Chapter 3....and a note: Kotori (K-chan) and Haruka (H-chan) are AMERICAN STUDENTS. thats why their friends willl have english names. I gave them Japanese names because I thought they fit into the cast better that way....I mean, Chichiri falling in love with a girl named "Heather" or would be wierd. Here we go... When you finish a book, of course, it is a total armagadden for the characters. All of the events and people are wiped away. Sometimes, though, emotions can be so strong they can even defy the rule of the sky... *^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~* The room was dark, totally devoid of colors. The sevant crept in quietly. "Princess?" "what is it?" The sharp voice of the princess Miryuu came from the dark bed. "Ah, Amiboshi has reported in from Tendo village...the otherworld activity was no fluke! Suzaku no Miko and the seishi Chichiri have come to get the seishi Tamahome and the otherworld girl....just listen, princess." The servant opened a clam. the strains of music floated into her ears. There, clearly, were 4 strands of Suzakus chi. Amazing how Tomo had rigged all this up... "Tomo." "Yes, princess?" She sat up, her red hair flowing down her back. Her dark blue eyes flashed. "So the story begins again. My parents...I will give them what they request...prepare my bath." "Yes, princess." Tomo bowed and swept out of the room. *^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~* Harmonychan productions present A Fushigi Yuugi OVA: Ripples in the water OVA 3: Meet the princess of the dragons! *^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~* "BWAAA-HAHAHAAAAAAAA!" "Another round! Another round!" "Hey hey, chug it down!" H-chan and K-chan sat together in the Sake Maru tavern, trying to ignore the general drunkards and watching their respective airens drink. Tamahome was a boisterous drinker, always wanting to slam down another pint. Chichiri hadnt even finished his second glass. He drank, as he did everything else, with caution. H-chan watched him dreamily. "Hey H-chan! H-CHAN! Come back to us H-chan!" K-chan snapped her fingers in fron of her friends face. "Would you pay attention? I asked how you got here in the first place..." H-chan shrugged. "Reciting along with the tape...I guess that incantaion has power in our world too. I was just tryina translate for my Japanese lessons...that reminds me, how come they can understand us? And how come we can understand Japanese?" "I dunno. Its like how Miaka understood Chineese. I guess its the magic of plotholes." K-chan shrugged. "Besides, who cares? I recited a line from that manga you loaned me, and now I have my anime boy!" "Kotori..." H-chan gave a exasperated sigh. "You cant get married! Your only 15!" "16 is the expected age for marriage around here..." K-chans eyes went starry. "Besides, hes Sho-NEN....heroic-" "And he treats you right. Yeah, I know!" H-chan slammed her fist down on the table. "How do you expect this to work anyway? Youve only known him for a few weeks-" "You can fall in love in an instant." "Yeah, well, what about the age difference? Hes, like, 18-" "Love dosent know age." "Well, what about-" "True love overcomes all boundarys." "KOTORI, YOU ARE EXASPERATING!" H-chan yelled and slumped down in her seat. "Oh well. So this is a popular nightspot around here?" "Yeah, the drinks are great, and the flutist is kawaii..." K-chan pointed and giggled. "Isnt he just so-" "Oh, stifle youself!" H-chan laughed. "He is cute..." He looked so earnest, standidng there and putting his heart and soul into his flute. The way his hair fell over his eyes...(What am I thinking?) H-chan blushed. "I dunno..hes not my type..." "So what IS your type? Blue haired masked monks?" K-chan giggled again. H-chan blushed. "Cut it out!" K-chan nudged her. "Oh, I know that look! You liiiiiiiiiike him!" H-chan blushed and stared down at her drink. "Oh...youre mean, maybe I do. You should see him without the mask...." "Oh, Ill bet youve seen him missing more than his mask!" *scilence* "H-CHAN! YOU DIDNT!" *^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~* "Hey Chichiri, why dontcha finish off that glass and have another?" Tamahome laughed. Chichiri watched with mild astonishment. He had drunken quite a bit of liquor and didnt show a sighn of it. "How are you still consious no da?" "I have a healthy constitution." "Thats an understatement no da..." "So Chichiri...Whats up with you and the otherworld girl?" "Nothing no da!" Chichiri glared at him. "You have a dirty mind no da..." Tamahome shrugged. "Youre too shy. You dont get anything without looking for it. Thats how I found Kotori..." Chichiri sighed. "Tamahome, Im happy for you, but this is such a change no da! You used to only care about money no da." Tamahome looked away. "Well, since mom died a year ago, Ive had to take care of my dad and my little oneechans...and clothes dont grow on trees, you know. I always wanted to marry rich...but now my plans have changed. I could be poor forever and still be rich with her." Tamahome shook his head. "Boy, listen to me babble! Must be the booze..." Chichiri stared at him. "Its not babbling if you mean it no da. Emotions are very powerful things no da..." Tamahome winced. There he was, babbling on about how happy he and Kotori were, and poor Chichiri had lost his fiancee only a few years ago. (Baka!) he yelled at himself. He cleared his throat. "Seriously, tho, how are things with the Miko? You think shes up to this?" Chichiri shrugged. "I really dont know no da. She cant ride a horse, she blushes quite frequently, and shes pretty scared nan no da..." Tamahome snorted. "We cant have a coward for a miko!" Chichiri went livid. "Tamahome no da! Shes just scared because shes in a new world no da! If you got sent out of your world to another one without any warning or help-" "I KNEW IT!" Tamahome burst out laughing. "You do like her! I KNEW it!" Chichiri glared at Tamahome, chugged his drink, and slammed the glass down on the bar. "Another pint no da!" Tamahome rolled his eyes. "Chichiri...I didnt mean it..." "Youre easier to deal with when Im drunk nan no da!" *^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~* "Miryuu..." Miryuu sat straight up in her bath. She stared down at her left thigh, where her mothers symbol glowed. "Yes, okaasan?" The ruminating voice of her mother flowed in her mind. "They discovered a miko?" "Hai." "And an otherworld girl there, for pretty much no reason?" Miryuu nodded. "Well, then daughter, now is the time to move. They are both in a tavern, or so Amiboshi said, so the seishi will be pretty drunk...and the miko cant really defend herself. You realize what you need to do?" Miryuus voice was calm, but emotion threatened to overflow. After all this time, all this waiting, she would finnaly get her parents revenge from the land of the dead. The pain and terror of the Hin race would be felt by Suzakus seishi. "Kidnap the otherworld girl and force her to become Seiryuu no miko...and kill Suzaku no miko." "Good girl." An breeze of wind blew by her cheek, an etheral kiss. "We both love you very know that." A tear slipped down her cheek. "Yes, mom. I love you too." "Good. Now tell Amiboshi the orders.You can communicate through Tomo's shin clam." "Hai, okaasan." *^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~* "Oh, thats so ROMANTIC!" K-chan cooed. "He REALLY said he would protect you from anything?" "Shhhh!" H-chan whacked K-chan in the head. "Do you really want the whole world to know?" K-chans eyes went starry. "But its so sweet..." H-chan sighed. "Youre impossible-hey, look at that!" K-chan stared over at the flutist. Rays of blue energy began to gather around him. A blue symbol glowed on his arm. Suddenly the melody of the flute changed. it was high and pericing, and everyone began to scream, frozen in place. "Hah! Feel the power of Seiryuu!" The flutist began to stride torwards K-chan. "Now, Seiryuu no miko-gah!" A red feather cut through the air, lighting on the flute.It cracked and exploded. "My flute! Who did that..." "Me! It was me! All me!" H-chan stood up and glared at him. A few feet away, Chichiri sweatdropped and Tamahome slid to the floor in an acholholic stupor. "So much for subteltys no da..." H-chan strode torwards Amiboshi and held a finger out. "Look I dont know what this is all about, but you cant have K-chan. Shes about the only person in this world or any other who will watch Anime with me! In the name of the moon, I wont allow it!" "Thats okay, Youll do." Amiboshi grabbed her by the arm. She began to squirm and squeal. "Leggo!" "Afraid I cant do that..." Amiboshi picked up a long shard of his flute from the ground and raised it over her chest. "If youll just wait a minute...youll be free..." "Cheng no daaa!" A burst of yellow lighting knocked the shard out of his hand. "Who did that? What is this? Who ARE all you people?!?" "The Suzaku sichiseishi Chichiri, here to protect his Miko!" Chichiri strode forward and yanked H-chan from his grasp. He picked her up, smiled at her, and carried her over to the bar. "You should really be more careful no da!" "Ill remeber that." H-chan waved a feather and put on her wings. "Ready to trash this guy?" "Youd better stay out of this, no havent practiced enough with those feathers no da!" "but Chichiri-san..." "I cant take anymore of this bickering!" Amiboshi raised his hand in the air. The splinters of flute began to dance. "Oh shimatta..." The shards flew at Chichiri. Red streaks of blood dripped down his arms and legs. "Daaa!" he yelled as two of them flew at his sleeves and pants, knocking him over and pinning him down. H-chan looked around the room. Tamahome was drunk, passed out. K-chan was frozen in place to her seat, to paralyzed by her fear to do anything but point. "No! Chichiri-san!" H-chan spread her wings and flew in front of him. "H-chan! Move it!" Chichiri strained to get up. A few more shards flew across his face, ripping his mask to shreds as it fell . "No! I wont let you hurt him anymore!" H-chan fired feathers at the fragments, exploding them . (She figured that out quickly no da...) "Hiding behind your Miko? What a coward!" Amiboshi snorted. "What kind of man are ya?" H-chan growled, glowing with red energy. "You wanna know? Ill tell you what kind of man he is! Hes a kind, sweet man, one who guided me through an alien world! He protects me and comforted me, and forgives my every mistake! I care for him-" She spread her wings wide, and a ocean of feathers began to fly at Amiboshi. "and I wont let you hurt him!" Chichiri stared up at the enfolding scene. Amiboshi jumped out of an open window into the night, badly burnt but alive. The shards holding his clothes down vanished as Amiboshi left, so he jumped up to catch H-chan as she fell. She coughed. " ok?" He smiled down at her. "Just fine no da. Dont worry...I wont let you go." "Hmm..." H-chan murmured and fainted. "K-chan...can you please lead me to your house? H-chan needs to be tended to..." END PART 2! Some notes: "Cheng!" Means "Tada!" or "Here I am!"