![]() WHEN:October 3-6, 2002, along with the Marine Vietnam Helicopter Association. Our Squadron Dinner will be on Friday evening, October 4, 2002. WHERE: Pensacola, Florida at the Best Western Hotel WHO: Marine Medium Helicopter Squadron 365 Vietnam, aka The Magnificent Flying Circus, Koler's Klowns, The Stingers - anyone who served with the Squadron in Vietnam. This year, we are extending our invitation to the Squadron Dinner to anyone who had ever served in the Squadron, before, during, and after Vietnam. This includes anyone presently on active duty with HMM-365 Blue Knights. Who will be at the Reunion (those who said yes or maybe) as of 10/2/02
Jeff AVEIRO Rich BENDER (2) Frank BERMUDEZ (2) Jim BOONE Harrison CHESBROUGH Jerry CLARK (2) Harry DESCHANE John EASTER (2) Kenneth FISH Marcelo GONZALEZ Bert GOODFALLOW Curtis GRAHAM Robert HARLAN (2) Henry HEINZERLING (2) John JACOBS (2) Ben JOHNSON (2) Peter MACK (2) Bill MARTIN (2) Paul MAYNARD (2) I.D. MAZE Bob McEACHRAN (2) John McEWEN George McKEE Chuck McKINNEY Charlie MONCH (2) Terry MONROE Carlos MOREAUX (3) Glenn NEWTON (2) Dennis POLLEY (2) Buck REINBOLT (2) Larry RUETTIGER Rich STACK (2) Jim STEWART (2) Del SZATMARY Alex WASINSKI Nick WERVE Marty WINKEL (2) Reggie WISE (2) Marty Winkel (assistant coordinator), email - runsalot@earthlink.net Bob McEachran (assistant coordinator), email - bobmceachran@cs.com HOW MUCH:
WHAT ELSE: We would hope that everyone will join the Marine Vietnam Helicopter Association, without whom this reunion might not have even been possible. Many of us have also served in other helicopter squadrons and groups and it will be a good time to find long-lost buddies. If you have anything that you would like to add to the Squadron Historical Foot Locker that would be the time to bring it. If you have any suggestions on what activities you would like to take part in as a squadron email your ideas to Rich Bender. Take a look at the Personal Data Update Page and see if anything needs to be added. Also, if a memorabilia packet were to be made up for the reunion attendees, what items would you like to have included. Here are some suggestions:
More info to follow - as I get it from the Reunion Coordinators. Enrique del Rosario hmm365vietnam@angelfire.com ![]() HMM-365 Homepage |
Automatic Slide ShowPhotos from the Squadron Reunion in Pensacola, 2002![]() Click for more photos More Reunion 2002 Pics Some more Reunion 2002 Pics And more Reunion 2002 Pics ![]() PAST REUNIONS |
Email from Rich Bender at the Pensacola Reunion, 10/3/02: Del, It has been windy and raining down in Pensacola but the Reunion is going along nicely. So far 36 Squadron Mate and Spouse have checked - in. Our Squadron room turn out to be #162 right by the pool. It was needed as the tents were unusable due to the wind. I got there early on the Wednesday and got us a sign in table right in front of the line. Most of the day the sign in desk was held captive by Cathy McEacharan and Marty & Toni Winkel, While Bob and I Hauled in the goodies. Popasomokes Webmaster Wally Beddoe had up on the screen our Web-Site we got him to the Stinger Photos and a crowd of Marines formed behind us ..... it was great. Del, going to send the photos as an attachment in a folder, hope you get them o.k. HMM 365 Dinner tomorrow night will give you update. Well just tried that and thats not going to work - will try each photo. S.F. Rich |
9/29/02: Everything for the Reunion is about ready thanks to the effort and selflessness of our Reunion Coordinators Rich Bender, Bob McEachran, and Marty Winkel. Communications: We may have internet capabilities at the reunion site from which we can use the Squadron Message Board on the Squadron website for communicating with our stay-at-homes. Caps and T-Shirts: HMM-365 caps and shirts will be available at the Reunion. The cap will have an embroidered UH-34D in front and "HMM-365" in back. The t-shirt will have a UH-34D in back and the squadron patch over the left breast where there is no pocket. Marty Winkel is asking $12 for either or $24 for one of each. |
Telephone conversation with the General, 9/28/02
He sends all of us his warmest regards. del Rosario |
Email from Rich Bender, 9/25/02: HI ALL, Received the following fax from Bobaloo's I had talked to him early in the day and both agreed that if we had about 4 items it would work out better. I am sure if anybody truly didn't like any of them they could order off the Menu.
From: Bob Sharp, Babaloo's The following is a copy of the menu, along with 4 dinner selections. All selections come with a baked potato unless otherwise specified. All dinners come with hush puppies, slaw, cornbread and pickled onions. Please let us know as soon as you can, how many of each dinner you would like. * Fried Gulf Shrimp Dinner * Ribeye and Shrimp Scampi Combo * Fried Gulf Shrimp and Fried Catfish Combo * K-bob Combo (one chicken k-bob and one shrimp k-bob) Let us know what you think you would like. You can do this in PNS at sign in or by e-mail (but ck again in PNS as we might have a break down) S. F. Rich |
Email from Rich Bender, 9/13/02: Well Guys, Just 21 days to go, looking forward to seeing everyone. Our Squadron room will be at the Best Western Rm# 161 right on the water (FL. Law does not allow Hotels to guarantee a room # because if the person who stayed in the night before decides to stay they can) but chances are it will be our room are 99%. Look for the Squadron patch on the door. We are right on the beach by the pool. Also we will have a tent on the beach. Don't forget HMM-365 Dinner on Fri. Oct 4th at 6:30pm at Babaloo's 659 Pensacola Beach Blvd. (on the right as you come out of the toll booth after crossing the Pensacola Beach Bridge. Hats, Shirts, Beer and lots of fun! Bring your Camera, old Photos but mainly yourself. We are not growing younger!! Semper Fi ........... Rich --- Richard Bender --- rrbender365earthlink.net |
The Word: 8/17/02 As of right now I show 63 for the HMM-365 DINNER on Fri. Oct 4th, of that there are 40 sqd mbr & 23spouse/friends and etc. Signed up for Popasmoke (rest of the activities) is ONLY 2O. It is still not too late to sign up just go to the www.popasmoke.com web site. We have a ROOM, TENT, BEER, VIDEOS, PHOTOS, HATS & SHIRTS at the Popasmoke Site (Best Western) and you really need to be signed up to enjoy this gathering. If anyone is sitting on the fence on coming or is not sure if they can make it and decide you would like to come (last minute) ---- COME ON we will make room at the table. We will bring the Hats/Shirts and some photos to the Sqd. Dinner. --- Richard Bender |
Scuttlebutt: 3/4/02 Reservations have been made for our Squadron Hospitality Room. It will be at the Best Western Hotel, 16 Via de Luna, (850)934-3300 or (800)934-3301 toll-free. The exact room number will be sent to all reunion attendees at a later time. The hotel is located on the beach and close to the Marine Vietnam Helicopter Association reunion and activities. Also our tent will be set up outside on the sands. To help with the expenses of the cost of the room, the tent, beverages, etc., we are asking that each attendee contribute $25 (to be collected as you sign in) at the main Popasmoke Sign In at the Beachside Resort. This will be for each attendee and spouse or attendee and one guest. The Squadron Dinner will be October 4 at Bobaloo's Restaurant. The cost, according to the restaurant management, will be $20 to $25 each person, which includes the tip but not the drinks. The cost of the dinner is in addition to the $25 for the Squadron Hospitality expense mentioned above. Menu choices will be published at a later time. Dress code has not been determined at this time. As it was with past reunions, hotel rooms closes to the reunion activities are taken up months in advance. As of today there are plenty of rooms still available. If you will be attending the reunion alone and would like to share the hotel room with another and split the cost, let Rich Bender know and he can let you know who are open for that arrangement. ![]() Bobaloo's in Pensacola ![]() Bobaloo's Restaurant and boat dock |
Email from Rich Bender, 1/27/02 I am back from Pensacola and made good Progress, brief description follows: 1) Squadron Dinner (Oct 4th 6:30 or 7pm) will be held at "Bobaloo's on the Beach" a great place with great food they will work with us on the numbers. Cost approx $20 w/tip. 2) We will have a Sqd Room and a Tent. 3) You will receive from PAP info on room discounts, Naval Aviation Museum and etc. 4) Marty is working on a shirt and cap design. 5) BIG NOTE: for those taking CAMPERS I have checked them out and the BEST site is FORT PICKENS (to the west of Pensacola Beach) Reservations are taken 5 months in advance year round. the RES CODE for Fort Pickens in "GUL" call 1-800-365-2267. Right now I am working on getting a good database set up in Qbooks which has a easy format with e-mail capable. As of 1/26/02 we have approx 35 to 40 positive or planning. Thats it for now. Rich |
Beachside Resort: Headquarters for the Marine Vietnam Helicopter Association Reunion; on the beach; $99-129 (100 rooms still available); 850-932-5331/800-232-2416 Best Western: where the men of HMM-365, the Magnificent Flying Circus, will gather; located right next to the Beachside Resort; on the beach; $99-119 (100 rooms still available - use codeword "USMC"); 850-934-3300/800-934-3301 Clarion Suites: individual beach house suites that include a living room; 5 minutes walk to the Beachside Resort; continental breakfast; $99-129 (86 suites still available); 850-932-4300/899-874-5303 Comfort Inn: one block from the beach, 10 minutes walk to the Beachside Resort; continental breakfast; $79-89 (70 rooms still available); 850-934-5400/800-934-5470 Dunes: on the beach; approximately 1 mile from the Beachside Resort; restaurant and lounge on the premise; $83-133 (65 rooms still available); 850-932-3536/800-83DUNES Emerald Isle Condos: 1-, 2-, or 3-bedroom condos; for more info, contact Bob Powell or Yvonne @ JME Management; $105-185/night or $630-1200/week; 850-934-2672/800-554-3695 Hampton Inn: 5 minutes walk from the Beachside Resort; continental breakfast; $99-129 (140 rooms still available - use codeword "HPR") 850-932-6800/800-320-8108 Holiday Inn: on the beach; approximately one mile from the Beachside Resort; continental breakfast; $72-100 (140 rooms still available - use codeword "VHP"); 850-932-5631 Marriott: newest hotel on the beach; 10 minutes walk from the Beachside Resort; $99-129 (117 rooms still available - room rates are not firm - ask for Stacey Kane); 850-934-2672/850-932-9314ext22 |