(Revised June 5, 1992)
1. The right to attend classes during their regularly scheduled time without deviation from such time and without penalty if the student cannot attend instructional time not institutionally scheduled.
Classes will be held at regularly scheduled hours. Special campus and/or off-campus sessions and field trips should be listed in the syllabi with expectations of attendance and make-up enumerated. Expectations of class attendance and tardiness will vary according to the information that is published in class syllabi.
In certain classes, adjustments in special teaching lectures and equipment demonstrations may necessitate class meetings that are not regularly scheduled. Faculty will attempt to give as much notice as possible so that students may plan their schedules, and students with scheduling conflicts will be responsible for notifying the appropriate instructor. In such cases, students will not be penalized for scheduling conflicts which prohibit attendance.
For further information, see Faculty Handbook, Regulations: Article VII, Section E.
2. The right to consult with an assigned advisor for a reasonable amount of time each quarter.
The campus advisement system enumerates the various individuals and units that perform advisement. Students should schedule appointments and see their appropriate advisor for a reasonable amount of time each quarter. Students who do not choose to follow the system may be hampered in their academic progress.
For further information, see Faculty Handbook, Regulations: Article VII, Section C.
3. The right to transfer core curriculum within the University System.
If core curriculum guidelines are followed as set forth in University System policies and in the catalog of the institution to which a student is transferring, academic work should be accepted. Students are responsible for communicating closely with the system institution to which they are transferring and to meet the guidelines in order to have the academic work approved for transfer.
For further information, see Core Curriculum Manual, University System of Georgia.
4. The right to consult with faculty outside of classroom time during regularly scheduled office hours and/or by appointment.
Faculty are expected to maintain and publicize individuaI policies concerning student appointments and/ or office hours each week. Faculty members should also be available by appointment to students who cannot see them during office hours. For further information, see Faculty Handbook, Regulations: Article VII, Section B.
5. The right to reasonable access to campus facilities of which use is required to complete course assignments and objectives.
Students will have reasonable access to campus facilities, such as the library, writing center, computer center, gymnasium, laboratories, and other academic facilities that might be required to complete course requirements.
6. The right to receive each quarter for each course, a syllabus which outlines course objectives and requirements and to be informed of any changes in these syllabi at the beginning of the quarter.
Students have the right to know faculty expectations in each course. At the start of term, faculty should distribute a syllabus with course objectives, attendance policies, grading procedures, etc. Faculty should provide timely notice of any change to the syllabus.
7. The right of timely review of lecture and/or reading of lecture and/or reading material before a major examination is administered.
Students should be informed of the general array of material on which examinations are to be given
in order that the students may conduct a timely review. Faculty will not be expected to tell students what will be on the examinations.8. The right of each student to receive access to any of his/her records kept by the institution. (May be waived by student in certain cases like placement office records.)
Students have all of the rights of access to their records that are enumerated and outlines in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), as amended. The right to access does not mean the right to amend or change records.
9. The right of each student to receive access to grading instruments and/or evaluation materials.
Students should receive in the course syllabus the basis for evaluating their progress and achievement in the class. Letter grade ranges should be clearly defined and the weight of grade work should be specified.
Students are allowed to see their examinations or other work after it has been graded; however, the instructor may choose to keep these material after student review.
10. The right to be informed of the grade appeals procedure.
The approved grade appeals procedure is printed in Students Illustrated and the University Catalog. Students are also informed at the orientation sessions of the proper procedure. The appeals procedure incorporates institutionally established due process rights for students. Students have the right to know if the grade appeals procedure is changed and how it is changed.