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International Campaign for
"Justice for the murdered students of Buea"

Premiere of the Documentary on the University of Buea students struggle.

The documentary "Standing with the Students" used to launch the Campaign forThe documentary "Standing with the Students" used to launch the Campaign for "Justice for the Murdered Students of the University of Buea" will be premiered on SATURDAY JUNE 30 at 12:15PM at the SEVEN STAGES THEATRE in Atlanta Georgia-US. "Justice for the murdered students of the University of Buea" will be premiered on SATURDAY JUNE 30 at 12:15PM at the SEVEN STAGES THEATRE in Atlanta Georgia-US.

Already across the United States citizens are sending postcards to the US Ambassador to Cameroon asking him to reiterate their position to the Cameroon government insisting those responsible for the cold blooded murder of students at the University of Buea be prosecuted.

That seems to be the very first stage of the Campaign for "Justice for the murdered students of the University of Buea". The next step is the premiere of the movie at the Unites States Social Forum (USSF) in Atlanta Georgia. The film will be screened as well in dozens of film festivals across the world.

These students were unarmed and demonstrating peacefully when police opened fire on them. Two of the students died instantly. One of them was even shot on the back of the head, a fact which dismisses any possibility that the person who opened fire was acting in self-defence.The film is also slated for Screenings across the United States, Europe, Asia, South America and Africa. There is also the campaign itself which involves public mobilization to request the various branches of the US government as well as the governments of other major donor nations to ask the Cameroon government to prosecute Cameroon officials responsible for this crimes or suspend financial aid to Cameroon.

The documentary tells the story of the on going struggle for basic rights by students of the University of Buea in Ambazonia. (former United Nations Trust Territory of Southern Cameroon Under United Kingdom administration, occupied by French Cameroon since 1961)

You can watch an online version of the trailer here:

And a 23 minutes compression of the hour long movie is available here:


For further campaign information -




My 2 Cents !


Kudos to the team who put together this documentary on the student killings at Buea University in the Southwest Province of Cameroon. Having viewed the 23 minute version, I look forward to seeing the full length version. I couldn't help but want to promote awareness in this matter as a person with a keen interest in the goings on at Buea University for the last 4 years. My relationship to Buea began in August 2002, experiencing the extent of justice available in the judiciary. I had reason to visit the University campus on several occasions, coming in contact with senior staff while seeking an understanding into the lawlessness and corruption in the Southwest court system. Thus my interest, as I've closely followed all the tragedies suffered by the students since that time. Twice over that time, student protests against corruption in the University have ended in killings. I was shocked at the callous lack of action taken by officials over the many deaths, but as they say in Cameroon
“Le Cameroun c’est le Cameroun”

I've put this webpage together to assist in the campaign to bring justice and awareness to the atrocities suffered against the students. My hope is that this medium helps to facilitate a wider audience being aware of the current campaign. I humbly request that those persons who receive my mail disperse this page as wide and as far as possible in the limited time available. My own son has just successfully finished his university studies this week at Sydney University and as would be expected I'm a very proud parent. I place this photo of myself with my father and my son, as an example of what has been stolen away from the parents of the students killed at Buea University. I suffered myself in Cameroon at the hands of evil people and only through the grace of God returned to enjoy watching my son fulfil his/my dreams for his education and watch him enter adulthood; but that is my own story. I can't even begin to imagine what it could be like to learn that my child had been executed by the country's security forces, while attending a peaceful protest at an institution of education. Horrific stories of corpses being withheld from families, when all that is left for the parents is to bury their child! Could they even dream that there might be some justice for the mindless killings? Not for those who live there, they know the system all to well.

I suffered myself in Cameroon at the hands of evil people and only through the grace of God returned to enjoy watching my son fulfil his/my dreams for his education and watch him enter adulthood; but that is my own story. I place this photo of myself with my father and my son, as an example of what has been stolen away from the parents of the students killed at Buea University. Whether your affiliations are with the Southern Cameroons or the Republic of Cameroon, I ask you as a parent to forward and promote this matter on behalf of the parents and families of the students who at the very least deserve to see justice done for the deaths of their children. You never know, if there is some accountability this time, it may be the life of a friend or family member saved next time when the forces of law hesitate to use students for target practice.

That's my 2 cents,   Glenn                                                                                  25/6/07



Alain Achuo Amu, a taxi driver was shot dead and several students received bullet wounds in a second round of clashes between security forces and students of the University of Buea, UB, on Tuesday, May 24. In the first of such clashes some two weeks earlier, security forces killed two students.
Cameroonian Students Protest.
Nov 2006. The students were both shot point blank in the face around the University Junction. The corpses and the wounded were all rushed to the Buea Provincial Hospital Annex.
Student shot at point blank range.


Praise File #5


Shey Blaise Sevidzem Berinyuy

Barrister Shey Blaise Sevidzem Berinyuy - Relentless advocate for Human Rights.

Shey Blaise Sevidzem Berinyuy, Human Rights Lawyer, Member/Legal Adviser of Human Rights Defence Group [HRDG],Cameroon Association For the Rights of the Child [CARC], Action by Christains for the Abolition of Torture [ACAT] and Organisation Mondiale Contre La Torture [OMCT] HAS INDEFATIGABLY BEEN TO THE TASK in exposing Administrative arbitrary arrests and detentions as well as Judicial buffoonery plus child abuse in Cameroon.

 When former SW Governor, the Police Boss and UB Vice Chancellor, Dorothy Njeuma deployed troops into UB killing two, injuring and raping many, only Blaise dragged them to court for violating student rights to strike action. Blaise is either in Tiko, Kumbo, Bamenda,, Mamfe or Lebialem seeking an Order for the immediate release of SCNC activists detained illegally by Administrative authority for holding what they often term illegal meetings.

Human Rights Lawyer in Court over Buea University Shootings
Click on the above link for a PDF file of the court documents with which Barrister Blaise Berinyuy takes the Cameroon authorities to task over the student murders.

Buea University Deaths!

(News Links)

Special Report: The University Of Buea Crisis.

Varsity Strike: How Police Tortured, Looted And Raped In Buea
Thousands of students had fled their hostels in fear of continuous police cruelty. The police had beaten them, ransacked their rooms and stolen their money, TV sets and mobile phones.Dahuanja's remains being wheeled to final abode by father and kid brother.

Crisis Report:  Gendarmes,  UB Students Battle Over Slain Comrades Corpse
Buea University Students clashed with gendarmes on Thursday, May 5, during the removal of the corpse of one of their mates, Gilbert Nforlem, shot dead by a policeman on Thursday, April 28.

The Dangerous Fallouts Of UB Strike.
For most, the University of Buea strike has come and gone but for those perceived by the Vice- Chancellor as causing it, the threats to life, career and studentship have just begun.

Meme Chiefs Want Killers Of UB Students Tried.
Traditional rulers in Meme Division have urged the government to ensure that the security operatives that murdered two University of Buea students on April 28 in Molyko, Buea, are brought to justice.

Trauma Centre Calls For Immediate Trial Of Students Killers.
The Director of the Yaounde-based anti-torture organisation, the Trauma Centre, Peter Kumche, has called for the trial of the policemen who tortured and killed striking students of the University of Buea recently.Buea University Students clashed with gendarmes on Thursday, May 5, during the removal of the corpse of one of their mates, Gilbert Nforlem, shot dead by a policeman on Thursday, April 28.

Lawyers in Defence of Slain UB Students
"Since the slaying of two University of Buea students on April 28 by security forces, many an accusing finger have been pointing at the State and its security operatives for flagrantly violating the law.”

Cameroonians Protest In London: Police Seize ‘Coffins’ Of Slain UB Students
"British police, June 20, confiscated two symbolic coffins from Cameroonian demonstrators in front of the Cameroon High Commission in Holland Park, London, England.” Dr Victor Ngoh (Buea University) has a long history as a  sexually transmitted marks predator. Students are forced to prostitute themselves to receive passing marks.

Corruption in Cameroon's Universities
"Most of our universities are a show window for fraud, extortion, bribery, nepotism and unconsciousness of service.”

UB Uncovers 113 Forged Certificates, Transcripts
Authorities of the University of Buea, UB, have uncovered some 113 names of individuals with forged transcripts and attestations allegedly from the university.


Praise File #11


Akwanga Jr.,

D.M. Ebenezer


Ebenezer D.M.Akwanga is the National Chairman of the Southern Cameroon Youth League (SCYL) and author of “Smiling through Hardship”.


"SMILING THROUGH HARDSHIP" is autobiographical in style and depicts the persecutions and sufferings of the author in the hands of one of the most brutal, barbaric and cannibal regime in modern Africa. It is the story of more than 6.5 million people held under unspeakable occupation through the machination of Palais D'Elyse – the symbol of France's satanic imperialism in Africa as seen in the eyes of one man. Smiling Through Hardship tells the tale which has not been told, confront the facts that have remained obscured, faces the neocolonialist head long and sums up the resolve of a people under the grip of a tyrant, so brutal, so merciless, so demonic. It is a call for the ultimate sacrifice for the defence of Freedom, a waking bell to the conscience of a complacent and docile world community in the face of man's inhumanity to man. Smiling Through Hardship recalls the Rwandan genocide, exposes France's satanic imperialist policy in Africa, specifically black Africa and urges the African to go for freedom even at the expense of a war to send the French parking across the Mediterranean. It is the Handbook for every true crusader for freedom.

Excerpt; “ Today, after failing to prepare the future for my generation, milking the taxpayers with nothing to show but institutionalised corruption, you are willing to ride our starving parents to death. Not on my watch! We have paid enough! I want the University of Buea open to every intelligent child of the common man. We must make UB a real place to be, not for a privileged few, but for all who seek knowledge.”THE AUTHOR
My story is one of redeeming hardship that I really can't tell it better. I am the last amongst ten children, born on November 18, 1970 at the seaside resort town of Tiko in present-day neocolonial administrative demarcation of Fako division of the Southwest province of the Southern Cameroons.

After a movable but torturous child-growth as a result of the tacit complicity of the East Cameroon refugee families of Ngembus and Malonge to render my family homeless in our own country, I successfully went through my Primary (Elementary school), Secondary (Middle school) and Higher school as a child born under occupation but striving to "survive" in the airtight cage.

In 1991, I organized and led the first ever pacific demonstration in Biya's Cameroon and on that day, I aggravated my standing in Biya's Little Handbook which keeps a record for all those earmarked for elimination. My involvement with the Voice of America had scored me higher grades in the eyes of the dreaded tarantulas (the forces of occupation). The Butchers of Yaoundé who were watching my every movement allowed my passage into the University of Buea when it was born from the numerous student street demonstrations turned bloody by brutal crack-down from the oppressors. After four months, I was elected in a landslide victory to become the pioneer Student Union President, a position highly envied by the Pro-neocolonialist University authorities. This election frighten Yaoundé and plot to silence me forever was put in motion. My opposition to a very unpopular fees increase in all the State Universities was considered "an act of subversion" by the Chief Butcher of Yaounde's abattoir (the State of Cameroun) and I was tacitly dismissed from the University and officially banned from attending any higher institution of learning in the Cameroons. Attempts to enter the Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Kumba were rendered futile by the Yaoundé regime.

Through the auspices of personal contacts within the African National Congress of South Africa, I gained admission to read Divinity in South Africa's prestigious University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, but Yaoundé again stepped in and block all attempts for me to leave the country. I was then described in official security circles as "Cameroon's most dangerous agitator," and a tagged was put on me to be watch more closely and wiped out by any possible means that may arise. I was refused a Cameroonian passport, my State identification were seized, and funny as it was, declared "persona non grata" in what I thought was the land of my birth. This was the "officialization" of my statelessness.

With the creation of the Southern Cameroons Youth League in 1995 with the sole purpose of eradicating tyranny and bringing freedom to the embattled, persecuted and annexed people of the Southern Cameroons, the Yaoundé dreaded tarantulas open new avenues for my assassination, and in March 1997, I was kidnapped, bundled overnight like a feared zombie and taken to one of the most feared prison camp in Africa, south of the Sahara. It was the beginning of my journey to Lucifer's kingdom. I spent seven (7) gruesome and heinous years in jail with two of those years in solitary confinement. Fed on human excrement and urine to quench my thirst. I spent seven (7) gruesome and heinous years in jail with two of those years in solitary confinement. Fed on human excrement and urine to quench my thirst, with plastic bags as my sleeping loin, and cockroaches, bedbugs, body lice and midgets as my close companions, my survival from hell as you would read in this book remain something more than a miracle. It is the presence and existence of God.

After a series of torture-related illnesses which led to paralysis of my lower limb, speech impediment, twisted mouth, visionary infection, and constant violent headache caused by the effects of the suspended torture wheel call the " balanciore", I was admitted at the Yaoundé Central Hospital under a 24-hour military guard, but the skilfulness of the "Resistant Wing" of the Southern Cameroons Youth League rescued me in 2003. I am a survival of five assassination attempts, one Russian-style poisoning and hundreds of threats to endanger my immediate family. I hail from Bechati village, Mundani in the Southern Cameroons. I now live in the State of Maryland, United States of America. I am married with children and continue the struggle to free my people from the brutal scourge of a shameful tyrannical regime.
  The Southern Cameroons Youth League (SCYL)

Glenn's Book Review
Another spectacular insight into the tragedy suffered by the people of Southern Cameroon at the hands of the Biya regime. The writers journey is a spellbinding episode of the likes one cannot survive. If for nothing else, the endurance of the human body is mind boggling amidst the tortures of Cameroon's notorious Kondengui prison in Yaounde. Alas to all the Southern Cameroonians who didn't survive the rigours of this prison. Hopefully books like this will spread the message of the inhumanities suffered by those who seek only freedom. A riveting read.

Purchase a copy of “Smiling Through Hardship” from - Click here




Prisoners of Freedom - Men of Honour
Behind the Walls of one of Africa's Most Notorious Jail: Cameroonians regularly protest (outside of Cameroon) against human rights violations suffered at the hands of the Biya regime.the Maximum Security Prison of Kondengui, Yaounde, La Republique du Cameroun since March 1997.

Plots to silence SCNC activists?
The continuous arrest and detention of SCNC leaders and activists around Cameroon is creating fears within the SCNC organization. It is feared the Government has a list of over 150 SCNC activists they must put behind bars or assassinate in a means to weaken the organization.......

Herewith a list of Southern Cameroonians, victims of illegal detentions, arrests, torture, summary executions and assassinations orchestrated by the Biya regime against Southern Cameroonians since 1990.

Police inspector, Stephen Ngu, poured kerosene on a young man suspected to have stolen a bicycle in Kumba. The young man, Weriwo, sustained third-degree burns and later died, while it was later found out that he did not steal the bicycle.

The British Betrayed Us
In response to the numerous petitions and demonstrations carried out in front of the British Embassy in Brussels by members of the Southern Cameroons National Council, SCNC, in Belgium, the British government, through the African and Commonwealth, office wrote to the SCNC distancing herself from the Southern Cameroons problem.
And now because of British betrayal Southern Cameroonians continue to suffer. La République arrests and detains SCNC militants fighting for their emancipation at will and with impunity. Recently 10 SCNC activists who had been detained for years were transferred to Bamenda, among them very old men - Philip Tete, 69, Simon Ngek Kwei, 62.


Police Brutality And Human Rights Abuse
A policeman attacked a driver for refusing to conform with the Cameroon police corrupt practice of taking bribes. The driver's window shattered when the policeman hit it with the butt of his rifle. This police brutality caused the township taxi drivers in Buea to go on strike.


Praise File # 9


Ayaba Cho Lucas,  Secretary General of the Southern Cameroon Youth League.

     Ayaba Cho Lucas was born in August, 1972, in the former German colonial reservoir - and later British failure - called Southern Cameroons. He studied chemistry in the university of Buea before his expulsion in 1995 for anti-government activities. He is currently Secretary General of the separatist movement, the Southern Cameroons Youth League (SCYL). He escaped arrest in the Cameroons in 1998, and now lives in Germany as a refugee.
Book Review  "NOT GUILTY" by Ayaba Cho Lucas

NOT GUILTY. We versus them, the experience of an African refugee. By Ayaba Cho Lucas.From the Inside Flap
Not Guilty is the journey of a black refugee through the complex and restrictive economic centre of fortress Europe as seen through the eyes of one person. It recounts my daring escape from the enemy’s seaport, spending thirty days in a ship loaded with stolen African timber, as I braved the banging and roaring waves of the Atlantic Ocean on my way into exile. Germany tried to break my will, discounted my dignity, and imprisoned me for sixteen days when I stood my ground seeking this illusion called freedom. The ship saved my life, but Germany took my dream hostage. Like millions of others who seek respite on this continent, I faced denigration from man-made laws. The instrument of oppression wasn’t limited to carefully crafted legislation like the residence obligation law. The German police, a relic of Hitler’s notorious Schutzstaffel (SS), are the most visible instrument of state oppression that refugees in general, and blacks in particular, have to face. This book relates the brutality of the German police and of the club wielding neo-Nazis angry for having lost the war. It analyses the fear and insecurity of the Europeans and the rage and brutality with which they continue to prey on their victims.

The Escape.
Read more about the Air France rescue of a Southern Cameroons deportee, the planning, fears and execution of a daring move that took 15 minutes getting me into Air France Boeing 737 and back out. Read more about this rich experience as an African refugee in a Country that holds we should be grateful for its racist and right oriented policies.
75 % of the proceeds of this book shall be put into the Southern Cameroons struggle.
Ayaba Cho Lucas - The Author, Not Guilty

Glenn's Book Review

       I purchased this book thinking I’d be reading a detailed story of tortures, Cameroon prisons, the victimisation of Southern Cameroonians at the hands of the Biya government and a nail biting escape. I quickly realised I’d misjudged when the opening chapter began with an escape plot in full swing. I wondered if the writer would digress through later chapters to his experiences as a Southern Cameroon Click here -  Southern Cameroons Youth League websiteactivist in the Republic of Cameroon. The honest & earthy prose took me on a journey that hopefully I will never take myself. Reading the story from cover to cover non-stop, I was in admiration of the human spirit and perseverance shown by the writer. I recommend this story as a must read to anyone who thinks refugees once landed in a foreign country have found their milk & honey, or to anyone thinking of taking the journey. What won me over most was the level headedness, courage and intelligence of the writer. Maybe there is hope for Cameroon in the future if this is a guide to the quality of the next generation.
My rating - Required reading.


To Purchase a copy of “Not Guilty” through - Click here



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