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M.U. Educational and WI DPI Standards/Outcomes

Marquette students who are preparing to teach are expected to demonstrate knowledge, skills and dispositions in ten areas identified by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. Students also must demonstrate proficiency in two additional areas specified by the School of Education: commitment to social justice and use of technology. Assessment of student outcomes occurs at multiple intervals throughout the teacher education program. In order to ensure that students are well-prepared to enter the teaching profession, Marquette School of Education course goals and objectives are carefully aligned with proficiencies associated with quality teaching. A few examples of how some of these connect to my clinical experience is that: When teaching science we connected it to reading and writing (other subject areas). we also appreciated multiple perspectives. This meant that we accepted answers from students even though that wasn't our perspective on it. Last example is that we used several resources in order to represent different viewpoints, such as different texts, websites, and other classes.

WI DPI Standards