*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~* ""Bored....bored,bored,bored....." H-chan sat in her subterranean cavern (Aka bedroom in the basement) and thought things over. Her eyes strayed to her overflowing bookbag in the corner. She shuddered as she thought of it, each folder about to burst with notes for finals. One too many nights watching "Sailor Moon" instead of studying had made it a pass or fail situation, and she...well...school sucked for a lot of reasons. Why think about school right now? There was at least an hour till Lizzane came over to study....She needed a distraction...Oh yeah! She walked over to her VCR. Her newest aqiuration, a fansub sent over from her supplier (Ann-chan) called Fushigi Yuugi. "This should kill some time..." She put the tape on. She watched in remote scilence untill the book opened. "This is the story of a girl who gathered the Seven Seishi of Suzaku, and acquired the power to make every wish come true."....unknowingly she repeated in Japaneese. Maybe a lucky star had shone on her yesterday. "The story itself is an incantation..." God knows she could have used the luck. But for whatever reason... "Whoever finishes the book shall receive this power..." maybe escape, maybe conveinience, but for whatever reason she was chosen.... "As soon as the page is turned, the story will become the truth and begin..." It was time for the story to begin. *^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~* Chichiri sat by the edge of a lake, dipping a line into the water. Training at Mt Daikyoku was pretty strict, but finally Taitsu-kun had given him a break and allowed him to persue a past love: fishing. "Such clear water, fresh fish is almost gauranteed no da!" He scanned the water. Not even a ripple. Just a clear, calm day.... "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Chichiri stared up in glazed shock as a young girl fell screaming from the sky, thrashing into the lake. "She probaly scared off all the fish no da." He sighed and dove into the water. *^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~* Harmony-chan productions proudly persents: A Fushigi Yuugi OVA Ripples in the water OVA 1: H-chan makes a splash! *^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~* "Uhmmm..." H-chan rubbed her head. This place seemed rather breezy for her living room floor.... And she was pretty sure the living room floor didnt have grass, and a brook, and a foxed face man who didnt appear to have pupils.... "Waaaah! where am I?" H-chan sat straight up, smacking Fox-face squarely on the chin. "Oh my gosh! Im so sorry!" She ran over and propped him up. "Wow, I hit you pretty hard...." He looked up, and strangely enough, smiled at her. "Its alright no da! Im Houjun, most people call me Chichiri nan no da!" "Okay, Chichiri nan no da." "*sweatdrop* Um, its just Chichiri..." "Ohhh!" The girl stood up and bowed. "Gomen nasai! Im Haruka, but pretty much eveyone calls me H-chan..." "You have a nickname too no da?" He studied her. "Id better take you to Taitsu-kun no da. She will be able to tell me who you are, probaly...Ihope...no da..." The girl creased her eyebrows. "Haii! Lets meet Taitsu-kun! I dont know whats going on any better than you. Is it a far walk from here?" Chichir went into SD form and waved his Kasa. "Not necessary no da! We'll take this!" H-chan gagged at the sudden transformation, then let it go. She poked the kasa with a stick. "What, does it turn into a car or something?" "Car? No, just follow me no da!" he hopped into the hat and dissapeared. H-chan picked it up and studied it. (Nani yo....what is this place...and who is this GUY? Im getting seriously freaked here...) She lifted up the hat above her head and began to cautiosly lower it down on her head. "Whoever this Taitsu-kun is, I hope shes go some answers..." *^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~* *pop* Chichiri bowed before the regal figure of Taitsu-kun. "Taitsu-kun, this girl just fell out of the sky no da!" Taitskun leaned forward and studied the space around her. "what girl?" *Pop* "Ah!" H-chan hit the floor again. This deja vu thing was a real pain.... "That girl!" A Nyan-nyan picked her up. "This girl right here!" another one echoed. Taitsukun looked down on the girl. "Well then-" "This girl! This girl with the funny clothes!" About a dozen more Nyan-nyans popped out of the walls and joined the chorus. "Yes, I know-" "The girl! The girl! The-ayyyyeeeeeeeeeee!" The Nyan-nyans screamed as about a dozen of thier number were punted out the roof. The rest settled into a nervous kind of quiet. Taitsu-kun stepped down off her throne and studied the girl closely. She was a nervous little thing, in an odd shirt without a fron openting with a blonde bunhaired girl falshing a peace sighn. She was also wearing blue...well, they appeared to be slacks, but the material was quite unusual. Top all this off with a sholderlenght crop of red-brown hair and brown eyes...and you had a miko, right? Chichiri slowly backed out of the room. He really needed some perspective in the form of a nice bath. Taitsu-kun tapped the girl in the stomach."Well, you are an odd-looking specimen." "hey!" H-chan glared at the old lady. "Youre one to talk, wrinkle face-ouch!" Taitsukun smacked her upside the head. "Respect for your elders, child. Now then, will you be Suzaku no miko?" "Whaaaat?"H-chan was so suprised she fell smack down on a Nyan-nayn. It squealed and dissapered. "You want me to be a preistess?" "Not just a preistess...the one ruler of this world...the Miko that can summon the animal idol Suzaku...and save our world from destruction." "So whats in it for me?" "Spoiled brat!" Taitsukun glared at her. "If you can summon Suzaku, he will grant three of your wishes. Anything in the world can be yours." "Anything?" H-chans eyes began to shine. Here it was! Contoured clothes...pasing grades... "A Boyfriend!" She jumped up and cheered. "I can finally get a boyfriend!I am sooooo in!" "Its no wonder to me your single." "Youre mean, Taitsukun." H-chan glared at her. "I dont think Im that bad. Nyan-nyan." About 3 dozen Nyan-nyan appeeared. "Hai, Taitsu-kun!" "Take this girl off and get her out of those clothes. Clean her up and get her ready for dinner as well." "Hai!" They all grabbed her and popped her off into a pink bubble. Taitsu-kun laughed. "So, we have a miko....this should be interesting..." *^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~* Chichiri pointed at the fire under the boiler for the bath. It immediately ignited. "The powers of a monk are quite handy no da." he looked around for any hidden Nyan-nyans and disrobed. Last he peeled off his mask. He studied his face in the long, ornately decorated mirror by the tub of water that served as a bath for those who trained at Mt Daikyoku. He knew that his face was not bad.It had been goregeous before the scar. A long, ragged pink thread of skin that kept his left eyelid shut. He had been a favorite among the girls in his old life as Ri Houjun. But the girl he had really loved , had even engaed to marry, had chosen his best friend. In a rage, He attacked him. That was when hed had gotten this scar, trying to save his friend from a flood. Houjin had died that day with him. There were no words that could describe the pain he would always feel...because of his jeaulosy, he had lost his love and his friend. There was nothing he could do to change the past, only the future. He knew the sight of the scar disturbed some, thats why he always kept the mask on... He would always keep the scar, as a memorial of that time. He would never forget his friend. He would never love again. *^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~* H-chan stood before the mirror the giggling Nyan-nyans held up. "Not bad!" "You look cute!" The nyan nyans giggled. She was wearing a green silk boys shirt that fastened up the side and some loose fitting black mens slacks. "Not many girls train here..." The Nyan-nyans chirped apologetically. She had done her hair up in some black lauquered chopsticks and the overall effect wasnt bad at all. If only that stupid Johnny could see her now... She turned around and glared at the Nyan-nyans. "What are you giggling at?" The smothered their mouths. "Nothing!" "Nothing at all!" "But you need a-" "Shower! Yeah!" "Yes, a shower!" "But I just got dressed!" Haruka complianed as she got dragged into another Nyan-nyan bubble. Never mess with a Nyan-nyan on a prank. *^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~* "-Im okay, really!" H-chan screamed at she hit the floor of a large, ornate bathroom. "Da!" "Huh?" H-chan looked up-and squeaked. There was the most shonen man she had ever seen...totally...um, completey...ah... They stared at each other for a second, the shock of the moment washing over the both of them. Finnaly, H-chan issued a final, frightened squeak from the back of her throat, developed a nosebleed, and passed out cold. Chichiri stared down at the unconsious girl for a second, sighed, and propped her up against the bathtub.He put his clothes back on. "Nyan-NYAAAAANNN!" *^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~* "Were sorry!" "Very sorry!" "So Very sorry!" "Please-" All the Nyan-nyans bowed. "forgive us!" Chichiri galred at them. "Fine nan no da. Ill let Taitsu-kun deal with you. That poor girl must have been scared to death no da!" He walked off. Taitsu-kun glared down at the Nyan-nyans and said "That was a bad, bad thing you did..." "Were sorry-" "But-" "So sorry-" "Well-" "VERY SORRY-AIYAAHH!" Another wave of Nyan-nyan joined the growing Nyan-nyan orbits of the mountain. Taitsukun cleared her throat. "As I was SAYING. what you did was cruel, and evil...but necessary." "Nani?" all the Nyan-Nyans said in unison. "Its been far too long since Chichris had a spouse, or even a girlfriend. And since he is a seshi...They may as well get to get to know each other. There is no dedication like love..." A steady realization went over the Nyan-nyans as they thought about it. As a miko, you hade a very perilous job that needed very dedicated bodyguards. And who was more dedicated than someone in love? "Now then, do you understand what is required?" They all nodded. "Good. Now bring them to dinner." *^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~* "Arigato Gozaimasu." Haruka bowed and sat at the table. It was a long, ornate affair, at which Chichiri, Taitsukun, her, and a pile of food sat . H-chan scanned the table. Where was that shonen guy? "Chichiri, serve the pork." "Hai, Taitsukun no da." Chichiri hated the formalness of dinner. He susally grabbed some food and went out beside the lake to eat. But it was H-chans first night, and Taitsukun wanted style. He looked over at H-chan. She didnt look embarrased, just confused... "Chichiri you KLUTZ!" Taitsukun yelled at him as the gravy spalshed on the table. "Da!" He hurried to whipe it up. The sound echoed in Harukas mind. "Da...da...da.." Where had she- oh god. That shonen guy was....Chichiri! She felt a swoon raise behind her in a great gray wave. No, She had remained fully consious for at least an hour for the first time in this world, and she wasnt gonna spoil it now. "Ah, can I be excused?" She grabbed some food and dashed out. Chichiri watched her go. "Taitsu-" "Go." She turned away to hide her smile as he grabbed some food and rushed off behind her. *^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~* H-chan walked down into the forest, staring up at the sky. She smiled at the twinkling stars in the newly dusked sky. Well. He was shonen. He was kind. He had a cool voice, and control over the Nyan- nyans. Maybe he would help her... She twinged as her situation washed over her. She was scared. Not scared, Terrified! She hadnt had any time to think of it before, because of all the mistakes and, ah, other circumstances of the day...but she was in trouble, and there was no denying it now. All she had done was recited along with a movie, and she had been sucked away to this weird world with dancing kids that popped out of bubbles and a shonen monk in a mask and a- No. Just clear it out, think of the stars... She stared up, and smiled. "Hoshi na wa fire fly..." she sang, soflty. "You have a very pretty voice no da!" Chichiri popped out of a tree overhead. "Augh!" H-chan dropped all her food and blushed. "Chi--chi..." "H-chan..." He smiled and dropped to the ground. "Just forget what happened today no da. It was the Nyan-nyans, Its no fault of yours nan no da!" "um, okay..." She faded off. "But Chichiri-san..." "Da?" Her face cracked as she sank to her knees. "Im so scared....I dont know why Im here, or how I got here and I dont know anybody and Taitsukun is creepy and the Nyan-nyans-" "Hush, hush..."He knelt down beside her and took his mask off. He stared down at her face. Even with tears pouring down it, it was cute. He held her. "You never really did get to think about this, did you nan no da?" She shook her head. "I have something to show you, Haruka." He stood up. She stared up at him. "nani?" He bent down and ripped a patch off his knee. She stared in shock at the glowing symbol. His voice took on a seriousness she had never heard before. "This is the sign Sho. It means well. It is also the name of a constellation called Chichiri. Im named after it because Im a Suzaku seishi. Do you know what that means?" The stunned girl shook her head. "It means Im fated by the stars to protect the Suzaku no Miko. In other words, I will protect you from whatever will hurt you in this world. You dont need to be afraid anymore." He sat down beside her. "Is that good?" She just stared at him. "Haruka?" She wailed and wrapped her arms around him. "Arigato...ARIGATO!" She sobbed for a minute, then slumped against him. "Ne, Chichiri?" "Hai?" "Im tired..." He smiled and put his mask on. "Here." He handed her the kasa. "Its my first gift for you, Chibi no Miko." "hey, Im not that short!" But she was smiling as she stepped into the kasa. He watched her dissapear and wandered back to the Mt. What had made him open up like that? he had just looked down at her, and seen her tear filled face and wanted to protect her more than anything... "This is making my head hurt no da!" He shook his head. "Enough of this. Im tired too." He put his kesa down on the ground and sank into it, ending up in his room. He stretched out and sank into his bed- "Da!" He muffled his shout. There she was curled up in a corner of the bed. ((Shimatta, Taitsu-kun! Get her a bed no da?)) The telekinetic though almost peirced his eardrums. ((STOP WHINING AND GO TO SLEEP! IM TIRED, AND YOU BOTH HAVE TO GO TO KONAN TOMOROW!)) ((hai, Taitsukun.)) He spread out his cloak on the floor and curled up on top of it. He looked at the little miko and smiled. "Oyasumi Nasai, H-chan." END PART 1!