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Plea To The President 28/08/2003


                                                                                                                           Glenn William Wilson

                                                                                                                           Cameroon Resident Permit -102148412

                                                                                                                           Phone: (61) 400032023

                                                                                                                           28th August 2003

His Excellency, Mr. Paul Biya

President Of Cameroon, Africa.

Unity Palace, Yaounde.

C.C: See Attachment 1.


Dear Mr. President,

    My name is Glenn William Wilson, an Australian who has resided in Cameroon for over 2 years. In March 2001, I Married a Cameroonian citizen. After a 4-month sham marriage, my wife poisoned me in an attempt to steal 45,000,000cfa that I’d invested in Cameroon.

    Attempts to recover my property, have uncovered high-level corruption through the Cameroon Judicial system and some Government agencies. I have sought the return of my property by following every available means open to me in Cameroon. This has been met with numerous death threats to myself, (even from a Government Agency). My experiences through the High Court and Appeals Court can only be described as shameful, including an attempt to be run down by a vehicle in the High Court grounds. The participation of a Cameroon Bank (SGBC - Western Union) in this crime should be of great concern, including the actions taken by the bank that placed my life in serious jeopardy and it is only good fortune that I’m alive to write this. A heinous slander campaign has been run against me in the newspapers, to intimidate me into leaving your country without my possessions. At this time, genocide is the only crime that I haven’t been accused of in Cameroon. Three men brutally attacked a friend who assisted me with personal security, which almost resulted in his death, as a further warning for me to leave your country. This resulted in me protesting outside the American Embassy in Yaounde last year.

    Having exhausted all possible resources in Cameroon to retrieve my property, I’m now making this information available on an International level in the hope that those who perpetrate these crimes are held accountable and that no other foreign investor in Cameroon will have an experience similar to mine. Further information has been made available on a web site, made with the help of my family. I humbly request your intervention in this matter to see that Justice is done, that my property is returned and that Cameroon’s International reputation is tarnished no further. I look forward to receiving an update, on how your investigations into this matter proceed. Please reply using my e-mail address.


                                                                                                 Yours Faithfully

                                                                                                                  Glenn William Wilson



OPEN LETTER TO HIS EXCELLENCY - MR PAUL BIYA.                                                   28/08/2003



    My name is Glenn William Wilson, Australian passport holder – L6641600, Cameroon Resident Permit No 102148412 & Taxpayer No 9217794-S.

    It is unfortunate that I have to bring this matter to your attention and is a follow up from my previous letter dated 16th July 2002. (A copy can be viewed on the website).


    After arriving in Cameroon as a tourist in Feb 2001 a chain of events took place, resulting in a marriage to a Cameroonian in March 2001. In good faith I transferred my life’s savings to Cameroon to begin a life there, (45,000,000 cfa). The marriage was short lived due to my Cameroonian wife poisoning me in July 2001. In that short period of time (4 months), I created jobs and business opportunities for several Cameroonians and acted in a way that I could only be deemed as an asset to Cameroon. All my actions at this time have been officially documented and are available.

    After the attempts to poison me failed, I was called before Limbe State Counsel. They attempted to have me jailed & deported on false charges. It was only then that I realized that I was caught in a vicious conspiracy involving a Magistrate (See Attachment 5), SGBC bank (See Attachment 2), my wife & her family, to remove me of my life savings. I immediately made the authorities in Yaounde aware of these actions. At great concern to my family, my brother entered the country to offer me support. Some of the authorities given this information include South West Attorney General, National Security Director, Minister of Defence, Minister of the Commonwealth, Minister of Justice, Secretary General in the Presidency and the Governor’s Office in the South West Province.

Reaction & Consequence

    The matter was taken to the High Court in an attempt to receive Justice, criminal convictions, the return of my property and a divorce. My attempts to tell the truth resulted in high level corruption as I was blocked in every direction through the High Court, Appeal Court (See Attachment 3) & Investigations, so as the truth was never to be revealed. Witnesses were threatened and a Gendarme Brigade Commander who was a witness to a death threat I received was transferred out of Limbe after false accusations were made against him. The next 14 months turned into a most shameful experience, including 44 appearances at the High & Appeals Court, in a total parody of justice as these criminals, who would stop at nothing to achieve their aims, hijacked this matter, (See Attachment 4). The removal of the President of the High Court with false accusations via a fictitious witness has made a mockery of the courts. A soldier pointed a rifle at my chest and refused me entry to the bank (SGBC), as an attempt was made to steal money I transferred to Cameroon (10,000,000 cfa). Over time I became immune to death threats as I’d received so many of them, though some were very unnerving. A slander campaign was instigated by these same criminals, in either official statements or in newspapers, accusing me of being a murderer in Australia, drug trafficker, pornographist, running guns from Nigeria, that I’m an International criminal on the run from Australia, and that I have corrupted the whole Judiciary in Cameroon, also the money transferred to SGBC bank was drug money, that I’d fled from the Australian Army, plus every sick & filthy deviancy imaginable. This was done for no other reason than to instil hatred against me as a white man and intimidate me to leave your country, so these criminals could steal my hard-earned life savings. Government investigators (Territorial Surveylance) even made it very plain to me what the consequences would be in me continuing this matter, (death). In September 2002, three men viciously attacked a close friend who assisted me with personal security, as a further warning for me to leave Cameroon. Two weeks after the attack, I protested outside the American Embassy in Yaounde. I have never asked for more than the return of my property and to be divorced. No Cameroonian has contributed one franc towards these investments, which they are attempting to steal. The ongoing matter in court is up to it’s 3rd judge with any honest Cameroonian getting in the way, also falling victim. I have seen more falsified & forged documents than I could expect to see in 10 life times.


    While certain Banks and Magistrates, Judges & Lawyers seem to be immune to any of the laws and are free to act in this manner, it will always be the good and the honest citizens who suffer. I believe that it’s in the best interest of Cameroon to have this matter resolved and to send a clear message to those criminals, who do not represent the true nature of Cameroonians or the good of their country. Unfortunately, my experience is that some Cameroonians make it impossible for foreigners to bring funds or invest in the country. Nearly all the Cameroonians taking part in this shameful attempt to steal my property are from the Bayangi tribe, who have a penchant towards black magic (juju), corruption and activities that involve low moral values. I have travelled over 22,000km in Cameroon, begging & pleading for Justice and have followed every possible means available and it has all come to zero. During the two years in the Court system my health has suffered, including three bouts of malaria and Typhoid. While I was recovering in Australia during January 2003, a property that I purchased in Cameroon (Documents of title impounded by the courts) was attempted to be sold to three “Whites”. Are these three more foreign investors to share a similar experience to myself? Even if I’m forced to go to Court 100 times, it will never alter the evidences & witness’s testimony, the end result will be the same. A clear case of theft of investor’s assets by a group of shameless criminals using the Judiciary in Cameroon to achieve their goal. These criminals are now using their 4th counsel in the courts. Two law chambers refused to handle the matter, as they deemed it dirty & despicable.

    I am asking for your assistance to resolve this outstanding matter and have my property returned and a divorce granted. I am quite happy to provide any evidence necessary, to show that all I claim is the truth. Much more comprehensive information into my situation is available at a web site constructed with the help of my family & friends.


                                                                                               Yours Faithfully

                                                                                               Glenn William Wilson


-President of Cameroon, Mr. Paul Biya.

-Australian Foreign Affairs, Canberra.

-Secretary General, United Nations.

-International Court of Justice, The Hague.

-World Bank Headquarters, Washington D.C.

-International Monetary Fund, Washington D.C.

-Western Union, Corporate Headquarters.

-Société Generale, France.

-Société Generale de Banque au Cameroun, H.Q.

-African Development Bank H.Q.

-Asian Development Bank H.Q.

-International Finance Corporation, Washington D.C.

-Central Intelligence Agency, Washington D.C.

-African Union H.Q.

-Africa Recovery – United Nations.

-British Foreign & Commonwealth Office, London.

-French Foreign Affairs Ministry, Paris.

-Canadian High Commission, Yaounde.




(Société Generale de Banque au Cameroun, Limbe Branch).


    The following concerns my experience with the above banking institution. On the 14/05/01, I opened a joint bank account with my Cameroonian wife. This bank was chosen because I trusted that SGBC Bank, being an agent for Western Union who would offer some safeguard having passed the scrutiny of an Internationally recognized money Transfer Company. On this day the assistant manager (Francois Ngouania) of the bank declared that he was actually the manager. He spoke French and could only converse with my wife as I only understand the English language. It was then agreed to open a joint account to overcome these language difficulties. Unknown to myself the actual manager, Alexander Ndoumbe Lottin who spoke fluent English sat in his office just 25 metres away. This was a pre-organized scheme between the assistant manager & my wife, and all transactions were conducted in his office. The consequences of these actions set in motion a chain of events that almost ended in my death.

1) Between 23/05/01 & 06/07/01, three transfers were made into the account from Australia totalling 41,000,000 cfa.

2) Further transfers from Australia of approx 5,000,000 cfa were made through Western Union.

3) In late July 2001, I was being poisoned by my wife to gain the assets that had been purchased and the money, that she had access to at SGBC Bank through the joint bank account.

4) On the 10/08/01 with the aid of a local Magistrate (Ketuanze Jacob), my wife attempted to have me jailed & deported on false charges, leaving her free access to the remaining money in the bank, (10,000,000 cfa).

5) On the 13/08/01, when I went to SGBC bank to remove the money from the joint account, a soldier threatened me, pointing a rifle at my chest and refusing my entry to the bank. I only gained access to the bank after returning a short time later with two Barristers. I submitted to a full body & vehicle search before any transaction was allowed. I then removed the money from the joint account and placed it in a new account in my name only. A report had been made to the bank that I was carrying a dagger with the intention to kill my wife in the bank. It was only during this search in the actual Managers office that I was to meet the English-speaking manager for the 1st time.

6) Early September 01, Bank Manager Alexander Ndoumbe Lottin was offered 1,000,000cfa to divulge my new account details to opposing Barrister Eno Charles Agbor. This information is given to my Barrister, Charley Sone by Alexander Ndoumbe Lottin.

7) 13/09/01, during part of a High Court hearing in the SGBC Bank manager’s office, my new account details were made available to Barrister Eno Charles Agbor by an SGBC Bank staff member, (In front of 6 witnesses). After the Court hearing I returned to the Bank where I complained bitterly and then removed the 10,000,000 cfa from the new account.

8) 18/01/02. During an investigation by Officers of Territorial Surveyance into the incident at SGBC on the 13/08/01, Alexander Ndoumbe Lottin attempted to falsely identify one of my witnesses (in Court) as the culprit who made the accusation that I would kill my wife in the bank.

9) 31/01/02. The SGBC Assistant Bank manager (Francois Ngouania) was subpoenaed to appear at the High Court. He was a hostile witness and made totally unbelievable falsehoods in his testimony as he attempted to deny his part in the conspiracy.

10) 15/02/02. I closed the bank account, unable to have anything further to do with such an institution. (Though the account was already empty).

11) Investigations into SGBC – Western Union, Limbe branch will uncover misappropriations and loss of funds to Western Union customers.



    As a foreigner in some difficulties a long way from home, I saw no other option than to turn to the courts for the return of my property. The matter in the High Court began slowly and steadily, (20 appearances in 3 months) but once I had given 11 ½ hours of testimony and had 7 witnesses speak in support, the matter deteriorated into a most shameful hijacking of the justice system. The president of the High Court was removed from continuing to hear my matter after these criminals using a fictitious witness made false accusations of corruption against him. It was clearly understood at that time that I could prove my case for the return of my property. Continual delays saw another 24 appearances over a 9-month period that defies description, as the matter was blocked from every direction. A common means to “deal” with someone is to give them an endless court case. All my assets were impounded resulting in 13 months in court with no income. A brutal attack, that almost caused the death of a man who had supported me through this case was yet another warning for me to get out of the country. This left me with no reasonable alternative but to protest outside the American Embassy. The following are a few incidences surrounding the High Court & the Appeals Court in Cameroon.

1) Between 16/08/01 & 04/03/02, 25 Appearances were made in the High Court before Justice Teddy Misime Mokwe, (President of the High Court).

2) 11/09/01. I received several threats that on this day I would be killed at the High Court. There were three other witnesses to the threats and after an original complaint went missing, an investigation began two months later. Five months of “investigation” finally resulted in the culprit (Madam Agbor) making a statement confirming that she made the threats with the aid of Enow Ayuk. Even with all this evidence at hand the authorities refused to lay charges.

3) I made several attempts to have the impounded Taxis (2) returned to the drivers so that they could earn a living and feed their families, with the money being paid to the court. All attempts were blocked by the opposing barrister (Eno Charles Agbor) and two Cameroonian families were left shattered and starving by this callous behaviour.

4) The matter was adjourned over 50% of the time, by continual lies & delaying tactics, usually after waiting up to 4 hours at the court premises.

5) 12/12/01. Court adjourned with the courtroom in an uproar as opposing counsels accused each other of using black magic to delay the matter. Barrister Eno Charles Agbor then attempted to run my brother & I down in the High Court grounds in his 4WD in front of 20 witnesses. Complaints were lodged, but the authorities again refused to take any action.

6) On the 14/02/02, Barrister Eno Charles Agbor accused the President of the High Court of being corrupt and stormed out of court. He later files papers claiming that I have corrupted the judge, using a fictitious witness as his evidence. The matter then goes to the Appeals Court where the President of the Court & the Attorney General submit lengthy affidavit material in support of my grievances and the unprofessional abuse of the court process by Barrister Eno Charles Agbor.

7) Between 15/03/02 & 27/05/02, seven appearances are made at the Appeals court. The ruling handed down was in total contradiction to the supporting statements and the evidence available. The fictitious witness was never even asked to attend. The President of the High Court was then removed from hearing the matter. (Later he was transferred & demoted.) A junior judge, Mrs Lebong Morfaw Chibili was then assigned to the matter.

8) Before Judge Madam Chibili, the matter continues for another 11 appearances, during which the same blocking/delaying tactics are used and the matter never even gets to the first step, me giving testimony.

9) During a 6-month adjournment, I returned to Australia to regain my health, raise money and see my family. In my absence, Enow Ayuk & Barrister Eno Charles Agbor attempted to sell my compound and land, to three whites, using documents that are held by the High Court. After learning of activities involving embezzlement by the new Judges husband and her inaction during 11 months of hearing the matter, I accused her of being corrupt, as she was only party that could provide the documents for the compound and land to these criminals. I was promptly arrested. Judge Madam Chibili chose to step down from hearing the matter rather than defend her actions, or have my claims investigated.




Sadly it is the few unscrupulous lawyers who bring shame and a general poor attitude towards all in the legal profession. I can only speak of what my experience was, having been opposed by threats, thuggery, lies, theft, forged documents and lawyers who are prepared to act in any way possible to remove me of my assets and undoubtedly take my life if that was necessary. Enow Ayuk is now using her 4th Counsel. The 1st Counsel, Mr. Mbi (Solomon Chambers, Kumba) deserted after failing to have me jailed on the 10/08/01 and is responsible for drawing up forged documents when the compound was purchased on the 20/06/01. Lawyer #2, Mr. Njifack Justin of Ambilichu & associates acted only for one day on the 11/08/01. Lawyer #3, Maurice Welabi Nguemako of Nguemako Law firm, Limbe, lasted no further than writing one letter of correspondence on the 16/08/01. Lawyers #2 & #3 immediately dropped the case on learning the true nature and didn’t wish to be tainted by their involvement. Lawyer #4, Barrister Eno Charles Agbor of Eno Law Chambers is related to Enow Ayuk. Barrister Eno Charles Agbor is the current counsel and is not above using any means at his disposal to secure the theft of my property. Again, unfortunately all the incidences below are the actions of members of the Bayangi tribe.

1) 31/08/01. Barrister Eno Charles Agbor submits forged documents to the High Court in a 3,500,000cfa fraud. Affidavit material lodged by the Barrister is fraudulent. (Never to be tested).

2) 26/09/01. I learn that the Limbe Gendarme Brigade Commander who was witness to a death threat I received, and was willing to give testimony had been transferred out of Limbe after Enow Ayuk made false accusations of corruption against him. Investigations over a 4-month period reveal that the death threats came from two people related to Barrister Eno Charles Agbor. This Barrister had earlier approached the Brigade Commander requesting, “He not support the whiteman”. The Commanders willingness to testify resulted in these false accusations and his transfer.

3) Barrister Eno Charles Agbor uses a myriad of unscrupulous tactics to cause delays in the High court. Lies as to his whereabouts and non-attendance, refusing to accept Court papers, denying that he’d received court paper even though there was proof of service. These actions caused over half the Court dates to result in adjournments.

4) 03/11/01. Barrister Eno Charles Agbor attempts to have a newspaper article printed, stating that I’m seeking out traditional doctors (Witchdoctors) to kill Enow Ayuk.

5) 13/12/01. Barrister Eno Charles Agbor attempts to run my brother and I down with his 4WD in the High Court grounds. It was witnessed by over 20 people (mostly lawyers & court staff). Though a complaint was lodged, again the authorities refused to take any action.

6) 14/02/02. Barrister Eno Charles Agbor accuses the judge (President of the High Court – Teddy Misime Mokwe) of being corrupt and stormed out of the court after being brought to task about his unscrupulous behaviour and delaying tactics.

7) 04/03/02. Barrister Eno Charles Agbor submits a petition recusing the judge of corruption, using a fictitious witness as the basis for his accusations.

8) 22/10/02. Two days after I return to Australia during a 6-month adjournment, Barrister Eno Charles Agbor draws up papers claiming ownership of my compound by his client and threatens legal action against the tenant (Special Branch Police Commissioner – Nkouah Alex Ekoma) with a notice to quit from the Limbe Court of 1st Instance This fraudulent act saw Barrister Agbor receive rent of approx 500,000cfa. An attempt was then made to sell the compound to three whites with documents that are held by Judge Madam Chibili in the High Court.




                    (Deputy State Counsel, Limbe – Magistrate Ketuanze Jacob)

                    1) 10/08/01. Using his position as a town magistrate, Ketuanze Jacob conspired with Enow Ayuk to have me jailed                      & deported on false charges. All copies of these false accusations (three pages – two copies) have gone missing                     from the State Counsel Office.

2) 18/11/01. Ketuanze releases a suspect held by the police over the SGBC bank incident, (Robert Agbor Toko) before the SGBC Bank manager can identify him. Agbor tells all at the Police station “No one can touch him as he has the protection of Ketuanze Jacob”. Agbor Toko has a history as Ketuanze’s “bagman”, collecting money for Ketuanze’s deals.

3) 24/05/02. Ketuanze Jacob appears at the Appeals Court, holding my case file on the day that the ruling is to be handed down, over the accusations of corruption against the President of the High Court. Ketuanze corrupted the Appeals court and the matter was adjourned. Three days later a ruling is given removing the President of the Court from continuing to hear my case.

4) 09/11/01. Enow Ayuk travels to Yaounde with the Chief of Territorial Surveylance in an attempt to divert the matter in court and is seen in the Offices of the Prime Minister.

5) 18/01/02. During an investigation by the Chief Of Territorial Surveylance & three of his officers, two witnesses who supported my case in court were threatened with jail and I’m warned that I could be killed if I pursue the matter. The officers ruined the investigations already conducted by other authorities. The offices of the Governor instigated this investigation.

6) 05/11/01. During a meeting with the Attorney General, we pass on reports that Enow Ayuk & an accomplice (Eugene Kankou) intended to flee the country. An arrest warrant is issued for Eugene Kankou as he has vital testimony into the planning of the theft and the structure of the crime. Kankou remained in hiding for three months despite our best efforts to have him detained. I am aware that he has now managed to leave the country and is hiding in Europe.

7) Though some of the Gendarmes & Police acted in a very honourable way, it only takes one person in the chain to act dishonestly. Each time a tribesperson of Enow Ayuk (Bayangi) handled the matters it was inevitably derailed.



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