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My Home Page

Whoa! It's a FLAMING-O!

Look for a Flaming-o on every page!
I bet you want a Flaming-O, don't you?

(Sorry, this isn't a game, it's just for fun. I don't have any prizes.)

Since I haven't posted anything on here in almost 8 years I thought it was finally time to take down the site. I doubt anyone has come to this site in 8 years as well, but if you stumble upon it and miss the memories, just ask me and I'll forward you some old journal entries. Perhaps someday I'll bring this back. So keep a watch out! I could have links for baby information (no, I'm not pregnant yet), cool food I make for my husband (or vice versa since I don't cook well), or other cool things I do. Yes, after 8 years I still haven't figured out how to not ramble on, great...