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Greetings my dear friends

These hallowed halls have been so lonely these many hundreds of years. I do invite you to visit them, and tell others of this old and shadowy castle. Only ghosts of long departed souls inhabit its' halls, and roam its' courtyards. The garden has long since died, and only thistels and brambles grow. This is the sad remains of a once proud and noble place. Comparable to its' masters' spirit.

Photo album


Vostro Passione

"This site is under heavy construction, watch your step."

"Well after I destroyed most of my links and cool graphics I had on this page, I'm deciding to put them back on. I will get a new guest book for all of my friends to deface, and I will put a link on here to a web site I'm working on about the place I work at. I do hope new pictures of me and my friends can be added, so please send them to me if you have them.

Tina the Troubled Teen