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ALERT! ALERT! 4 all of u that have been here from the birth of this site, and all of u that love this site.....I need u guys now more than ever. I have joined some top lists, and would like u 2 please vote 4 me. The voting boxes can be found near the bottom of the page, like Xtreme Corps. THanx 4 your support. -Brad

Welcome 2 Brad's DragonBall Z Network............................Your |Source| 4 [DragonBall Z].........................................NEW!! DragonBall Z Chat!!! Located in the

Welcome to Brad's DRAGONBALLZ NET! The largest network of DBZ you'll ever find! I feel that I have the most complete website of DragonBallZ info anywhere. Notice our unique Fighting Arena, and Contest. Plus, I have 5 sections (5 each)of pure DBZ Pics and animations, for your viewing pleasure. Have fun!PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS PAGE IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION! AND YES THIS IS MY OWN SITE CREATED BY ONE PERSON, BRAD!

If you want to use graphics and animations from this page,go ahead, but I have one request.You must properly credit Brad's DragonBallZ Network, and link to my page, k? The URL is

8.11.99-WOW! Over 50 members and growing! Im still workin on a password thingy, But I might jyst make a secret URL and give it only to members. I DUNNO! Well, Im trying to divide my page into frames, but its not working. Oh well...

8.08.99-THERE ARE ONLY 4 SPOTS LEFT IN THE FIRST 50 MEMBERS! I THINK THATS KEWL!!!! Well, My members area is going slow as hell, and Im working to speed it up. N-e way, My updates are coming further and further apart b-cuz I gotta study my math and stuff like that with algebra and all this stuff about high school next year. I also am helping my younger sister Nicole(age 8) On her Sailor Moon Page.

8.06.99-I have just finished adding another batch of members! Two new websites for the network are on hold until they put a link up, and everything is going smooth. I am workin my butt off for the members only interactive section, But it will be up when it is entirely done. Bye 4 now!

8.03.99-Im going to alter the contest a little bit. I found some dbz desktop stuff that I can give away. To win, U have to email me your name, email, and any number between 0-100. The winning number will be posted on the bottom of the page as usual, every week. Thanx!

8.02.99-IM SORRY!!! I have just been so busy in my life enjoying the last moments of summer b4 school begins that I had missed some days 2 update the page! I know u guys/girls understand! We are getting a little more enthusiastic, we now have 19 members. But b4 I get a set date on the otakon, I want to have 250+ members! I usually enter the chat room daily at 12:30 central time, day and night. So if u have n-e ?'s or comments go chat w/me or email me, K!?

7.28.99-The network is getting larger and larger! We now have 5 members! CMON GUYS! I KNOW more of you visit this site than that! I get around 200 visits a day! The new members are posted in the members and credits section.

7.26.99-Ive finally created a form 2 fill out 2 join the network! And also I have updated the bios section with some corrections. Also congratulations to Tracy Word for being the first 2 join the network!

7.23.99-NEW stuff! All u webmasters out there and dbz fans, you are now free to join my network! Just click on the join button there on the top of the page. Oh, and if u are one of the first 50 members, u guys get 2 be on the credits page! Also, a new dance crew section is up! I have a dance crew, and want 2 make it nationwide! Click the dance crew button 4 more info, and see if u have what it takes to join the crew!

7.22.99-Im adding a new 3d online otakon 2 my page! click on the huge image 4 info on this kewl event! I finally fixed the layout! hooray! Oh, and if you are a webmaster, and would like 2 join my network, email me, k! NO one has joined yet. Ill be busy inviting people 2 the otakon, and I hope to see u there! Please spread the word of this site! A BIG URGENT MESSAGE IS WAITING 4 ALL OF U THAT HAVE PRE-ORDERED THE NEW DUBS OF DBZ, and if u want to pre-order them, go 2 the recent news section.

7.13.99-Ive finally fixed the layout to the way I wanted it to be! Oh, and There are still openings in the Top 10. Hurry b4 its full!

7.09.99-Well, Ive been updating little by little, but I havent been updating the update log. So...I have a new layout, which is VERY hard to update, and a new chat room.

7.03.99-WoW! Ive finally hit over 1000 hits! Thanx guys! Anyway, Sorry I haven't updated 4 a while. Im adding to the games section, but please email me your fanfic and drawings!

6.30.99-Im working on a new games section. Also,the new zcard section from is here!And a bio on Chiaotzu is up!

6.29.99- A new battle is in the Battle Arena, and a new contest number.And...If SOMEONE could find a pic of Chiaoztu, I will put a bio up on him.

6.27.99-Well, Im thinking of removing the contest. Im still looking 4 a desktop theme 2 give away, or I just might make one. Oh, theres a new prize 4 u webmasters out there. If u visit the page on a certain visit, u can get your page posted on the links page, and will be registered 4 the top 10.

6.26.99-Check out the new Fan Forum! U can sign my guestbook there. And...please email me your thoughts and comments. U can have your questions answered in the fan forum, where u can post messages and stuff. A new Chat room will be added.

6.25.99-Check out the new animations and pics! And.. a new update in the Recent News Section! Looking 4 something? Search it at the bottom of the page! New contest number...but no1 is emailing me!Please sign my new guestbook in the Fan Forum! And if u got a question, email me... orpost a message in the fan forum!

6.24.99-New contest number...More pics and animations will be posted 2morrow.