^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~* Harmonychan productions present A Fushigi Yuugi OVA: Ripples in the water OVA9:Who is Tomo? ^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~* H-chan stared up at him. "Tomo...well, thanks Tomo. Im Haruka, but pretty much everyone calls me H-chan..." "Whats wrong, H-chan? What was your blue haired friend so mad about?" H-chan shrugged, toying with the glittering rose. "I dunno...I guess I just dont think ahead." H-chan smirked. "I almost burnt down a tree today..." Tomo smiled at her. "It cant be all that bad-ouch!" A burnt nut fell down and hit him on the head. He picked it up and studied it. "Jeeze, this thing was flame-broiled! What kind of pyromaniac would-oh." He sweatdropped and tossed it back into the shrubbery. "Ah, gomen nasai! Do you want me to walk you back to your camp? The forest outside of Konan can be dangerous for a young lady by herself." H-chan grinned in relief. "I thought youd never ask." ^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~* "BWAHAAHAAHAAA!" "Give it back, Tasuki!" Chiriko, hopping up and down, was despreately trying to get his hood back from Tasuki. Tasuki put it on. "Lookatme! Im CHIRIKO! Bwaaaaaaha!" Chiriko glared up at him. "At least try to be insulting. Even though saying I look like YOU is pretty mean..." "You little brat! Lekka-" *ZANG!* Tasuki and Chiriko floated in seperate bubbles of yellow energy. Chichiri glared up at them. "Im not a babysitter no da." Chichiri snapped, and H-chans shoe appeared in his hand. "Whats that for, Chichiri-san?" "I have to go make an apology no da!" He superdeformed. "Wait! Chichiri!" "Da!" He zapped into his kasa and disasapeared. "LET US OUT!" ^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~* "Da,da,da!" Chichiri ran through the forest, trying to hold his kasa up with his super-deform hands. (I wouldnt use this, but I look cute this way no da...shes more likely to forgive me no da.) He really didnt know what had came over him. It was just the memories...and the way she had looked so pitiful when caught..."This is hurting my head again no da." He sat down for a minute to catch his breath. "Being a superdeform really slows you down no da." He froze as the bushes around him rustled. What was it? A bear? A fox? A- "Chichiri-cha-er, san!" H-chan crashed through the shrubbery, nearly stepping On Chichiri. She sweatdropped and bowed, blushing as usual. (It seems nothings changed...well, what was I expecting no da? H-chan is H-chan...no da!) "H-chan no da!" He spun up to full size. "I want to offer my apologies no da!" "Its alright...that was pretty stupid of me!" She bowed again. He laughed and pulled her into a hug. "Your too apologetic, H-chan no da!" "Ill say." A black haired stranger came out of the bushes, smiling cheerfully. "Im Tomo." "Tomo no da." Chichiri studied him. He looked okay, but something felt...not at all right with this "Tomo". And how did he know H-chan? "He found me in the forest...I think hes a wanderer like you." She held out the still sparkling rose. "He made me this. Isnt it pretty?" "Impressive nan no da." Chichiri looked Tomo over. He didnt seem to be a wanderer, he didnt even have a backpack. But H-chan seemed to trust him..."Well, Tomo, where are you headed no da?" "I have buisness with the emporer of Konan." "Really?" H-chan grabbed Chichiri's arm. "Thats where were going too! Can he come with us, Chichiri-san?" "I dont know no da...do you have a horse no da?" "Yes! Its back in the woods. Ill go get-" "Ite!" H-chan sat back down on the forest floor, wincing. A dribble of blood dripped down her uncovered foot. "I must have stepped on something..." "Let me help you-" Tomo went to kneel beside her. "Ill handle it no da!" Chichiri sat down, geting out some bandaids. "But she cut herself with me!" "Im her guardian no da! Its my job no da!" H-chan tried to interject. "Guys..." "But I feel responsible!" "I have bandaids no da! What do you have no da?" H-chan frantically waved her arms. "Hello?" "I have some bandaids too!" H-chan sighed, ripped a peice off her shirt, and tied up her barely-wounded foot. She proceeded to hobble back to camp as they fought. (Id have better luck with Tasuki...) ^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~* Speaking of Tasuki... "Go ahead, try it!" Tamahome and K-chan stood underneath the still hovering Chiriko and Tasuki. Tasuki was still pounding on the walls of his container with his fists, while Chiriko had long since given up and tooken a nap. K-chan was trying to get Tasuki to use his tessen. Tamahome was just laughing at the spectacle. "This is the greatest job..." "Shut up, Tamahome!" Tasuki shook his fist. "Oh, and what are you gonna do to me, boy in the bubble?" Tasuki turned bright red. His fangs were bared to their full 2, ivory, glinting points of menace. In short, he was really pissed. He growled and raised his Tessen. "Lekka SHIEN!" He threw the fire- and it came back full circle, turning Tasuki to a peice of unconsious Chicken Fried Gen-chan. Tamahome was rolling on the floor. Chiriko woke up breifly, surveyed the chaos around him and went back to sleep. At was at this point H-chan returned to camp. She looked up, looked down, and then summoned her wings. "Feathers of Suzaku! Get Tasuki and Chiriko down!" The feathers flew at the bubbles, popping them instantly. Chiriko fell down into Tamahomes waiting (well, he IS a hero) arms. Tasuki...well... "Aaaahhhh! Get off of me!" H-chan beat on Tasukis back. "ECHHHIIIIII!!!!" Tasukis eyes shot open. "Augh! The oinus molesting me!" He sprang up and pointed his tessen at her. "Me molest you? Oh no no, me flame broiled friend..." H-chan got up, and dusted herself off. "Ugh. Is it like, a bandit thing not to bathe?" Chiriko jumped down from Tamahomes arms and stretched. "No, hes a special case." Tasuki growled. "Oh, shut up oi-" "H-chan!" "H-chan no da!" Chichiri ran through the foilage, closely followed by Tomo on a coal black horse. "H-chan, why did you leave no da?" H-chan shrugged. "It was getting boring." Tomo jumped off his horse. "Its alright. I dont blame her." Chichiri glared at him. "If you would have just-" H-chan sighed. Why was he on such a short fuse today? "Um, Im already packed. How about you, K-chan?" "Nope. Me and Tamahome stil have packing to do." Tamahome looked confused."But K-chan, I already-" K-chan glomped a hand onto Tamahomes mouth. "Yup, tons and tons of packing..." "Uh-HUH." H-chan rolled her eyes as the two went off into their tent. "Ne Tomo, come keep me company while they pack?" "Of course." Tomo and her walked off into the shrubbery. Tasuki smirked. "Boy, hes smooth. Ill bet he'll land the oinu, not that anyone would want to- Chichiri?" Chichiri looked over at Tasuki, trying to conceal a sweatdrop. "Hai no da?" "Shouldnt you go with them? You know, eye out the competition?" Tasuki wiggled his eyebrows. "i dont know what youre talking about no da!" Chichiri began to pack up the firewood. "You know...This guy just comes out of nowhere and already H-chan likes him? Its obvious hes coming onto her!" "H-chans romantic life is no buisness of mine no da." H-chans laugh filtered in from the distance. Chichiri bristled and turned slightly red. "Im just her guardian no da." "Suuuure...ne, Chichiri?" Chichiris last good nerve, which he had been desperately trying to hopld onto during his conversation with the bandit, snapped in two."WHAT NO DA?!?!?" "How do you break a log in two with your bare hands?" "I dont know no da! Why ask such a stupid-" Chichiri winced at a sudden pain from his bright red hands. He looked down, and there were two piles of mutilated wood before him. The log in his hands was already twisted into a peice of modern art. "Oh no da." Tasuki smirked, but said nothing as Chichiri superdeformed hiself and snuck off into the brush. ^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~* Tomo opened his mind link with Miryuu. ((This has been almost too easy, Miryuu.)) He felt Miryuus apprehension. (( I dont know...you should be carefull of the monk. If it wasnt for that clams cloaking spell, you would be caught very easily. Amiboshi says hes a master of magic...and remember what happened to Suboshiko!)) Tomo sighed with resignation. That was Miryuus nature...always careful...((I think the roses spell is working. Shes already asked me to follow her group to Konan.) ((Good. Soon she'll be couaght in the glamor of the spell...and than...)) ((And then, "Sayonara Suzaku no miko!")) "Ne, Tomo?" (speak of the devil...) "Hai, H-chan?" H-chan looked up at him curiously. "What is the deal with you? You just come out of nowhere, and start being nice to me..." (Damn! Her minds resisting the spell!)Tomo shrugged. "Actually, Im nice to everyone...You know, alot of peope just want someone to listen to them. I like to be that person." He grinned. "Tomo isnt my real name. Its just a name I use, short for 'tomodachi'. My real name...Ill tell you later." H-chan raised her eyebrows. "Oh. A man of mystery..." Tomo laughed. "Something like that, yes..." He looked around. Suzaku chi! "I think..." he whispered. "I think theres someone in the bushes..." "Me too." She went down on all fours and examined the bushes. Nothing out of the ordinary...which meant, of course, that Chichiri was somehow involved. Damned kasa magic! Inside the bush, Chichiri knew he was about to be caught. There was only one thing to do... H-chan threw her shoe into the bush. "All right, Chichiri, Come OUT!" ::Poof!:: "Hey H-chan!" "K-chan?" H-chan scratched her head. "I thought you were with Tamahome!" "Um...we finsihed packing no da!" "Then how come your hair isnt messed up?" H-chan glared at K-chan. "Every time youve helped Tamahome 'pack', youve had youre hair yanked out of those hairsticks one way or the other...And since when did you start saying 'no da'?" (Masaku no da!) "Umm...I said 'no duh!' Like, were done packing! No duh!" K-chan/Chichiri grew a huge sweatdrop as he/she giggled nervously. (Shimatta no da! She'll never fall for this...what I wouldnt give for an interruption no da!) "Kotoriiiii!" Tamahome came through the bushes, searchig for his love. It appeared that whatever 'packing' they had done had lead his testosterone to max point. He grabbed K-chan and gave her a big hug. "Kotori, sweetie, where did you go?" "Da..." A blue tint coated K-chan's\Chichiri's face. "Around...." "Well, dont hide from me, sweetie!" Tamahome gave a hero-laugh and gave her a kiss...full on the mouth. H-chan watched with boredom. "Damnit, cant you guys SAVE it?" Tamahome grinned a particularly heroish girn and set K- chan out on the ground. Her eyes were bugged out, and she was bright blue. "Kotori?" Tamahome knelt down beside him/her. "Shes never done that before..." "K-Chan? K-chaaaaannnn?" H-chan waved her hand in front of the still glazed K-chan. "Hello?" A vauge thought formed in Chichiris brain:(Ugghh....uh.....) H-chan squinted at K-chan and tapped her forehead. "I think you broke her..." "Oh dear..." Tomo tried to smother a laugh. Finnaly a gurgle came from the back of K- chan/Chichiri's throat. H-chan laughed. "K-chan..." "AUUUGH!" K-chan/Chichiri sprang up, flailing her arms and screeching. She then charged like a mad chicken into the forest as the group shared a facefault. That facefault doubled when K-chan walked into the clearing (The REAL K-chan) laughing. "Ne, Tamahome...whered ya go?" "Kotori...." Tamahome started to sniffle. "Do I really disgust you so much?" "Huh?" Tomo rolled his eyes. (If hes going to use disguise magic, he needs to learn to act.) He took H-chans arm and began to lead her away. "Lets keep walking..." He was suprised when H-chan politely but firmy pulled her arm away. "Actually, Id like to go back to camp. I think we should help them pack so we can get out of here." (Shes resisting me again...I wonder If she sences the spell?) ^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~* Chichiri ran into camp, still screeching. "Aaaaaack! Disgusting no da!" Tasuki looked up and laughed. "Whats wrong, K-chan? Tamahome try something?" "IM NOT K-CHAN NO DA!" With a poof, K-chan turned into a super deformed Chichiri, who grabbed a nearby bucket of water and dumped it on his hand. "Ugh! I feel dirty no da!" "So Tamahome did try something...."Tasuki burst into a wide-fanged grin, "but with the wrong K-chan! BWAAHAHAHAHAAAA!" Chichiri un-SDed and grabbed Tasuki around the neck. "Tasuki no da!" A note of desperation entered his voice. "If you tell H-chan..." "Dont worry bout it." Tasuki laughed and easily tossed Chichiri off. "I dont got anything against you, and I dont want to ruin your chances with her." (My chances no da? Why does he keep hitting on the no da?) He decided to let it pass in the interest of peace. ) "Actually, I think your prety cool, Chichiri." Tasuki threw Chichiri his pack, already made. "Anyone who would go to those lengths to protect that oinu has some kinda inner peace." "Thanks, Tasuki no da." Chichiri smiled. H-chan walked back into camp, obviously a little uncomfortable. Tomo walked a pace in front of her, whistling. Chichiri glared. (Did he try something no da?) Then he smiked to himself. (No, I would have heard the slap...plus hed have as huge slapmark no da!) H-chan ran over to Chichiri. "Hey Chichiri-san! You guys done?" "Hai no da! All thats left is to round up K-chan and Tamahome..." The two, almost on cue, walked onto the camp. K-chan was wavering under the wieght of Tamahome, who was clinging to her. "Tamahome, let go of me!" "Never!" Tamhome picked her up and set her on his back. "Not till I find this K-chan look alike!" Chichiri sweatdropped. "A K-chan look-alike? Must be a seiryuu plot no da!" H-chan raised her eyebrows. "The seiryuus magic is amazing..." (You have no idea.) Tomo laughed to himself, then went to his horse. "Are you guys ready to go?" "I am." Chiriko came up, small back pack ready to go. He smiled. "Ill ride with Tasuki!" "No way! The geinus with me?" Tasuki picked him up and set him on the horse. "You just hold still and dont make me look stupid." "Dont worry." Chiriko smirked as Tasuki vaulted onto the horse. "You do a pretty good job of that all by yourself." "Shut-up, boy-genius!" Tasuki reached behind him and smacked Chiriko in the head. "Baka!" Tamahome rode up with his horse, K-chan sitting behind him. "Chichiri?" "Liang no da!" The horse trotted over from the clearing, where it had been trying to hide from the madness of the Suzaku camp. No such luck...Chichiri scratched her beind the ears and rummaged around for an apple in his pack. "Poor Liang no da..." "H-chan?" "Huh?" Tomo extended his hand out to her. "Would you ride with me?" "Uhhh...." (Damnit!) H-chan sweatdroped. (I dont want to hurt his feelings...but I wanna ride with Chichiri- san! Plus theres just something....weird about this guy. If only-) Chichiri fed Liang an apple, then went over and picked up H-chan around the waist. "HEY!" H-chan tried to swat at him as he set her on the orse, a look of determination on his face. "Liangs used to you no da. She might think something was off if you didnt ride with me no da."(Why is he trying to get close to H- chan no da? I just dont trust him no da...as far as Im concerned, Im going to do everything in my power so those two dont end up alone together no da!) H-chan sighed, but she had to smile. "Youre almost as pushy as Taitsu-kun, Chichiri-san." He vaulted up onto his horse, laughing. "I guess I am no da!" Tasuki pumped his fist in the air. "5 miles to Konan!" "Lets go no da!" Chichiri snapped the reighns on the horse, and they took off. ^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~* Tomo glared at the back of Chichiris head. They had been riding for nearly two hours now, and he had offered very little conversation. In fact, the whole group was pretty much silent, for varied reasons: -K-chan was glomped onto Tamahome, -Tamahome, being glomped on by K-chan, was having a hell of a time steering, -Tasuki, having eaten his horses apple, was being bucked and stomped all over the place as revenge, -Chiriko was trying to read a book called "_Konankoku: ettiquete and customs_", -H-chan had fallen asleep on Chichiris back -and Chichri didnt want to wake her up (and didnt really want to have a conversation with Tomo anyway). Tomo had seen how feircly protective Chichiri was of H- chan, and how loyal she was to him. For reasons unbeknownst to him, the spell was also not having its full effect. If it was working, she would have jumped off of Chichiris horse and onto his in a second. So what was holding her back? "There it is!" Chichiri yelled, waking up H-chan. "wuzza?" She sleepily sat up. "Gyaah!" Tasuki screamed as the horse bucked him off for the final time with a snort. "$@#!ing horse." He rubbed his head and sat up. They were in front of a giant wall with red trim. The rooftops if a small vilage poked up over the top. "Konankoku!" Chiriko cheered. "I just finished my book!" "Konankoku..." H-chan stred at in in awe. (Soon...Ill have to call Suzaku...) She sighed. (and then Ill probaly have to go back. Back to finals...back to lthe laughter...) She looked up at Chichiri. A pang went through her. (And Chichiri....Can I really leave him behind?) "H-chan..." Chichiri whispred. "Are you ready for all this no da?" "I guess Ill find out...." END CHAPTER 9!