The pot boiled and hissed like soemthing out of Macbeth. The fire undernesath was the only light in the mountains tiny kitchen, and its made Dorei look absoultely FERICE. She sat about the pot, gleaming steel fingernails poised at the ready. "Pull!" Sora, a few feet away, tossed a carrot in the air. "Sah!" She screamed. In a single precise motion, she diced the carrot into tiny slices. They dropped harmlessly in the pot. She used her long fingernails to swirl them into the stew. "Not too much longer now...I love training while I cook." ********************************** Harmonychan Productions Present: Shonen Yori Shoujo (boy rather than girl) Part 2:You Sure You Dont Want That Fiancee? ********************************** Sora whistled. "Pretty impressive." "No kidding? The old leader taught me all I know...he even forged my fingernails out of a old dagger. Look." She held one gleaming nail close to Sora's facce. She sweatdropped. "Can you please move that a little bit away?" "Oh, calm down." Dorei rolled her eyes. "Look at the base of the nail...see?" The knaji for "wolf" shimmered in the deep glowe of the fire. "Hakouruen, the old leader, was obsessed with em. He told me to use my nails like the wolfs use thier claws-to inspire fear and warn away befrfoe you evem have to fight. He always thought if you could scare soemone off, they wouldnt try to kill you. Logical enough, I guess...anyway, thats why Genrou has HIS name...the leader called huim that, and it stuck. He was always the leaders favorite..." she sighed with memory. "I lonly got here a few years before he died, but he left a deep impact on me..." "That reminds me...why are you here, anyway?" Sora eyed Dorei curously. "Why dont you just leave?" "I cant." She pulled a necklace out of the collar of her dress. The katakana carved into the gold beads read "Genrou-Kouji-Leikyaku". "As long as I waer this, I belong to them." "But...thats just worng!" Sra said vehemently. "Noone should ever belong to anyone else!" "Yeah...I agree completely..." Doreis eyes softened with memory. "Kouji wasnt the first one to stake a claim on me, after all... _ "Faster, you cow!" Ujis loud, cruel voice echoed behind her. She groaned and pulled the wagon up a little closer. The wagon of heavy jewels was heavy enough, that fat bastard wasnt helping any. Dorei trudged forward, panting heavily, her little 12 year old body protesting every step. Her feet ached in the rags wraped around them. Far be it for him to buy her some actual shoes... It was her third day of labor. A few days beforehand, her parents had sold ehr to Uji to pay for a diamond necklace. Unfortunately for her, she had came in about the same time Uji's mule had died-of hunger. She wasnt suprised, she hadnt eaten since they had entered Konan about a day ago. The feirce southern sun beat down on her head, and she was tempted to just fal down and elt the cart roll on over her. But her more stubborn side refuzsed. (What are you thinking?!?) she berated herself. (Dont be a baka! No matter what happens, I will previal! I am good and he is evil!) That being thought, she stopped short. She turned to Uji, bearing her teeth. "You! When are you going to feed me?" He responded by cracking the whip across her small back. She arhed in pain, wincing. He lauighed, a cruel, burbling sound. "It was good enough for the mule, its good enough for you. We will stop here." He hopped off the wagon, and glared at her. "Im going to buy some food...if you can actually sell some wares, I may share it. Otherwise, you might join the mule..." His laughter trailed as he walked off. She stood a full minute, glaring at him. "Jerk. Jerk! JERK!" She stumbled to her knees, dizzy. "Oh..I gotta find soemone...someone with ncie so i can eat..." She scanned the crowd, looking for a likely subject. Her eeys fell upon a blue-haired youth with a scar on his cheek, whisltling an old folk tune. His clothes were nice, almost too nice for a kid his age-she glomped him. "Nani?" He shouted, staing down at the huddled for that had attached itself, withoutwarning, to his midsection. "Hey! Leggo!" "BUY SOMETHING, DAMNIT!" the form wailed. "Hey!" he tried to pry her off. "Do i look rich?!?" "Yes." the female form whimpered. He pulled her to his face by her shoulder. HE was shocked to see the dirty, wan face of a 12 year old girl, tears streaming out of the eeys. His voice turned soft. "Hey, its alright...I can buy something, I guess." (There goes lunch...) Looking disgusted with herself, she pulled away and stood shakily up. "Geeze, im sory. Sorry if I got your shirt wet...Im okay." She walked shakily back to the cart. He walked forward and grabbed her arm. "Wait!" he said. "Are you sure youre-" "YOU WORTHLESS COW!" "Shit." Dorei wrenched her arm out of his grasp. Uji stormed over and gave ehr a sharp backhand to the cheek. "What do you think youre doing? Little whore! I brought you to sell jewelry, not hit on-" "She was just making a sale." The blue haired boy randomly grabbed a pair of red diamond eaarings. "My buddy Gen-chan would love theese." "Your buddy Gen-chan..." Greed shown in Uji's eyes. "He like jewelry?" Treahcery shone in Kouji's eyes. "He sure does...wanna meet him?" _ Dorei giggled. "How was I supposed to know he stole those fine clothes? Best mistake I ever made though...we arrived at Mt Leikyaku and they about MURDERED Uji. He barely even had a scrap of clothes by the time they were finsished robbing him!" she giggled again. "Served him right." "Wow, thats so sad..." "Not really. I lucked out, big time!" she said cheerfully. "I still go to school, and I can go to social events...Kouji even lets me borrow his horse! He and Gen-chan take great care of me, I get my pick of everything they steal, and all I have to do is cook dinner for a mess of bandits who dont care what goes in their mouths as long as it doesnt kill em." She smiled over at Sora. "The best aprt is...Im totally free. I know that Kouji would let me leave if I wanted to...I stay cause I owe him my life, and nothing less, so my life is what he gets. But, you know, if you stayed, you wouldnt owe anyone anything!" "Stay?" Soras royal blood curdled. Stay? On a bandit mountain? "Sure! Youd be totally free! Noone would ever boss you around, all youd have to do is help me make what do you think? Please?" Dorei was pleading. Sora thought it over. Spend the better part of her life on a mountain of smelly bandits? Not too appealing. Part of her recoiled in horror. But the otehr part of her, the part that wanted its freedom so badly , said "I could..." "REALLY?!?" Dorei glomped onto Sora, giving her a huge hug. "Uh..." It was odd. Sora was not used to having people come out of nowhere and hug her. was nice. (So this is how normal people do things...) She encircled her arms around Dorei and smiled. (I could stay...I really could.) "Shoot!" Dorie broke away as the pot began to boil over. "Dang, dang, dang..." She grabbed it off the fire, and set it on the table. In a flash, she spooned it into two bowls and shoveed one at Sora. "Here, take this to Genrou. He likes to eat in his room." "But-but-" "Oh, come on. Go! You cant miss the room,it has 'Gen-chan the bandit king' writtien on it in bright red paint." "Bit I dont know him!" "Dont you want to? Come on, i saw the puppy eyes you were giving him. Now go. Scoot!" She shoved Sora out the door. "But-" Sora turned in tiem to watch the heavy kitchen door slam shut and hear Dorei yell "ALLRIGHT YOU DIRTY BANDITS, WHO WANTS SUPPER!" to a roomfull of cheers. She sighed, shrugged, and retreated towards Genrous room. _ "Tasuki, let her go home no da!" "At least give back the sorasai!" "Nothin doin." The argument was at a gridlock. The three party were equally incenced a nd equally stubborn. They were all hanging out in Genrous room. Chichiri, who was sitting cross-legged on the floor, demanded that Sora was released immedailteyt. Kouji didnt really care either way, but did want her sorasai returned. Tasuki was evhemently agaisnt both ideas. His story-the blanket one at least-was that she had intruded upon his privacy and he wanted the ransom. The real story, the one he wouldnt admit, was that he was impressed by her courage. She refused to leave without her weapon. He didnt like girls. They were whiny, wimpy, manipulative, and mean. But this girl didnt seem like any of that. She was strong, but not mean or manipulative. She was mad, but not whiny. She was almost warriorlike in attitude-that waepon was HERS, and none got it but her. He hadnt actually LIKED a girl since that fiasco with Miaka- Miaka! Why that name?!? She was Taka's. Not his, Taka's. Taka's! But no matter how much he repeated that to himself, it didnt help. He realized that he didnt love her.He had mistaken feelings of freindship for soemthing else, and Tenkous sence-stealing river had helped. But maybe it wasnt her, as much as just the chance to be loved- Kouji broke into his uncharacteristicly maudlin thoughts. "I trhink youre being ridiculous. You dont even KNOW the incantation to make the sword work!" "Ill bet Chichiri does!" Tasuki hgave him a widefanged grin, and was met with a stern glare from the now maskless Chichiri. "Im not telling you no da!" "But..thats not fair!" "Its not fair your keeping her weapon no da." Chichiri crossed his arms. "I wont help you steal from a young girl no da!" "Why not?" Genrou looked honestly confused. Chichiri sighed, rubbing his temples. "Have you no shame no da?" "If he had any shame, would it say 'Gen-chan the bandit king' on his door in bright red paint?" "Whos *&^%in' side are you on, Kouji?!?" The fight continued, untill Chichiri senced a familar chi outside the door. "Im tired no da. Im going to my room, Tasuki-kun...same as always no da?" "Yup!" Tasuki gave Chichiri a warm grin. "Room's always open for 'ya." "Saraba nan no da!" Chichiri warped into his kasa. A soft knock came on the door. "Dinner." It was Sora, using a "why-the-hell-do-I-gotta-do-THIS" voice. Kouji stood and streched. "Id better get to my room, Dorei will be brining my dinner soon. See ya." he went trough the door that connected the two rooms. Tasuki flumped back on his bed with his eyes closed. (Fine. great. Leave me alone with her.) He closed his eyes. "Come in." he growled. The door banged open. "Hey, sit up, cmon, I have your dinner!" she said. "Leave it on the dresser." he muttered. "Whatever." she sighed, footsteps retreating out the door. They stopped. "Can i have my sorasai back yet?" "No!" (geeze, she just wont give up...) "Well then...youll just have to marry me." "Na-Nani?" He sat sraight up, prepared to shred her for such a remark. He was shocked to see her face creased with worry. He sputtered. "Why the %$#@ would you say that?!?" "Because...its the rule. If you want to keep MY weapon, you marry me! I hate it, you know...Im not here bothering you by CHOICE!" she bit her lip. "I have to marry the one with the tessen...hes the only one who wouldnt want my sorasai! And its mine! I trained with it for years, and Im just supposed to give it up?!?" She slammed her fist on the wall beside her. "If you wanna keep it, go ahead! Its not like Im important! Im just a girl to be married off!" tears srpang to her eyes, and she turned away. Tasuki stared at her, shocked at the sudden outburst. He had never stopped to consider it from her position, of course...he was being a real ass. The girl could not help her situation. She had actually been willing to masquerade as a man to get out of her situation...she had guts. He stood up a little clumsily, and moved to her side. "Hey...its okay! I dont wanna marry you...but you can stay on Mt Lekyaku as long as ya want!" he burst out, face red. She looke up at him, flicking a tear out of one eye. "Really?" The affection in the look she gave him made him flinch. "Uhhh.." They were interrupted by a loud shouting from the outer hallway: "KURUN SORA! GET OUT HERE THIS INSTANT! SHE'LL KILL ME!" "DAMNED STRAIGHT I WILL!" Tasuki grabbed his tessen. "Great. Another visitor!" Sora sighed. "Yatsura..." - "Mou..." Dorei staggered back into the kitchen with the heavy but empty kette of soup. "theese pots are so HEAVY!" She sat down, rubing her feet. *BANG! BANG!* The doorknockers sounded their loud greeting. She sighed. "Never a dull moment..." She ran out to the front doors. She threw them oped to see a warrior, sword drawn, wit a long black ponytail and a smirk on his beautiful face. She rolled her eys. "Aother one?" The smirk on his face became confusion. "nan-" She put her hands on his chest. " binding marks...only one way to be sure!" "Na-" *RIIIPPP* Dorei stepped back, giggling with embarrassment and holding most of teh chest of the visitors shirt. "Gomen nasai...I thought you were a woman!" "A WOMAN!" the vistior sputtered. He held up his sword. "Listen here, girl...Im Jigoro Yatsura!" Doreis eyes flickered. "Yatsura? Oh, youre the jerk!" "The jerk? Excuse me? He glared at her. "Enough of your babbling. Bring me Sora." "Im sorry, im afraid I cant, shes very busy." She gigled. "If youd want to leave a mesage-" "Listen wench!" He brough up his sword and in one quick move had the broad base of it against her throat. "If you think-" *SNK* In another quick move, Dorei had her steel fingernails lightly tapping his face. She poked the top of his cheek, to assure him they were sharp. A red dribble of blood trailed down his cheek and splashed on what was left of his shirt. "Listen, ass!" she hissed. "Never, NEVER call me a wench. I dont like that word. Now you eather move your little dagger right now, or prepare to lose a LOT of that pretty face." They sat, locked in their death-stance, for a few minutes. Finnaly Yatsura lowered his sword. "KURUN SORA! GET OUT HERE THIS INSTANT!" His warriors voice faltered for a second. "SHE'LL KILL ME!" "DAMNED STRAIGHT I WILL!"she hollered, still holding the claws meancingly at his face. Fotsteps stampeded up the hall. Kouji was in front, dagger drawn. "HEY!" He yelled, flashing the dagger in his face. "LET HER GO!" "Everyone around here is so violent no da..." Chichiri sighed.He gripped his prayer beads, and the metal on Yatsura's sword drooped to the ground. "AHHH!" he screamed. Dorei stepped free, spit on his shoe, and ran to hide behind Kouji. "Nyaa-aah!" Sora broke through the confised corwd and stood before Yatsura, hands on her hips. "Go home, Yatsura." "No! Never shall I back down! I must rescue you-" "But I dont WANNA be rescued!" she yelled. "You cant have my Sorasai! My Sorasai belongs to-" "Me!" Tasuki yellled. He scooped up Sora and slung her over his shoulder, laughing loudly. "Shes my fiancee now! Not yours! So %$#@in' there! BWAHAAHAA!" He continued to laugh bawdily, even as Sora kicked and screeched. "I am NOT!!!" (What a jerk!) she seethed. (Buff tho...what strong arms! Wait, what am I thinking here?!?) He bit him on the arm. "&%$#!" he screamed, depositing her on her hinder. Uatsura glared down at her. "So, you will not leave with me, my beloved?" "No! And never call me that again!" she yelled with as much venom as she could manage. "Well then..." Yatsura glared up at Tasuki. "My men will be here at sundown...I would SUGGEST you prepare for an attack of no mercy!" He turned to leave. "Hey!" Dorei yelled. "You want your shirt front back?!?" She giggled madly as he stormed out the door, neck bright red. Tasuki watched him go in a position of defiance, the burst into kneesleapping laughter and a bandit dance with the equally madly laughing Kouji. "That was great, Genrou!" "No kidding, Kouji?" "Great acting job, so masterfull..." "And you were so brave out there!" Sora, sweatdropping, tapped Dorei on the shoulder. "You SURE they arent yaoi?" Chichiri laughed. "Even I have my doubts two should go to bed no da.Thats where Im going, if theyre attacking at dawn no da." Dorei turned to Chichiri, horrified. "Youre gonna try to fight?" Chichiri patter her on the head. "Im a Suzaku seishi no da! If we could defeat Nakago! we can certainly defeat HIM no da!" He then looked at her in concern. "Your neck no da!" "Huh?" Dorei put a hand to her throat. "Oww..." it was raw and sore. Sora examined her throat. "Hmm...looks like he was pressing that sword in pretty hard. How bout I bandage you up?" "You can bandage me up?" "I didnt just sit around and drink tea ALL day..." _____________________________________________________________________________________ Tasuki sat outside Sora's room, listening to the girls talk and laugh. As much as he hated to admit it, he was pverwheled with respect for the girl Sora. She was pretty tough...he had to give it to her. She didnt cry. Even when faced with certaint marriage, she didnt back down...the heavy weight of the sorasai pressed into his back. The voices carried into the hall...first, Dorei, gagging a little. "not so tight!" "Sorry, sorry..." Then Dorei giggling. "Well, congratualtions...two fiancees?!? Is that legal?!?" "Uresi!" Soras voice got mad. "I dont even want ONE fiancee. Tomorow, Im fighing off that jerk Yatsura. Ill KEEP my sorasai! And you knwo what else? Im not leaving here!" *thunk* Dorei dropped something. "Youre..staying?!?" Soras voice was resolute. "As long as Genrou will let me, I-" The door swung open. He stormed in, face twisted. "Youre gouing to fight tomorow?" "Yeah, whats it to ya?" "Youll need a weapon." Tasuki carefully unsheathed the sorasai. He set in in her open hands, her astonsihed face making him grin. "If you arent planning to run off, i dont need it. Get some sleep, tomroows a big day." He gave Dorei a brotherly pat on the head. "Gnight, Dorei...dont stay up, we need you bright an' early." "Yes, sir, high holy bandit cheif!" Dorei mock saluted him. "Uresi!" he growled as she stomped away. Dorei turned to Sora, who was still open mouthed with shock. "Ne...sure you dont want that fiancee?" End chap 2