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And, here's Ferd's hot book..
It takes two to tango:
(..dare to try!)


by Ferdinand J Delery

List Price: $9.95
Format: Paperback
Size: 6 x 9
Pages: 80
Info: Romantic Advice
Publication Date: Feb-2001

Since the Garden of Eden no story has been as riveting as this book. This handy desktop companion will help all lost men.

Click here to buy book! Browse Here Before You Buy! Purchase Info!
If you want to reach the promised land in the romance department, this is the book to read. Ferdinand will help you become the person of your dreams.

Note: Some pages of this book may contain info that might free you from your fear of women..


This is the newsroom. We are waiting upon God's voice. The news desk is filled with God's news; we wait on the Holy Spirit now to lead us into God's tabernacle (and his words). We are praying for God's voice to touch our ears! Mom has a word about the BOOK: Please click here for a word from mom!

(CURRENT NEWS IS PRESENTLY IN WORK. IT WILL BE ADDED TO THE GAZETTE TIMELY. THE NEWS IS GENERATED IN THIS ROOM. IF GOD'S VOICE TOUCHES YOUR EAR, PLEASE CONTACT THE GAZETTE WITH INFO ABOUT HIS WORD! MEANWHILE, THE HOLY SPIRIT WILL CONTINUE TO LEAD US IN THIS NEWSROOM.) It is important for my flock to realize that God will lay out a feast for us that will "shake" the hearts of our enemies. King David knew God's power at a young age. He passed this on to us in a revelation: "You preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup runneth over." Psalm 23:5 Another prophet of the Old Testament, Isaiah, passes on just as powerful a revelation. God's voice lifted off the pages of the book the night I read it. Do you want to be knocked off your feet by the voice of the Lord? Could God have spoken similar words to David; could Jesus have studied the following passage and heard God's voice speaking to him also? Saith the Lord thy Redeemer, "Whosoever shall gather together against you shall fall because of you… "No weapon that is formed against you shall prosper; And every tongue that shall rise against you in judgment you shall condemn. "This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, And their due reward from Me," saith the Lord. Isaiah 54:15,17 AWARDS Ceremony: Dominique Delery VALEDICTORIAN Last millenium at an awards ceremony it was announced that Dominique Delery was the 1998 valedictorian of Sarah T. Reed High school in New Orleans. At the awards luncheon May 17 at the downtown Sheraton Hotel Miss Delery received the award amidst the applause of many guests. She plans on attending Xavier University in New Orleans.
NEWS FLASH (new millenium):
Dominique is now a senior at UNO. She is also presently married,
and is expecting a baby any minute now. (FLASH: Dominique and her husband are now expecting their second baby, a boy. Their first baby is a girl. Dominique's Page: click here for: Dominique Delery (Kiana too!)
Miss Delery is the daughter of Ferdinand Delery III and Aida Alexander Delery Elsayed of New Orleans. She also is the granddaughter of Benny Alexander, Jr., and Consuello Vappie Alexander of Reserve, La.; and Ferdinand Delery, Jr., and Marie Cates Delery of New Orleans. In further developments at the ceremony, it was announced that Dominique's sister, Kiana Delery, came out fourth among the seniors. Kiana also plans to attend Xavier University of New Orleans. FLASH: She is presently a senior at XAVIER U. ******* Please visit with Tiopol O'Neilia Delery! She likes guests. Click below and surprise her... (if you visit her it will make me happy also). She is trying to add a picture. It will be here soon: Visit Tiopol in New Orleans: Tiopol O'Neilia Delery wants you to click here and sit a while!

More Saints: We also thank Bill Wolitarsky and Fay Jernigan of CALI for blessing the Gazette with their messages and blessings. Fay is a woman of God. Thank you Fay and Pastor Bill!! Did you sign yet? Click here -- one more chance to sign Ferd's guestbook!

My favorite from the FEST: The Gazette last year paid a visit to the New Orleans Jazz Festival. This year we will be busy with the HORNETS' playoff series. Last year, the mud and rain of the first weekend did not seem to slow down the many visiters who weathered the rain and mud. Get prepared for next year. The gospel tent was a special treat. Among the choirs that the Gazette flavored were the St. Monica gospel choir from uptown and the St. Stephen the Great choir. These two groups were a special treat as they rocked the audiences. The Gazette, while enjoying the local tempered foods, also shared in the "enjoyment" of the muddy track. The mud stopped no enjoyment. For next year's event, the Gazette hopes to take some pictures for the story.


     We would like to pray for beautiful weather in
New Orleans for the spring season. In lieu of how the 
weather was so beautiful at this year's New Orleans
Jazz Festival, we were reminded of last year's fest. 
Here's how we reported it: 
     The New Orleans Jazz Fest was a success last year, 
even though the skies opened with some rains. 
     The gospel tent was exciting and the Neville Brothers 
blew the lid off the "rock" area. Revelers from all over 
the world could be seen having the time of their lives. 
     It looks like not even bad weather can keep people 
from having fun at the fest. It was fabulous!!

...follow me to God's kingdom.

Rev. Ferdinand

Rev. Ferdinand

P.O. Box 26862
New Orleans, La. 70186-6862
United States

Rev. Ferdinand says...

     Dear Flock: 
     Vacation time is now upon us. Let us pray for any 
visitors who are coming to town. I hope that you pray
for safe journeys for incoming and outgoing travelers.
We have been getting a buzz about some loved ones
who are landing in the Big Easy -- more info later!!
     A good time was had by all at the "Resurrection
House" given Halloween night at the home of Alan and
Michelle Delery. Alan said, "Instead of you visiting 
a haunted house, we provide a similar experience at our
'Resurrection House'; except we emphasize spiritual values."
     Children, all of my lambs have special needs in their 
prayers; but when we lift our prayers up together in a 
"great cloud of witnesses," the Lord exists right there 
with us. In the name of Jesus I pray now that through 
this prayer "army" the miracles that all of us are praying 
for will come to pass. 
     I welcome you to email Rev. Ferdinand if there is a 
special request that you want us to put on the altar of the 

delerygazette is now simmering .

Links to connect and continue our site on the Web. Click one of these for more Gazette.

Dear Flock: an epistle.
A spooky world...Kiana's Dungeon.
Front Page!!..a mission statement of sorts.
Rev. Ferdinand interview with Maria.
Tiopol O'Neillia Delery!

Enter a world of unfathomable reality! There are existances that will generate a bubbling in your brain, and a seething in your mind. Try it!!

In this section of my page you read what is written and think whatever you want... even come to a revelation.
