Grading and Attendance Policy
lt is expected that you are aware of and understand that you are bound by the principles of honesty and integrity as outlined in the current Armstrong University catalog. Please review this information. Be aware that it is also college policy that you may be withdrawn from a course for excessive absences. Therefore:
Extensive Tardiness will not be tolerated. Each three late arrivals will be the equivalent of one unexcused absence.
Your FINAL GRADE in this course will be determined by a weighted average of your lecture exams and project.
In this course, you will have THREE (3) examinations consisting primarily of multiple choice questions and a project. Each of the three examinations and the project represent 25% of your final grade. The exam dates and the due date for the project will be indicated on your lecture outline.
The following alphanumeric equivalences will be in effect:
A = 90-100
B = 80-89
C = 70-79
D = 60-69 (60 is the minimum passing grade)
F = below 60
Electronic Communication devices should be deactivated or left elsewhere. We do not wish to be disturbed during lab or lecture unless you can show a documentable reason. This means pagers, beepers or cell phones or any other devices that go beep in the night or day. Text messaging during class time is both rude and could be construed as cheating. Electronic devices with photographic capabilities may not be used without the expressed written consent of the instructor. Failure to adhere to this rule is grounds for removable from class with a grade of WF.
There are no grade quotas, stated or unstated, for this course.
Your textbook represents only one source of information about biological principles, concepts, facts, and ideas. By its very nature, it is a summary of what the authors feel are the most important points to emphasize. It is designed to answer questions you have about the subject, but more importantly, it is designed to stimulate questions.
To be effective your textbook must be read. This means more than simply looking at each word. Each word is part of a sentence which expresses a thought or idea. Each sentence forms a small portion of an even larger or broader concept or principle. To see only the words without recognizing the idea or thought is like seeing individual trees and missing the forest.
Some Final Points to Ponder:
The boundaries of a science, like the boundaries of a forest, are often vague and undefinable because they are always expanding and because they often blend into other subjects or areas. It is unrealistic to believe that a person will see the entire picture of what we call biology in a single semester or even several semesters. But we can and will begin the journey into the science of life with the realization that science, and biology in particular, has an impact on every part of our lives and probably always will. If we are to remain intelligent, rational citizens in our rapidly changing world, we must have the knowledge to be aware of and able to choose among various alternatives, before we make a final judgement.
Finally, for those dark hours which inevitably come to all of us, when we wonder if it’s worth it, when we wonder why we are here, the words of William Feather may give some thoughts to ponder:
An education isn’t how much you have committed to memory, or even how much you know. It’s being able to differentiate between what you do know and what you don’t. It’s knowing where to go to find out what you need to know. And it’s knowing how to use the information once you get it.