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From the first day I started to watch Days Of Our Lives I fell in love with Deidre Hall and Drake Hogestyn who originated the roles of Dr. Marlena Evans (in 1976) and John Black (in 1986). What they share on screen is something that touches me in ways that I never thought was possible for soap. They have sensational storylines and we have to believe that whatever happens they will find their way back to each other. Enjoy my website dedicated to Deidre and Drake and their alter ego's Marlena and John


My Fan Art
From a very young age I've been drawing. And I love it to pour my heart and soul into a drawing of either Deidre or Drake or my favourite Days couple. I make drawings on request. Originals (from any high quality picture you supply me with, Days or other) are for sale starting at 25$ (US) without shipping and handling. High Quality copies of the drawings on this website are made on request and are 5$ without shipping and handling. Contact me for more information. Click here to see more!

In this story John Black and Dr. Marlena Evans got another daughter two years after Belle. They named her Lisanne, usually addressed to as Dr. Lisa Black. John is still amazed by how much she looks like her mother every day. Is she in danger?

This website was created by Cindy. I am in no way affiliated with Corday Productions,
Deidre Hall or Drake Hogestyn. This is just a fansite. John and Marlena are the sole
property of Corday Productions.