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The Ring Fragment

It's simple!

The code is here:

(!--START STANDARD CUT HERE--) (!--Example code in standard form--) (center) (a href="")(img src="" border=0)(/a)(br) (a href="") This site in The Slayers Gang Webring(/a) is owned by (a href="mailto:YOUR MAIL ADDY HERE")YOUR NAME HERE(/a). (br) [ (a href=";id=YOUR ID HERE;prev5")Previous 5 Sites(/a) | (a href=";id=YOUR ID HERE;prev")Previous(/a) | (a href=";id=YOUR ID HERE;next")Next(/a) | (a href=";id=YOUR ID HERE;next5")Next 5(/a) | (a href=";random")Random(/a) | (a href=";list")List(/a) ] (p/)

Turn all the () to <> ok? If you don't like that pic you can type for this on:

and if you don't like that one you can use

If you can't figure out how this ring fragment goes feel free to e-mail me and I will help you!