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Look on the brightside: there's only four more years of George W. Bush. In the meantime Democrats, fed-up Independents, and concerned Republicans should remember Thomas Jefferson's words: ". . . we should never despair." Primarily because concerned American's can shift the balance back from the Republican grip where we currently find ourselves. This website and its products have been created to remind every American that our nation functions more effectively for every citizen when checks and balances are in place and functioning. Other moments in history when one party has had significant power over another has led to a variety of imbalances in the government's effectiveness to oversee the needs of our great nation and its people. Such imbalance has often manifested itself in record deficits (check) civil rights abuses (check) and controversial military action (check). It is no surprise that we find ourselves bearing the weight of these very familiar burdens. This past November 2nd we failed to balance the Republican stronghold. In the next few years may we gather the strength to apply the greatest "check" to their power: enough blue votes to swing the balance back to the middle.