Transcribed by Jenny Buckle


July 1873

10 - Dr. Borton, of Malton, died aged 83

22 - Very hot to-day - 85 degrees in shade, 112 in sun. Eight deaths from sunstroke in two days in North and East Yorkshire.

23 - Heavy and fatal thunderstorms in the district.

29 - Malton and Appleton Agricultural Show at Appleton-le-Street.

August 1873

1 - Majority of late Lord Helmsley. A week's rejoicings began at Duncombe Park.

1 - Convention of Good Templars at Malton.

14 - The Rev. the Earl of Mulgrave preached at Rillington to-day.

19 - Man found dead in a field at Rillington.

28 - Some swimming races in the Derwent at Old Malton.

September 1873

4 - Great Single Wicket Match at Malton for £100; Alfred Brown, Malton, v. John Hicks, York. Brown won by one innings and 19 runs.

24 - Great sale of shorthorms at Duncombe Park, and sale at Wiley's Brandsby, next day.

October 1873

1 - A big farmyard fire at Rowgate.

11 - Death of Thomas Inglis I'Anson, of Norton; funeral on 14th.

21 - Death of Mr. Carr, of Barton-le-Street; he was last person in this district to use oxen for draught purposes.

27 - Sudden death of John Richardson, of Norton.

November 1873

1 - Child named Blanchard burnt to death, at Malton.

6 - Opening of new ironworks (Read's) near Malton Station.

8 - A rifle marker shot at Castle Howard.

11 - First "Penny Readings" in Malton National School.

23 - Sudden death of W. Beatty, rural postman, at Malton.

26 - Seizure of bad meat in Malton Slaughter House - third case since new inspecor appointed.

27 - Roof of a house fell in at Swinton; no one injured.

December 1873

5 - Coursing meeting at Ebberston.

18 - Death of Sergt. R. Hick, of Malton, first winner of the Fitzwilliam Challenge Cup.

23 - Examination at Helmsley into the "Mosey Hole" assault case-farm labourers assaulting and robbing an old man.

24 - Fatal railway accident near Scarboro' road bridge at Norton' one man killed and five injured. A carriage was overturned by a mistake of the signalman at the junction.

26 & 29 - Inquest on person killed, and adjourned for a fortnight.



Jan 1874

12 - Two railway officials found guilty of manslaughter by coroner's jury at Norton in connection with the accident there.

15 - Dramatic Readings in Malton Theatre by Mr Robt. Bartliff.

16 - Man named Snowden committed for trial at York Assizes for Assault near Kirbymoorside.

26 - Opening of Wesleyan Day Schools at Malton.

29 - Announcement made to-night that Mr. R. H. Bower would contest the representation of Malton against Mr. Charles Fitzwilliam - noisy meeting of latter's supporters in the Corn Exchange.

31- Mr Bower addressed the electors in the Corn Exchange.

Feb 1874

1 to 3 Electioneering at Malton - poll taken on 3rd. Mr. Fitzwiliam, 603; Mr. R. H. Bower, 474. Excitement in the town after poll, and a mob broke some windows at the Lodge.

6 - Death of the Rev. Edmund Day, vicar of Norton, aged 84 years.

7 - Meeting at Talbot Hotel about the future of Lord Middleton's Hunt.

8 - First snowfall of the winter.

16 - Apprehension of Kirbymoorside Postmaster on charges of forgery and embezzlement - subsequently committed for trial.

Mar 1874

3 - Sudden death of Mr Joseph Wrangham, of Malton.

12 - Kirby Steeplechases postponed on account of heavy snowfall.

16 - J. Wilson died at Malton; aged 90

19 - First School-board Election at Rillington.

25 - His Honour Judge Bedwell held his first Court at Malton.

30 - A Fire at Westow Grange to-day.

April 1874

6 - (Easter Monday) - Football Match at Malton - a rarity at this period.

10 - Complimentary Banquet to Mr. R. H. Bower in the Corn Exchange.

29 - Presentation to Rev. Arthur Standidge, curate of Bulmer.

30 - Fatal Fight in a public- house at Ayton.

May 1874

2 - A Suicide at Howe Bridge.

11 - Great Strike of Rosedale Miners.

13 - Fatal Accident to Mr. Clarkson, of Wykeham.

24 - (Sunday) - Malton Volunteers march to church in honour of Queen's birthday

31 - A Camp Meeting at Old Malton.

June 1874

1 - Singular eviction scene at Swinton; an old cottager carried out in his chair.

22 - Termination of Rosedale Strike.

July 1874

Comet visible nightly, in early part of month, causes much interest in local circles.

28 - From 7,000 to 8,000 persons attend Malton Agricultural Show - a very successful day.

30 - Harrow Wanderers play a Cricket Match at Malton.

August 1874

14 - Prize Archery Shooting Meeting at Malton.

31 - Death of Mr. Richard Jefferson, druggist, of Malton.

September 1874

1 - Inquest on Richardson, who died from injuries received at Norton crossing.

19 - First visit of Channel Fleet to Scarbro'.

21 - Serious accident to a Signalman at Malton. - He died nine days later.

23 - Presentation of Royal Humane Society's Medal to Mr. Jarrett, draper, of Malton for saving life in the Derwent.

October 1874

20 - Jubilee of Malton Wesleyan Sunday School.

25 - "Whiskey War Women" held a meeting at Malton.

28 - Opening of new Organ in Hutton Church.

November 1874

2 to 4 - Professor Wells, the phrenologist, at Malton.

11 - A fatal accident at Highfield - boy killed.

20 - Man named Ockley killed at Norton by overturning of a cart.

December 1874

4 - Death of Mr. C. Coulson, telegraphist, Malton.

8 - Malton Coursing Meeting postponed on account of severe weather.

22 - Meeting of Creditors of Mr. Peart, at Talbot Hotel.

23 - Death of Sir Geo. Cholmley.

29 - Very cold to-night - thermometer 1 deg. below Zero. - cold remained very severe for several days.


January 1875

1 - Death of Mr. Thos. Read, of Malton, aged 71

2 - Thaw began after three weeks hard frost and snow.

4 - Sudden death of coachman at Norton Grove.

14 - Row at Liberation meeting in Malton Temperance Hall.

25 - General Neal Dow at Malton: another scene in the Temperance Hall.

(No entries for February)

March 1875

17 - Meeting of Anti-Vaccinationists at Malton.

25 - Mr. Henry Russell, corn merchant, of Norton, died today.

31 - Kirbymisperton Church re-opened after restoration.

April 1875

1 - A Choral Festival at Norton.

7 - Presentation of a testimonial to Rev. W. Sutherland on leaving Norton.

10 - Rev. F. E. Sadgrove, vicar, began a seven days' mission at Norton.

15 - Opening of the newly-decorated Chapel in Castle Howard.

18 - Charles Monkman, of Malton, died today; interred in Malton Cemetery on 22nd.

May 1875

19 - Sale of late W. Lovel's (Norton) property at the Talbot Hotel.

24 - A Freemasons' Cricket match at malton.

27 - Choral Festival at Old malton

29 - A heavy frost in the district tonight.

June 1875

1 - Man found dead in a wood at Birdsall.

4 - John Bosomworth suffocated in a well at Acklam; inquest next day; large funeral at Malton on 7th.

10 to 12 - Yorkshire United County Eleven play 22 of Malton and District at Malton. - J. C. Shaw, Mycroft, R. Iddison and E. Stephenson play with the latter.

 July 1875

21 - Wm. Graham, innkeeper, of Malton, died.

27 - Malton and Appleton Agricultural show at Appleton-le-Street.

29 - Marriage of Mr. Cholmley and Miss Simpson at Foston.

29 to 31 - Local Volunteers in camp at Helmsley.

Aug 1875

2 - Good Templars' Gala at Castle Howard.

3 to 5 - Yorkshire Agricultural Show at Driffield.

13 - Dispersal of late John Borton's sheep flock at Barton-le-Street.

17 - Mr. T. Botterills' first fat stock sale at Malton.

20 - Death of James Stabler, of Green Man, Malton.

24 - Archery Contest at Malton.

Sept 1875

9 - Sale at Boynton of late Sir George Cholmley's Stud.

10 - Death of Mr. Wm. Spaven, sen., of Malton.

13 - Man fell off a stack and was killed, at Rillington.

27 - Government Inquiry at Hovingham about drainage question.


Oct 1875

6 - Death of Archdeacon Long, of Settrington; funeral on the 12th.

12 - Two sudden deaths at Norton - Mrs. Robson and Mrs. Smith.

21 - Banquet to Lord Helmsley in the Kirbymoorside Toll-booth.

30 - Fatal Accident near Castle Howard - the Castle carrier killed.

31 - Jubilee of Primitive Methodism in Malton.


Nov 1875

9 - Marriage of Miss Taylor, Kirkham Abbey.

15 - Flood in Derwent Valley; river over 12 feet above summer level.

25 - Race Meeting at Rillington.


Dec 1875

3 - Inquest on Mrs. Mary Skelton, Malton, who was accidentally set on fire.

17 - Woman's Suffrage Meeting at malton, addressed by Miss Becker.

21 - Presentation to Rev. F. E. Sadgrove, vicar of Norton, on leaving.

23 - Fatal accident to Rev. John Cussons on the railway near Kirbymoorside.

24 - Death of Mr. John Lee, innkeeper, Malton.

25 - A fine and sunny Christmas Day.

26 - Rev. E. Sadgrove preaches farewell sermon.