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Ange_de_Ciel's Journal

WELCOME TO MY JOURNAL! My name is Anna and the following entries are either a brief or a really long summary of how my days go. They will probably be based on my thoughts, feelings, school, "DDR", friends, and many other things. If you have any questions or what so ever, please feel free to tag my guestbook from my asianavenue page ( The reason(s) I have this journal:
-I am able to express myself without having to force people to read my journal. (I'm sure you came here because you want to read this)
-To express myself.
-There is no one in this world I can trust entirely.

Thursday June 12th:
*sigh...another long day of school! But it was all good...the first two blocks were then for PE we went BOWLING! BOOYA!! After that, we were dismissed. I went home after and prepared myself. Why? BECAUSE OF THE AWARDS NIGHT! Yeah...this year...i only received one for top gr 9 in french and one for top gr 9 in PE...whew...and science finals tomorrow...OH NOES! *Anna runs off to study*

Friday June 20th:
Today I went to metro...and Pootz, Adam, Cassy, Julie, Ally, Jenn, Lou, Sean, Jaq, Dex, Daniel, Sakura, Mike, James, Mike N, Mark, Chris E, and Cody were there. At CHQ...we all watched as Adam AAA`s Cartoon Heroes out of NOWHERE! As for me...I blackflagged Kind Lady :`(

Saturday June 21st:
MY LUCKY DAY! I went to school and came back not knowing what to do for the day. Then I decided to go to metro I was walking, I kept thinking...I think Anna is going to get a AAA. SURE ENOUGH!! I AAAed my FIRST song! (Kind Lady) THANQ ADAM FOR TELLING ME TO PLAY THIS SONG AND FOR BEING SO SUPPORTIVE!!! I know you will AAA more songs too!

Thursday June 26th:
*yawnz* Today I woke up at around 10ish. REPORT CARD DAY TODAY! But for some reason I didn't feel like going at all. I lurked around for a long time and going on the computer. I heard you were supposed to pick up your report cards at 12:30pm. The clock says 12:25...and I still didn't leave the house yet. When I got to Sakura's house, we were TOTALLY late. We were supposed to be there at 12pm! Well, I got there at around 12:45 and got my report cards. For final mark, I received 6 A's and 2 B's...where I also found that I owned by SS 9 class because I got 100% for term 3 haha XD. After that, I went to Mr. Lee's room to get my T-shirt and my money. Soon, I was at McDonald's with Anita, Nigel, and Vanessa. We were there for about 3 hrs: McDonald's, bubble tea, and Church's Chicken...where I had a 40min girl talk with Anita! ;) ThanQ Anita for always being there when I need you...I can never imagine how life would be if you never have created a difference and a meaning to me in life. I LOVE YOU LOTS! I ROOF YOU AS WELL! *MUAHZ*

Friday June 27th: woke up early and went to metro again haha XD. I got there at around 2ish and I buy credits to wait in line to play DDR. My day of DDR did NOT start off very good since there were some b*tches who were very distracting. They chose the wrong side for me...therefore wasting my turn of DDR. After that, Mike comes along with some dice. (His motto: "NO DICE") We then go buy tickets to watch Charlie's Angels 2...with Sean...Mike...Sakura...myself...Lou and his other friends. After that, we went to CHQ and we played more DDR. Too bad...the only thing I did today that was good was SDG the 2 Look to the Sky's. Did not AAA air. I swear...air...I will OWN you someday!! *shakes her fist*

Saturday June 28th: I wake up because of a phone call from my friend Alex...whew...haven't talked to him in the longest age. I went to metro AGAIN. I got a ride from my aunt and I was off to CHQ once I got there. There I saw: Cory, Verge, Cody, Jenn, Mark, Beau, George, and Jeremy. WHEW! Was today a lucky day or my first round...I play some songs...did ok on them and last stage: I play Air and yes...i AAAed it! For extra stage, I played Baby Gimme Gimme Your Love...from now on...I will play that song for extra stage everytime I AAA a song. So now that brings my AAA count to 2...not very many, but I will catch up. Played some paras and just sat around talking and explaining to Cory about R.D.D. ;). After that, we go to Playdium only to find the projector taken out...the pads and the screen gets worse by the day. Which reminds me...whew...Adam asked me before if it was possible to get random on roulette...IT IS!!! HAHA XD...
1.)I get extra stage
2.)I pick roulette and turn around to select.
3.)I get random.
4.)I end up with Trip Machine Survivor -_-

Sunday June 29th:
*sigh* I slept in today again. Went on computer...and waited as Matt sent me pictures Adam took when he was in Vancouver. =D Now I have tons and tons of pictures! After that, I go out with my mom and had some bubble tea. That was what basically happened after when it was getting dark. What happened when I woke up? I had a crazy dream last night. In my dream, I was with the person I liked...we were a big party. There, his mom started talking to me...and she didn't mind me together with him since she started to like me lots. As for my parents, they didn't seem to mind at all. At that point, I was thinking: NO ONE in this world can tear us apart. I smiled at him. He smiled at me...gave me a hug and held my hand. All of a sudden, I snapped out and realized...I was dreaming. All of it wasn't true. I was disappointed, but I was still in my dream. I woke up later to realize...none of it happened at was all just a dream.

Monday June 30th: I wake up and yes I went to metro again HAHAH XD. Well, it's summer and now that I've gotten so far in DDR, I can't help, but go play since I always have an urge to play. I also bought a bus card so that I can go anytime to play. So...I play a round of DDR and no AAA luck =(.
First stage: Burnin' the floor (momo): 37g
Second stage: Look to the Sky (True Colors): 2g!!! I will AAA this one day-_-
Third Stage: Dynamite Rave (Down Bird Sota): 12g
Final Stage: Butterfly: 7g :'( ...I need to AAA this...
BUT however, I got 47 sec on extra stage for Legend of Max so that brightened my day. After that, a round of para and a walk around with Cassy. ThanQ Cassy for the ice cream! Hahaha...while I was on the bus, I ran into Jenny-bearz again HAHA XD. friend Jaq is having some problems and major concerns. I'm trying my best to help him out and support him in any way I can. This also goes out to everyone. Life IS NOT over yet. You have just begun. Don't allow yourself to fall have yet MANY MORE great things, miracles, and amazing accomplishments to bring to yourself AND the people around you. Say to WILL OWN life one day. Do not ever let anything get into your way.

Monday June 30th 10:50pm:
*GAH* I'm feeling frustrated right now...I just don't know what's going on anymore. Cassy is also having major problems. She thought the guy she liked had feelings for me...but now its alright. =) As for me...I'm sitting by day...hour by hour...minute by minute...thinking about my special person. What do I get? Nothing. AM I WORTH ANYTHING TO HIM AT ALL? All of I want is ONE WORD: Yes or No. I don't need all this bullshit from him. I'd rather be rejected sooner...then I'll have more time to heal. But this...waiting...and forgetting about all hurts too much. I cry practically for a long time out of nowhere for what reason? Why am I crying? I still don't know. Perhaps the answer I'll never know, but I DO know I'm trying to forget and move on, but it isn't possible.

Tuesday July 1st 8:00pm:
HAPPY CANADA DAY!!! Well today I went to play DDR again. No luck. Instead I ended up with 2 greats for Look to the Sky (True Colors) and Think Ya Better D...=(...when will I AAA them? Maybe tomorrow...maybe Saturday...maybe next week...I don't know *shrugs*. Stupid Chris. Came so late today. Mike came first. Followed after by Poutine, Julie, Matt, and Cody. Since the mall closed early today...we went to eat and Matt was going to Lester's, but me and Chris didnt want to I think he is mad at us. Stupid Chris made me wait at the skytrain and hang around for about 5 more minutes until I could leave. -_-...Well, I also I have to talk to my parents in allowing me to go to Calgary for the Western Conference, but I doubt they will let me...

Thursday July 3rd:
Today I went to play DDR again. I was supposed to meet Lou at CHQ so that we can go watch T3. Instead, we both arrived late. However, I AAed 3 more songs and now I have a total of 183 AAs. Plus, I blackflagged Look to the Sky (true colors) today ='(. I tried playing So Deep on 2x boost but things got worse. Not only that, my blister on my foot is killing me >_<. But, today something amazing happened! Adam AAAed Sakura (heavy)! He even called (long distance) all the way from Calgary just to tell which that gave me a chance to talk to Ayla hehe. Tomorrow, people will be going to the beach while I will be at metro TRYING to play foot. Maybe they won't go to the beach if it's horrible weather? *shrugs* HAHA...I forgot to mention...I have one hell of a family now ^_^.
Anna's family currently standing at: a twin, a pretend husband, a Jewish dog, a next-door neighbour, a mom, 3 dads, a *GREAT* grandpa (HAHA Estrella says a blackflag grandpa XD), an uncle, and a whole bunch of brothers...AND a son who is my father O_O...haha inside joke...

Friday July 4th:
Whew! Another late day to start. First of all, me and Sakura go play DDR and fricking sheep...I blackflagged 2 songs in the same round; one the first round first game and final stage (La Copa de La Vida and Look to the Sky AGAIN (true colors). We then went with Matt (fuj) to buy a hat for Amber. After that, they had an Apathy meeting and allowed Luke onto the team...but right after...declaring the team...dead. Luke was surprised and happy at the same time, but I am not sure if he was mad or not. Kevin, Poutine, and them come back from the beach and Kevin has a horrible sunburn on his back. Meanwhile, we go to the food court to eat. Oh, did I also mention Anita, Vanessa, and Allen were at metro? Well, after we ate, I played more Para and I tried so many times, I can't SSS Jam Jam Jam...dammit...I will try tomorrow@!
After we hung around for a bit and looking at Cassy's year-end book and laughing at pictures...*tsk tsk*...when CHQ closed at nine...we went to the benches near Aritzia...too bad we hung around too long. A guard comes later and tells us to leave. Poop. We just hung out at playdium.=p
Another thing...I finally managed to read "What I Did for Love" last night before I went to sleep. IT WAS SO SAD!!!='( Well...once I got too hooked into the story, I knew I refused to go to sleep until I finished reading it. It took well half an hour to about 40 min. Close to the end, I had tears in my eyes, but for some reason, I couldn't cry...not until I went to sleep...then I started to cry myself to sleep. *sigh* It probably got me to think of my special person...

I love him, but I cannot make him love me back; for love is not selfish.

Saturday July 5th:
Today Sakura calls me early in the morning to wake me up because we were planning to go play DDR early. But it was so we just went to sleep for another couple of hours. After that, I got prepared to go out. I was determined. I HAD to AA Rhythm and Police..because Dan said he can't marry a person who can't AA that song (he was probably kidding). But I was also determined to AAA something. So far, I have my beliefs that I have been AAAing a song every Saturday. My mom gives me some money and I leave to go to Sakura's house. When we got onto the bus, we saw Allen and Jade..amazingly. Once we got there, we went straight to the food court to buy something to eat. Right away, we got too full since we bought too much food. After that, we just packed it up and decided to give it to Mark or something. First, I played a round of Para Para and I SSSED A SONG!! (Jam Jam Jam-about damn time too) I SHOULD have SSSEd Mikado as well...but I had a miss and I tried so hard after that but I kept getting 2 greats. One day, I will SSS that. After that, I play DDR and out of nowhere, I blackflagged Let the Beat Hit Em (Classic R&B Style). Plus, I AAed R&P=D. WHOOP! Later on, I even AAAed Look to the Sky (true colors-FINALLY!) along with Mike, during the same round and same stage. It was so amazing. I think we broke the record to ever have 2 people AAA a song together in Vancouver's DDR history. *sigh* =D...could today get ANY better? ^_^
Later on tonight, my dad finally comes home...haven't really seen him in days since he's busy with helping out with my aunt's apartment. Right now...I am addicted to Disabled the Flaw...hmm...gotta dwl more Para songs...and actually read a book...-_-

Monday July 7th:
Nothing much happened and Sakura went to the dentist and then to go play DDR...Sakura AAs some songs! yay! and I SSSed Money Go on Para...muahhaa...took Adams song. After some good scores...

Tuesday July 8th:
Guess what happened today?!?! I AAAed Let the Beat Hit 'Em (Classic R&B Style) and yeah...more good scores like 10g on Irresistablement and 3g on Jam Jam Reggae...

Wednesday July 9th: I took on a challenge with see who can AAA Jam Jam Reggae first...instead...I didnt even play the song and he AAAs both and Celebrate Nite (OMG). However...I beat some of my old records...Sakura AAs more songs...I got 5g on Look to the Sky (6th mix). After that...we went shopping for clothes...I saw Alex today at CHQ...and then we bused home to bubble tea and Church's Chicken. Ah poop...I also got 2 goods on Go Godzilla Go...if only I didnt go up in the diagonal spots so early...>_<

Thursday July 9th:
So today I was supposed to go to Guildford Mall with Anita and Sakura, but since Sakura has no money...we all went to metro instead. There we played DDR...after that we left and bought bubble tea. After that, I go to a party at my aunt's house. HOWEVER...many good scores today that made my happy...and so the list goes:
Rhythm and Police-24 greats/1 good/ 1 miss
Pink Rose-6 greats
I Feel-26 greats
Hyper Eurobeat-24 greats
Feeling of Love-14 greats/1 miss
Make it Better-14 greats
Nori Nori Nori-5 greats
Graduation-19 greats
Last Message-6 greats
Moba Moga-11 greats
Senorita-6 greats
Celebrate Nite-14 greats
Cutie Chaser Morning Mix-10 greats
Mr. T (take me higher)-12 greats