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Before I begin, you might be wondering why I refer to them as EVIL villains. After all, aren't all villains evil? No, they aren't. There are three different types of villains: good villains, villains, and evil villains. Would you like me to tell you about them? Well too bad. I'm going to do it anyways.

Good Villains:
         These "villains" are usually misconcepted as the protagonist, or hero. They are the protagonist to most people, but if you were to step inside the mind of the antagonist, you would notice that the hero is now the villain to you.
Examples: Han Solo, Sailor Moon, The Magic Knights of Cephiro

         These "villains" are generally the neutral character. They are also thepeople who purposely do bad, but justify it by saying that what they do is for the good of everyone. Well, "the road to hell is paved with good intentions," as the saying goes.
Examples: Darth Vader, Neherenia, Zagato

Evil Villains:
         At last, we get to the heart of the matter. These "villains" are truly evil in every sense of the word. They care only about themselves and will do whatever it takes to get ahead. They will kill their most trusted friend with no regret whatsoever if it will insure their plan. They are usually trying to take over the world.
Examples: Emperor Palpatine(sp?), Chaos, Debonair

Now, with that information, you probably have to ask yourself,
"Why, then, does this person like evil villains, if they only care
about themselves?" I respect evil villains. Just look at the
incompetence they have to put up with in their minions. They
also have to put up with the boastful, proud, and sometimes
self-absorbed hero. I think this respect began sometime around
the time when my alter-ego came into being. She is the
descendant of Chaos (Sailor Moon) and is somewhat evil.