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"After The Rain, Comes A Rainbow"
Sunday, 1 August 2004
?X >???RI?I?? R ME@?? ?? HUR?< X?
Mood:  not sure
Now Playing: "The Last Song" by The All-American Rejects
Somehing fun happened today, lol i kinda....passed out for my first time in my life!!! It was the king Shit, by the way, noone knows bout this, well maybe i should start from the beginning!!
Well it was around 1am when i got home from El Paso, TX. i was over there with my 2 cousins. now when i got home, i was talking to someone and something came up, hum... i really dont want to go itno detail, but someone needed cash, iso i had to sneak out of my house and PUSH my car out of the house, and yeah i know im not supposed to be doing this, but i really wanted to do this, i mean this person would have dont the same thing for me!!! so yeah i pushed with all that i had because my bak yard is downhill so i had to push uphill!! so finnaly i got it done, and yeah my shoulder started hurting pretty bad!! well ne wayz i went and deliverred the money!! and i was fukin tired, exhausted and dying but i dint kare, thiws person deserves this actions and much much more!!! but yeha, well i got home and noone had foundout!! i got to my room and i strated to check my e-mailm when i started feeling very dizzy!! my vision started bluring and then..... shit i was opening my eyes!! i was on the flor and i had a terible nose-bleed. it stopped like 10 mins later and i was feeling weak. so i decided i waws gonna go to slep and the the fukin nosebleed started again! well eventually it stoped and i went to sleep. now if i fuked up my arm i might gt surgery!! but shit do u think that a very good action might need sacrifices?? and do u hink i really colapsed or i dont remember what happend but it wasnt that??BABY I MISS U!!!PLZ CALL ME!! Wel dude im fukin weak so ill just go to sleep. hope u like this!!!

Posted by dc2/dave_christy12 at 3:31 AM PDT
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Thursday, 29 July 2004
?> ??R U ??K!? ?E?I?U???
Mood:  accident prone
Now Playing: "Dive Right In" by Story Of The Year
Ello again!! Well i came from the Doc today, i had an appointment regarding my freakin shoulder injury!!! and well i thought it had gotten better that i even stoped using my brace thingy (sling). Well i got to the Doc, and he shecked me out, well he sts down and tells me.... "look this is ur healthy muscle: IIIIIIII, now this is ur muscle right now, III, if u loose that last bit of muscle that is barely holding there u arre going to have surgery and u will never heal!!'' now what a releif!! to tell u the truth im fukin pist and kinda scared!!! specially becasue i cant move my arm at all for at least 1 week, and he prohibited me frm going to work. my dad got very mad becasue i cant work and he told me i wasnt good for shit, but if u ask me or anyone that knows me well, my dad can go $#$!&#%* a dog!! Im tired of this shit, the only reason why my muscle got more fuked up was because i went to work when i wasnt suppoed to becasue my dad asked me to, and now instead of being kool, he fukin tells me off!! fuk him. now thats not all, i had to gt x-rays of all my spine because the Doc found something wrong there too, so im like fukin nose-diving into perdition, if it wasnt for my *Baby* and her family including my lil sis BURNA!! that keeps me going, i dont know where i would be right now. now shit happens and now im fukin typping with one hand!! now once again i get to ask "?'s".
What is it that might dad thinks, i mean i cant exactly get him happy? do u think ill be able to heal or do u think im gonna end up getting surgery, and be honest? what should i do when i cant fukin take the pain, overdoe on tylenol?? well give me ur feed bak, and im sorry cuz i haden posted for a while, but i was having technical dificulties!! *BABY* I Miss u (K) i hope i can be in ur arms soon, thanxz for taking care of me!! XOXO!! LATES PEEPS!!

Posted by dc2/dave_christy12 at 9:24 PM PDT
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Sunday, 25 July 2004
?~2 MY ?E?U?I?UL ?@?Y!!!!!~?
Mood:  special
?WhE? I ?L??E MY EYE??
When I Close my eyes,
i cant stop thinking of u,
u make my life complete.
i Receive what i give,
there is no day i don't smile with u,
and its when i close my eyes,
that i see u most clearly,
because its what u give me from within,
that makes me turn my head towards u,
and from this moment i tell u,
that everything i do,
i do it for u.
my world don't revolve around u,
it revolves with u.
you've told me that u've never been happier,
and i believe u with all my might,
because it is u who made it possible,
for believing in this 'lil crazy fool.
who for you would give his life.
i know anyone can say this,
but not anyone has so much desire to love,
it might have been all harsh before,
but it is you who changed that feeling.
i thanx u for being with me,
and i thanx u for being for me.
baby, I Love U and I Miss U,
and I'm here to be yours forever!!
Significant D
this poem was created for my Baby, *Christina*. i really hope she likes it and i want her to know that i really adore her! I know any guy can come and say this things to a gurl, but not everyone has gone through what i have. so plz i ask u not to judge me until you know me inside out. Baby, i really hope u like this, and remember that i am here to be your and ONLY urs. i am no one to hurt u or make u unhappy. so until i die or i am killed , then i will have that mentality towards u. take kare baby and remember that i love u and that i am here for u and only in ur arms i belong. now i know this is for my Baby, but it still gots "?'s"
>>>>>Do you believe that i can really make this gurl happy? do u think that love is only love, if u receive it once u give it? and last but not least, will anyone try to get between this awesome relationship?? so long and so far, God Bless all of u and take kare!!

Posted by dc2/dave_christy12 at 12:10 AM PDT
Updated: Sunday, 25 July 2004 12:16 AM PDT
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Thursday, 22 July 2004
? I H??E ?EINg H?N?ICAPE?!!!!!?
Mood:  accident prone
OUCH!! Hello known and anonymous audience!! Hows everyone doin? Well im ok i guess, i just came back from da Doc!! i Freaking ripped a muscle and it hurts like mudder, i had never felt so much pain, it even hurts to fukin breath!! ne-ways maybe i should start from teh beggining!!
on tuesday i went to Las Cruces, New Mexico to register in school and we went to eat at Applebee's so I ordered some baby-back ribs and during the night i started feeling sicky!! the next morning i had to work at 5:30am with my dad and i was feeling nauseas and i wanted to thrwo up very badly so i didnt eat anything all-day. it was around 1:30pm when my dad sent me home becasue he was worried. for the first time i didnt actually feel like leaving work sick but my dad made me. i lay on my bad and i fell asleep. i finally woke up round 6pm and i took a shower. i drank some rehidrating shit just in case i was dehidrating and i decided to go shoot my bow for a while. well i was shooting pretty good for about 15 times when i felt like my shoulder was stressing, i kept pulling backwhen suddenly RIIIIIP!!! an awful ripping sound and a FUKIN PAIN FROM HELL!!! my arm lost complete strength and i decided to stop shooting, but it was too late!! ne-ways i still didnt know what was wrong but i knew it hurt like a BITCH!!! so i decided to ask the expert, my gurls father!! he said i had ripped a muscle and that i should stop shooting for at least a month! well i didnt really wanted to believe so i went to sleep thinking it would go away by the morning, BUT, DID IT??? HELL NO it actually got worse! i couldnt even take my shirt off that early morning!! it hurt to breath, to laugh, to stretch, i was really worried, so i told my dad i was goin to work becasue i was gonna go to the hospital! so i called my gurl to tell her i was going to the Doc and her mother actually let her go with me. Well we went and i finaly was seen by my Doc, doctor Koury!! i told him the story, he checked my back and found out that i had a ripped muscle!! he said that i almost had to get surgery becasue it was vbery mest up, but dont tell *Christina* because she will be worried! but yeah i got really messed up, i cant really do a lot of movement and i should be working for 2 weeks, but.... well im going to work 2morrow!! lol i know, i know i shouldnt but i have to help my dad! and plus the more i use it carefully, the healthier it gets!! or at least i hope it does!! but the doc did said i should be in bed for at least a week but again no one knows that!! LoL OUCH damn it hurts!! oh yeah the pills that i was prescribed make me act freaking HIgh, oh and remember, its not HOW HIGH ARE YOU? but HI HOW ARE YOU!! LoL well yeah.
DAmn sorry this one was kinda long!! but lol one more time!! The freaking "?'s" LoL. How long do you give it before *Christina* find out bout this? also, my dad wants to take my bow away, not because he is mean but because he is worried, do u think that is right? and how long do u think i t will be till i shoot again, and im not saying how long till i heal but till i shoot?? now last but not least Do u think i will be able to shoot my first deer this "Tunting" season??? Well so long, and i hope u hope i feel better LOL!!! laters, oh yeah and thanxz for calling and checking how im doing~!~!~!~! LoL J/K!!

Posted by dc2/dave_christy12 at 7:19 PM PDT
Updated: Thursday, 22 July 2004 7:23 PM PDT
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Friday, 16 July 2004
?{??Lk!n I? ?a?!er!!!!!}?
Mood:  incredulous
Now Playing: "Perfect" by Simple Plan
WOW, this last few days had gone worst than bad, faster than quick!! I Had been arguing with my dad worst than i would ever imgine!! it was like HELL ON EARTH or something. Now off all freakin answers and tips that peepswould give me, i never tought my "Suegro" would have the best one!! i eventually talked to my dad and everything is going much better, now the only prob is that im kinda under rules again and not completely free like i used to be!! now to the questions>>> Would u trade complete freedome for happines with ur dad? even if it cost a lot of time with ur loved one?

Posted by dc2/dave_christy12 at 10:34 PM PDT
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Friday, 9 July 2004
?!Wh?? EvEr!?
Mood:  on fire
Now Playing: ??X?|????ION!!!?
OK, OK, OK!! I'm kinda tired of this vicious circle. so i decided to make this post a...."Special Collectors Edition". This post was done to explain any misunderstandings or just plain bullshit that originated from this site! da fact is that it all started from that second post that WAS INTENDED FOR MY GURLFRIEND!!! the story was just meant to build some suspense so i could ask the freakin questions!!! now with that i supposedly lighted a fuse. it wasn't until somehow, HINT* HINT*, i was brought bak up. now i don't really care but after a small incident i was not treated "correctly", now i could be making this up, but to my luck i kinda... recorded the conversation. the fact is that lead me into posting the "I don't Get IT" post. now stupid me, i could have just dropped it. but no i wasn't going to let my pride be stepped on. i had done nothing too bad. i admit i was irresponsible with a certain artifact but it wasn't that big of a deal to cause such commotion. that stupid post then became the second part of a vicious circle. To top it off, "anonymous person" commented to that same post. that comment was filled with hate and anger. i don't blame this person, i wasn't exactly being the nicest person, but the fact is that it had a lot of plain BULLSHIT** in it. which made me even hotter that i went at it a little harder. now i do admit that i posted a lot of bad-shit but the fact is that none of it was false. i don't just talk to talk, i like to get points across. now, i guess it got TOO hot because the vicious circle was called quits on!! now, after it was agreed to be the end, i still get a couple of other comments. i don't know what to think, but the fact is that it seems to me like IT WANTS TO KEEP GOING!! now, i could keep it goin, but what for, so i get more "CALLS". nah I'm kool. i do want to clarify that i didn't text shit!! now that i swear on my mother's grave and i cross my heart- hope to die!! Now to close this little segment off, i just want to say that this was all childsplay! starting from the , i don't see the reason why it turned into a family issue. also, i think "PERSONAL" means private, or intimate and if its MY privacy i think i gots the right to do what i feel with it. i mean, shit its not like I'm asking ne-one to give me the money to pay for this web-log!! now last, and more important!! i want to to "anonymous parents" for any bad emotions i might have caused in you, and also most importantly, to my Gurlfriend Christina because she was dragged into this without even knowing. You deserve something very great BaBy and I'm gonna do whats possible to achieve that!!! now to this, i don't know if ill get any comments, but, don't U THINK THAT I SAID IN HERE IS TRUE??!! because if you don't, u either hate me or are on "the other side"!! but WhatEver!! shit happens and now it stopped! Finally! I HOPE IT STAYS LIKE THIS!! CHILL and Peace Out!! XOXO BABY!!

Posted by dc2/dave_christy12 at 12:09 AM PDT
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Friday, 2 July 2004
Mood:  silly
LMAO(Laughing My AXX Off) That was incredible..y stupid!! I Mean "La Famosa" (Famous), 1st of all that name had never ever been heard on this weblog, or even the internet!!!! 2nd who in the world thinks she's famous, i admit it i likED the girl, but wow, wow, wow!!! FAMOUS??? LoL what-ever look, i dont like to talk crap behind anyones bak, but i know she has been reading and chekin for this post, cuz she thinks im gonna talk shit!!! LoL well sorry to dissapoint u all! but i have somethin.. somethin special, and even though ur probably thinkin bout *Christina*, i was talking about MORALS!! haha ever heard of those. oh and someone mentioned something bout white being for the *PURE* ONLY!!, lol what ever that meant(Well i don know what that meant.) wink wink** LoL. the fact is AMERICA is a free land and peeps get to do what ever they want, even that!!! LoL bout the bracelet, thanxs bout letting me keep my cash cuz i thought it would have been crazy if u really expected me to do it. but plz dont get rid of my calculator because im gonna need that for college!! oh and ask him if he knows what college is? lol
changing the sub.. look, all i wanted was to let everyone be happy, (well after i was happy with what i did, LOL) but the fact is that we all know the real story , no matter how much we wanna bend it, cut it, hide it, or erase it, the real story has been heard. i have nothing to hide because at least i accept it. i had something for her, but shit el amor no se acaba se cansa and fcuk me if im wrong but that was pretty tirying. now i found something rock-solid, no stale spots. and of course no secrets. i accept it i was dumb enough to play by the rules, but she claims she got what she wanted, well that was some weird wish. but whatever im just human. and bout the request on my little nephew. lol the only name he remebers now is "Chitina" and thats because lo que bien se aprende no se olvida!! but i dont make teh rules, well as a matter of fact i dont play by rules , i play by facts!! and thats that!! I'm happy now, and i hope everyone else is too. i have nothign to ask for(well my calculator, but thats it) and nothing to talk bout. well maybe da fact that i met someone that likes me as much as i like her, and thats how its meant to be!! oh yeah and theres not more then 2 peeps in this relationship, lol im sorry but i think u messed with the wrong guy, specially because i had not done nething bad to u!! but hey hope he likes to be part of the vicious circle!!! tell him i said good luck!! and im serious bout that!!
well down to the sickness again, i guess now im a loser becasue im doing this blog thing, but hey i like to be a losser becase loosers ROCK!! huh baby!! LoL but the fact is, that this last post wasnt ments for everyone becasue there is a lot of inside shit, but if u know what im talking bout give me a..... shit a D!! or maybe a HURRA!! LoL take kare guys and give me ur opiinion on this post too!! oh wait its not an opinion, its what im gonna do becasue its gonna be the answer to my problems!! WoW, peeps get ur head out of the.... YEAH!! LoL

Posted by dc2/dave_christy12 at 2:15 AM PDT
Updated: Friday, 2 July 2004 2:19 AM PDT
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Tuesday, 22 June 2004
Mood:  not sure
Well..Well..Well, remember that one gurl that fcuked up pretty bad?? well guess what, she's still not happy. i don't know what the fcuk i did but she is still telling me off. i mean cant they just let me be happy. i freakin stop talking to a lot of peeps because i wanted to stay away from her freakin life like she told me. Now im freakin happy with *Christina* and i mean common this is just like... well best not get into that story. but the fact is that she is still hating me , and i have nothing agaisnt her, common i even kept her "anonymous" on this freakin page. LoL well some peeps already know who she is and the real story of what she did to me. i know i know a lot of you good peole might know the other story , the one that makes me da bad person. well let me ask u to tell her to tell you teh real story. I dont have anything agaisnt ne body. but im sick and tired of this peeps not letting me be out of their lives.. and if she wants that freakin bracelet so bad, ill freakin give her the money so she can go buy one!!! NE-Wayz. best go directly to the freakin questions!!
Give me your opinion on this case? and also dont you think i did enough by freakin staying out of her life, i mean isnt that what she wanted in the first place? by the way, I MISS U BABY!!! (Christina)

Posted by dc2/dave_christy12 at 10:39 PM PDT
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Wednesday, 16 June 2004
The Blood in my Veins
The Black blood,
Oozes out,
Through the Wounds,
I inflicted on my chest,
The Pain is Horrendous,
But it?s this suffering,
That will cure me,
As I feel the poison,
Entering my blood stream,
The pain eases,
A heart-beat at a time,
This Poison is Pure and Clear,
I can See the shine,
That it leaves behind,
I Can feel the burn,
That this poison is Causing,
It makes me yell,
Where is this leading?
Where will this take me?
I don?t know,
I don?t care,
The poison is feeding my soul,
I can see as my spirit reawakens,
I have a lot to Wonder,
But there is no time now,
There is only time,
For this poison to keep flowing,
I Will keep it going,
Until my heart is filled by this poison.
Significant D

WHat do u thin the meaning to this poeam is?

Posted by dc2/dave_christy12 at 3:09 PM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, 16 June 2004 5:46 PM PDT
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Monday, 14 June 2004
This one is dedicated for all those who hate me or jst want to tell me off. im givving you your own personal log so u can tell me off all u want or give negative comments. well tell me off, get happy, or live with it!!!

Posted by dc2/dave_christy12 at 6:06 PM PDT
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