A book is a marvelous thing. They are the containers of stories and wisdom, passing them on for generations to come. The best thing about a book is it never ends. The story, no matter what will start again... For anyone that turns the page.... *^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~* Harmonychan productions present The Fushigi Yuugi OVA Ripples in the water OVA 2: K-chan? *^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~* *noises* ::Actions:: (thoughts) ((thought speech)) 'past things people said' "Hmm...yah..."H-chan blinked twice and opened her eyes. Suddenly her situation slammed in on her with a jolt. "oh..oh wow..." She bolted stright up, staring down at her chineese shirt. "oh wow...wow..." She looked around the room. It was pretty much blank exept for the bed and a large bamboo looking crate... And Chichiri sleeping on top of his cloak... She stared down at him. His mouth was slightly open, and he had a quiet little snore...his hair bobbed a little bit as he shifted. "daa..." She stifled a laugh. (he even 'da's' in his sleep...) Her mind drifted to last night. Her heart jumped. 'I will protect you from whatever will hurt you in this world.' Did he really mean that? She blushed. (He wants to protect me....does he...uhhh...could he...) She shook her head. (nope...cant be.) She looked down at him. His face...it was so kawaii... She stretched out a hand... "DAAAA! Ohaiyu!" Chichiri jumped up off the floor and began to do streches. "Ichi-ni-san-H-chan?" he looked over at the huddled lump in the corner of the bed. "H-chan? You up no da?" No answer. He poked her with his staff. "H-chan? H-chaaan-" She finnally poked her head out. "Chichiri-san...Im tryina sleep." She rolled back over. He stared at her muffled form for a second and turned away. (Da...she even blushes when she sleeps...how bizzare no da.) *^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~* "Yaaawwwwnnn..." H-chan stepped out of the bath room. (Luckily, without incident.) About 37 Nyan-Nyans raced up. "We want to say..." "We are sorry!" "Very Sorry!" They all bowed. H-chan laughed. "Its okay...really." She patted the lead one on the head. The lead one looked concerned. "But we made you..." "We made you a present!" about 15 yelled. H-chan smiled. It was probaly a gift of the elbow macaroni and glitter variety, but what the heck. "Okay, lemme see!" "Yaaay!" They all gathered around her in a circle and put their hands over thier heads. A pink bubble floated down from the sky. It hovered for a second, and popped. It was a pair of wings. H-chans mouth fell open in shock. How could they have known...how could they tell it was always her dream? She tenatively reached out and touched a wing. A sound like bells drifted into her mind. They were snow white doves wings, the ones featured in her dreams for the past three years. "Nyan...oh, thank you!" She reached down, and grabbed one for a bonecrusher hug. It also squealed and dissapeared, but it looked happy. She reached out to touch them again, and they shrank into a feather. The feather placed itself in her hand. The Nyan-Nyans cheered. "it worked! It worked! You can summon them whenever you want with-" "That feather!" Five more popped out of the walls and pointed at it. "Oh, thank-" "That feather! The feather! The-AIIIEEE!" The Nyan-Nyans were punted out a the room by a just materialized and quite annoyed Taitsukun. "Uresi! She has to get ready!" "Ready?" H-chan looked confuised. "Ready for what?" Taitsu-kun laughed for a minute, a booming sound that made her hair stand on end. Then she threw H-chan a kasa. "You thought that being a Miko was all sitting around? I have something you need to see! Into the Kasa!" With that, Taitsukun dissapeared. "Oh well..." H-chan brought the kasa down over her head. When she reappeared, she was in a dark space, dotted with stars. She was just floating in the air, seeing as how there were no walls, floors of celings to inhibit her movement. "Taitsukun?" "Suzaku no Miko!" Taitsukuns voice rang out in the sky. "Pay attention!" "Um, okay." She watched as the stars came together and formed a complicated pattern of constellations. Suddenly the pattern fell away, leaving 7 constellations gathered around one brightly shining star. "Theese are the constellations of Suzaku. Each one shows on the body of a seishi, a warrior of fate destined to protect you untill you can call Suzaku's powers. They are: Tamahome," The first one flashed a red kanji symbol, "Hotohori," the second one flashed, "Nuriko," the third one, "Tasuki," the fourth one flashed, "Mitsukake," the fifth, "Chiriko," the sixth, "and, your fated protector, Chichiri." H-chans eyes widened as the constellation flashed the sighn on Chichiri's knee. "Chichri has a special job in the way he to be your special protector, keeping a close eye on you and training you to use the wings of Suzaku." "The wings of-" H-chan stared down at the feather in her hand. "You mean-" Taitsukuns voice snorted. "Did you really think Nyan-nyans are powerfull enough to create a functioning pair of wings? No, they are a gift from Suzaku." H-chan waved the feather, and the wings, now shimmering red peices of energy, appeared before her. "As well as enabling you to fly, the feathers can be used to project powerful amounts of energy at your enemys. Here, try it. Grab two feathers from the wings." H-chan took two feathers and held them, hands filling with the powerful energy. (Thank God this is just a story...)she thought as she lifted the feathers above her head. Taitsukun laughed. "What are you afraid of, Suzaku no Miko? Come on, fire when ready!" "I need a target..." "Very well. Nyan-nyan." Two Nyan-nyans came out of the sky. H-chan glared at the sky. "I cant shoot Nyan-nyans! Theyre too damned cute!" Then the Nyan-nyans bodys began to twist and transform, producing large zombie-looking Nyan-nyans. The began to stumble torwards her. "We will-" "Kill you!"they both yelled in suprizingly cute voices. "Yes! Kill you and eat your brains!" "The brains! The brains!" They shouted as they began to run at her. "Augh!" H-chan threw the feathers. Each one hit a Nyan-nyan, making it flash red and dissapear. "uuuugh..." H-chan shivered. "That was just too weird...even when theyre undead theyre cute." "You did well, Suzaku no Miko. Now come on, you have to get ready." "Ready for what?" The darkness dissapeared, leaving them in a feild with two horses, one loaded down with luggage and the other one with Chichri. Taitsu-kun smiled. "You need to go introduce yourself to the emporor, and seek out the 7 seishi! What, did you think that being a miko was easy buisness? Why do you think you got a weapon? The Nyan-nyans have already packed for you,seeing as how you didnt come here with anything. Now get on a horse, you have to make Tendo village by midday!" "Alright! Alright! Youre too pushy, Taitsukun!" She waved her feather, and summoned the wings. "No no!" Taitsukun glared at her. "Its too far off! You dont even know how to use those things yet. You ride a horse." Chichiri sweatdropped. ((Taitsukun, I dont see any other horses no da...)) "aaa-AH!" H-chan floated up into the air. "Put me down, Taitsu-kun!" "Okay." She set H-chan down-hard-behind Chichiri on the horse. "Now get goin." ((Taitsukun no daaaa...)) ((Scilence! Three horses is a waste!)) Chichri put his head down."da...why dosent Taitsu-kun ever give up no da?" A shy voice came from behind him. "If you really dont want me to ride with you..." "Its great no da!" Chichiri turned and smiled at her breifly and turned back around. ((now see what you did no da!))he dagger-thought at Taitsukun. "It will be nice to have the company no da! Have you ever ridden a horse before no da?" "Of course! Dont worry about it...just, how fast does this thing-" "Hyah!" Taitsuku swatted the horses rear end, making it take off. "Ganbatte ne, Chichiri! Dont screw it up, miko!" Chichiri smiled as the horse took off. He loved riding horses. It was such a rush, hovering above the ground and flying through the air...and the speed! Full speed was always the way to ride a horse. He was suddenly aware of a whimpering noise coming from the horse. He pulled the reighns to a stop. "Liang? You okay no da?" The horse stared up at him quizzicaly. He was then aware of a large pressure sezing his chest. "Nani?" He looked behinmd himself. H-chan clung to him, whimpering and stuttering. "Ah...wah...wah...fast..." Chichiri sighed. "I guess we wont be making Tendo village by noon no da." He scratched Liang behind the ears. "Just a trot no da?" The horse breifly nodded and they began a slow and steady pace torwards Tendo. *^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~* "Hmm..." H-chan squirmed in the warm sun. She blinked twice and looked up. "Chichiri-san? How long have I been out?" "I dont know, but my backs losing feeling no da..." "Oh! Gomen ne!" She quickly righted herself from her position of being slumped on Chichiri's back. "Arigatou for letting me sleep..." "Il desu nan no da! H-chan..." "Hai?" "Tell me about your world no da." Chichiri stopped the horse and looked around. "Were a few kilometers from Tendo...that should be enough to tell me a bit about yourself no da! I know very little about you besides your name...Haruka no da." H-chan turned bright red. (Why do I blush when he calls me that? Great. Im a basket case...) "Ah, what do you want to know?" "How about your family no da? Or...do you have a boyfriend no da?" H-chan laughed. "Boyfriend? Ive never had a boyfriend..." Chichiri looked back at her. "Really? A girl as cute as you without a boyfriend no da?" H-chan turned bright red and started giggling. "Oh, stop it..." (Hmm...brain mush...my poor head...I wonder if blushing is terminal?) "H-chan, please...tell me about your world no da?" "Hai. I guess...Ill tell you about school." "School? What is that like no da?" H-chan started. "You never went to school?" Chichiri shrugged. "I lived in a poor village, we never really went to school no da. You always just became a farmer or a monk. You would get engaged around 16, have a family by age 20...da." A pain went into Chichiris voice. H-chan almost winced at how despondant he sounded. The best way to deal with this was to change the subject. "Well, having regular school is no picnic..." *^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~* "Loser!" The cute popular gilrs versus the freaks. It was an old story, one H- chan and K-chan were both annoyingly familiar with. "Ne, K-chan, lets just ignore them." H-chan turned to her friend. "Lets get to science...I dont wanna fail another test!" "Its not fair tho!" "K-chans blue eyes filled with indignation. "What gives them the right to make fun of us?" "Nothin, really. We're just...different. Better to be anything than them!" H- chan walked into the science class and opened her folders. "Come on, we have to study! I mean, Im failing, and youre close..." They sat together, puzzling over the erosion of rocks. H-chan began to wail. "Oh, my head...my HEAD...the erosion of the earth is so complicated!" K-chan shuffled through her floders and held one high above her head with a triumphant wave. "Anime break!" With gleaming eyes they shuffled though the pictures. "Sailor Moon!" "Mamo-chan wa bishonen..." K-chan sighed. "I want a boy...an anime boy..." H-chan joined in the familiar rant. "Yeah! Cause theyre bishonen..." "Heroic..." "Strong..." "And they treat a girl right!" They ended together and giggled. "Dont worry, K-chan. We will find our anime boys, one way or the other...that reminds me! I just got this super cool tape called Fushigi Yuugi...Its about this girl that says an incantation and is sucked into a magical world..." *^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~*^_~* Chichiri sighed. "So you were both maseru no da?" "Maseru?" Chichiri hit the reigns, and the pace of the horse sped up. "Maseru-like outcasts that choose their status no da. They seem to be the happiest people no da!" (Finally! someone who gets it!) H-chan laughed. "Yeah, it wasnt all that bad. K-chan is my best friend...I wonder how shes doin?" H-chan sweatdropped. "I hope shes not worried!" "Ill bet not no da." The horse ran up and finnaly stopped at the outskirts of some huts. "Here we are, Tendo village no da!" "Wow, its so rustic..." "Houjin!" A bishonen blue haired man ran out of a hut to the horse. "Oy, Houjin!" "Sei Kishiku no da!" Chichiri jumped off his horse and gave the man a hug. "Nice to see you no da! Im here on offical buisness no da!" Sei smiled at H-chan and moved to help her off the horse. "And you are?" Chichiri (Houjin) laughed and picked H-chan up. "Hey, stay off of her, womanizer no da! Id like you to meet Suzaku no Miko. H-chan, this is Sei, or Suzaku Seishi Tamahome no da. A village favorite among the ladies no da!" Tamahome knelt before H-chan as she was set on the ground. The sighn of the ogre began to flash on his head. "I guess my duties begin today, Suzaku no Miko." "Hai!" H-chan turned bright red while trying to smother a laugh. (surrounded by bishonen! I love this job!) Tamahome turned and mock glared at Chichiri. "Dont listen to this guy! I have a fiancee!" Chichiri fell over from the shock. "Finally no da! Can we meet her no da?" Tamahome nodded. "Ne, Kotori! We have company!" "Coming, sweetie!" H-chan froze at the sound of the womans voice. "It couldnt be...." Tamahome smiled with pride. "She just appeared in the village a few weeks ago...but we clicked! Id do anything for Kotori..." A girl ran up. "There you are!" "Hi honey!" H-chan stared in shock at the girl. She was wearing a simple village outfit, wavy brown hair done in a bun, blue eyes flashing. She grabbed H-chan into a hug. "Heyla, H-chan!" she giggled. "...K-chaaan?" END PART 2!