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Northwest Alabama Music Center

Latest news

Thank you for visiting the Official Homepage of The Northwest Alabama Music Center. This site is currently under construction....

In the near future , this is were you will be able to find the latest information on the project to bring a multi-purpose entertainment facility to The Shoals of Alabama.

We will have our location announcement very soon. We have considered over fifteen sights in The Shoals area and have narrowed our choices down to three. It's taken some time but the prime locations now under consideration have been well worth the wait.

Our area's legends of tomorrow will now have a chance to enhance their creativity with Local Projects Unlimited. A database of local area talent is being created with information including each artists talent level, genre, availability and contact information. This database will be created, maintained and published at no cost to the artists. Request your Local Projects Unlimited registration by e-mail: (note: if shortcut to e-mail below doesn't function, please take time to send request via your e-mail)

Meanwhile; check back often as this site will be updated regularly.

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Brothers n' Sisters

Opportunities knocking
Some of the best of the best
The Shoals is upward bound!
A home for many legends
The other brother
Link Of The Month
