I. Matching: Match the word on the left with
the appropriate definition.
1. __________ macrophage A. the body’s first line of defense
2. __________ complement
pathogens by surrounding and engulfing them
C. a large white
blood cell that can engulf
3. __________ histamine foreign matter
D. a substance
capable of stimulating a
4. __________ antibody specific immune
E. a group of
proteins in blood that attach
5. __________ immunity to pathogens and
help destroy them
F. a reaction by
tissues to any type of injury
6. __________ skin G. lymphocytes that are involved in cellular
7. __________ inflammation H. a chemical that causes blood vessels in
injured area to dilate
8. __________ T cells
J. resistance to a
specific pathogen by means
9. __________ phagocytes of an immune response
K. a thick fluid that
contains living and
10. _________ antigen nonliving white blood cells, pathogens, and
tissue debris
11. _________ pus
the difference between passive immunity and active immunity.
is a vaccine?
Label the diagram below.
Use the following terms: lymph nodes, spleen, thymus gland, tonsils
is tissue fluid? ___________________________________________________________
is the function of the lymph nodes? _____________________________________
role does lymph play in the body? _______________________________________