __________ immunity             to pathogens and help destroy them

                                                F. a reaction by tissues to any type of injury

 6. __________ skin                   G. lymphocytes that are involved in cellular


 7. __________ inflammation   H. a chemical that causes blood vessels in the

                                                    injured area to dilate

 8. __________ T cells               I. a protein produced in response to an antigen

                                                J. resistance to a specific pathogen by means

 9. __________ phagocytes          of an immune response

                                                K. a thick fluid that contains living and

10. _________ antigen                  nonliving white blood cells, pathogens, and

                                                    tissue debris

11. _________ pus



Explain the difference between passive immunity and active immunity.


What is a vaccine?



III. The Lymphatic System

Label the diagram below. Use the following terms: lymph nodes, spleen, thymus gland, tonsils


What is tissue fluid? ___________________________________________________________




What is the function of the lymph nodes? _____________________________________




What role does lymph play in the body? _______________________________________


















Scientific Laws, Hypotheses, and Theories

Name ____________________________________ Lecture Activity #14

In the space write the word True or the word False for each statement.


1.     __________ The ozone layer is a layer of gas that surrounds the earth.

2.    __________ Radiation has no effect on living things.

3.    __________ Fungi obtain energy by decomposing living things.

4.    __________ The biosphere contains two regions, air and water.

5.    __________ Minerals are abiotic factors in the environment.


Each of the following statements is false. To make the statement true, write a replacement word for each underlined word.


6.    ____________________ Maple trees in a Vermont forest are considered an


7.    ____________________ Mosquitoes constitute a community.

8.    ____________________ A habitat is composed of many populations.

9.    ____________________ Maple trees produce organic food molecules                                                       through the process of respiration.

10.____________________ Several organisms can occupy the same habitat

                                   but not the same community.


Match the term on the right with the definition on the right.


11. _____ an organism that makes food                       A. carnivore

12. _____ an organism that eats both plants and        B. consumer

               animals                                                     C. decomposer

13. _____ a plant eater                                             D. food chain

14. _____ a relationship among organisms in            E. food web

              which each is linked to another that it      F. herbivore

              eats, absorbs, or decomposes                     G. omnivore

15. _____ an organism that eats mainly animals       H. producer

16. _____ a network of interconnected food chains  


Complete the sentences


17. The regular exchange of elements between the living and nonliving

      parts of an ecosystem is called a ______________________________________.

18. _____________________is recycled in an ecosystem but __________________

      is not.


19. The range of conditions under which an organism is able to function

      and survive are ____________________________________ for that organism.

20. Secondary succession is the return of an area to its previous stable

      condition after ______________________________________________________.


Where Am I?


Based on these partial descriptions, determine the type of biome mentioned.


21. We live between the Tropic of Cancer and the Equator. There is usually a wide range of temperature between day and night. The soil is very sandy with a high pH and there are few plants. We get only about 2-4 inches of rain each year. I see many reptiles but most are nocturnal.




22. Our house is between 50º N and 60º N latitude. The winters are very cold so that most of the precipitation is in the form of snow. The trees are cone shaped so that the snow rolls down the sides of the tree without damaging it. Our summer is short and lasts only 2-4 months.




23. This type of area is known as the steppes in Russia, the pampas in South America and the prairies in the United States. Even though we get 30-40 inches of rain during the year it is not distributed equally over the four seasons. Few trees are found here but the topsoil can be deep.




24. We have four seasons. It is warm during the summer and cold in the winter. Most of the trees lose their leaves in the fall. Many birds migrate to a warmer climate just before winter comes. We have snow during the winter and I like to watch the animals like the squirrels, raccoons and deer throughout the seasons.

